The Inquiry - 40

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I took a deep breath, then knocked several times on the door to Mr. Cytheria's study in the Manor. This was going to work.

"Come in," Aphry's father said from the other side.

Turning the handle and opening the door, I entered. I'd rarely needed to go into the room, so I looked around slightly as I entered. The room's layout was nearly identical to my father's. The only difference was the light and bright color scheme resembling the Cytheria estate more closely than the Malfoy manor.

Mr. Cytheria looked up from his work and to me over the frames of his reading glasses. His eyebrows raised with curiosity as I walked toward him. "Draco? I'm surprised to see you in here." He said, placing his quill in its inkwell.

I placed my hands behind my back and straightened my spine. Considering the relationship between our two families, I hardly kept this level of formality toward him. However, at this time, and for this conversation, it felt appropriate. I had a slight smile to appear cordial. "Mr. Cytheria, I was hoping to discuss a very important matter with you."

His eyebrow furrowed. "And this is not something your father could help you with?"

"I'm afraid not," I responded assuredly.

Taking off his glasses and laying them on his desk, he nodded. "Alright. What can I do for you, Draco?"

I took another deep breath, "Mr. Cytheria, I would like permission to court your daughter."

His lip tilted in the faint hint of a smile. This was working. "To court her?" He sounded like I told him a joke, was my question amusing? 

"Yes, sir. Aphrodite told me that you forbade her. And after seeing that photo of us in the Prophet over the summer, I assumed that might be the reason, and I completely understand. I want you to know that I have nothing but respectful intentions with her. I thought if I spoke with you directly and got your blessing, you might feel differently."

He took a deep breath. He then looked me in the eye, almost apologetically. "That has little to do with my decision. I'm sorry Draco, but I'm going to have to say no."

I swear I heard a record scratched somewhere nearby. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I can't allow you to date my daughter, Draco."

"Why?" I said forcefully, unable to control my change of tone. Why was this not working?

He stood up and made his way around the desk while muttering under his breath something along the lines of, "I should have expected this." Then he looked me directly in the eye. "I wish I could fully explain, Draco, but unfortunately I cannot. I hope you'll understand in due time, though. That's all I can say."

"But I don't understand. This is the most logical match considering our families' relationship!" I said to him.

He chuckled. "And that might be something to consider if this was a proposal for marriage. And even in that regard, Aphrodite would obviously have a say on the issue." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Draco, I am not trying to take this lightly. I understand how important this is to you at this age. And I respect you asking permission, but I have to respectfully decline."

I had one final idea to try to convince him, and he was going to make me have to use it. "Sir, There's another reason I am being so insistent that's been concerning me... Aphrodite seems to have taken an interest in Harry Potter."

His brow furrowed, obviously concerned. "Harry Potter? The Harry Potter?"

I nodded. "Yes. And with Sirius Black at large and the rumors he's been able to breach the castle, I can only assume he intends to look for Potter... I'm worried she might get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had hoped a relationship with me might dissuade her from spending so much time with him."

Mr. Cytheria looked perplexed as he thought. "My answer is still no, Draco. But... Please help keep an eye out for her?"

I realized I had exhausted all the reasons I had prepared and still failed. And I couldn't ask my father to intervene, as I usually did when I want something. I nodded curtly and responded with a  "Yes, sir," then stalked and began heading out.

"Draco, can you please find Aphrodite for me and tell her that I'd like to see her?" Mr. Cytheria said before I exited. I nodded to him as I exited.


I was curled up on a chair in the library, engulfed in a book. At the pace I was going, I was going to need to purchase an entirely new series to read before heading back to school.

The library doors opened, and I looked up to see Draco at the entrance.

He walked over to me, "Your father is looking for you," he said curtly. "He's in his study."

I looked up at him. "You didn't seriously as him for permission to date me, did you?"

Draco paused. "How did you..."

"You never go into my father's study, Draco," I said, closing my book. He hesitated a second but nodded in admittance. I gave him a teasing smile as I stood and began folding up the blanket I had over me. "And what did he say?" His scowl and aversion from my eyes were all the confirmation I needed. "I told you, Draco!" I said, hitting him with the small lumbar pillow that I placed in the chair.

"I still don't understand why," he said pensively.

"I'm sure he has his reasons," I responded. I trusted my father more than anyone in this world, so there had to be a logical explanation. "I better go see what he needs. Don't want to keep him waiting."

I went to take a step past Draco, but he gently grabbed my wrist. The look in his eye was the most vulnerable and sincere I'd seen him in ages. "What if he'd said yes?"

"He didn't Draco..."

"But what if he did, Aphrodite? Would you have dated me?"

I  looked away to avoid the intensity of his stare. "I'm not sure. Our friendship's been rocky enough as it is this since the school year started."

"So no?" he asked, his voice ever so slightly edged with anger.

"I'd have to think about it," I responded. "Either way it doesn't matter. Now I need to get to my father since he's waiting on me."

I tug lightly to remove my arm from Draco's grasp and headed toward my father's study. Once I approached,  I knocked as I entered. "Father? Draco said you asked for me?"

He took and rounded his desk as I approached him. "Yes, dear. Draco mentioned something that concerned me, and I want to discuss it with you."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Yes? What is it?"

"What is your relationship with Harry Potter?"

I crossed my arms, knowing Draco probably paint some pictures of me in imminent danger at Harry Potter's hand. "I'm sure Draco exaggerated the truth. We're just friends, father. And I'm being careful, I promise. I know the propensity he has to get caught in sticky situations."

My father smiled brightly. "That's all I needed to hear dear. Just be careful."

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