Budding - 24

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We stood outside the main doors to the ballroom as the event coordinator went inside.

I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling nervous that the attention of a hundred guests would soon be turned to me.

"You nervous?" Draco asked, looking at the door.

I smoothed out nonexistent wrinkles on my dress. "Of course not," I lied, staring at the same door.

He chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked, the irritation evident in my voice.

Patting the hand on my arm, I sensed him turning his head. I turned mine to meet his grey-blue eyes. "You need me at all tonight, I will be there." I took notice of how his boyish features were starting to fade, and the decorum we had been brought to have as influential families among wizarding society made him seem charming (when he was practicing it, of course).

I smiled, feeling a light blush. "Thank you, Draco."

He smirked, and needlessly smoothed his slicked-back hair before facing forward once again to wait for our cue.

Just then, my father's voice boomed over the crowd. "Ladies and Gentleman, if I might have your attention." The roar of the party guests quited down. "Thank you all so much for coming. A little over thirteen years ago, my late wife Persephone and I welcome a beautiful daughter into our family. Less than a week later, my closest friend Lucius and his wife Narcissa welcomed a handsome son. Today, we celebrate them. If you would, please help me welcome our guests of honor: Aphrodite Persephone Cytheria and Draco Lucius Malfoy."

I made sure my smile was bright as I walked before the doors opened and we walked through, standing at the edge of the short staircase leading into the ballroom. The crowd applauded, all looking at us. I removed my hand from Draco's arm as we parted by a few feet. He gave a bow toward the crowd as I curtseyed.

My father moved to stand to my right, and to Draco's left stood his mother, then his father. A reception line formed as guests came up to greet us.

"Minister Fudge. Thank for you making the time to come..."

"Mr. Nott. Theodore. Always a pleasure..."

"Mr. Crouch. Nice to see you..."

After greeting every guest my cheeks started to hurt from smiling, and my hunger rose. We sat for dinner and ate, fielding questions from our guests, which mostly involved school. Draco and I sat across from each other. I bragged to our guests about him being Slytherin's primary seeker, while he complimented my proficiency at potions.

After dinner was finished, the floor was to be opened to dancing. But first, Draco and I were expected to have the first dance.

"Do you think we should have had more practice?" I said, my hand at the crook of his elbow as we walked to the center of the ballroom.

"You have no need to worry. We've practiced plenty. Just follow my lead," he said, and we stopped in the center.

The song started, and Draco and I separated, facing each other. He bowed to me as I curtsied to him, then he took my waist as I rested my hand on his shoulder. I followed his lead as he led me in circles around the dancefloor.

I smiled, relaxing as muscle memory kicked in. "See, I told you. You're doing just fine," he said with a smirk.

"I know. You're right," I said with a small smile. "It's just our first formal event. I'm worried I'll trip or say something impolite..."

"You're a Cytheria," he said stoically. "You were bred and trained for this life of formality. Just like I have. And might I say, you are a natural."

I give a light laugh, "Do you really think so?"

"Oh, yes, Miss Cytheria." He said with a slight smirk. "You were brilliant and charming at dinner. Everyone loved you."

I smiled gently as well. "You didn't do bad yourself, Malfoy."

He chuckled, looking out at the perimeter of the room, then back to me. "I'm going to spin you now."

My eyes widened. "Draco, we didn't practice..."

It was too late to protest. Draco dropped his hand from my waist, so I did from his shoulder. He lifted his other arm, as I twirled around. My gown lifted around me in a cloud of blue. The crowd watching erupted into a mixture of sighs and claps.

I returned to face Draco with a full, satisfied smirk on his lips. "Now what were you saying?"

The breath I was holding escaped my lips. "You're lucky that turned out well."

"Or maybe I just know my partner well enough."

The song ended in a gentle decrescendo, and the two of us once again parted with a curtsy and bow. The crowd again clapped politely. Another song started, and other couples crowded the dance floor as we exited.

We approached our parents, who were all standing together.

Narcissa was the first to speak. "You two did lovely! Now, I am certain you want to spend some time with your friends." We nodded to her. "Go ahead. We will collect you to present your cakes in a little while."

Draco grabbed my hand, guiding me through the room and wasting no time trying to find our friends. It did not take long as Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, and Zabini, as well as Daphne and Pansy, were all together.

I complimented all the girl's dresses, and they admired mine up close. It was our first formal event for all of us, so we were not used to seeing each other dressed so nicely.

After a few moments, we merged into separate groups, the boys and girls. The girls telling me stories of how their first week of summer was already going.

"Hey, Aphrodite," I heard after a little while. I turned from the group of girls to the boys to see Nott. He had a half-cocked smiled, and he knew he looked handsome with his dark hair threatening to fall in his eyes. "You look good."

I smiled, blushing at the attention. "Thank you, Theodore," I said, then turned back to the girls. "Now what were you saying, Pansy?"

Pansy didn't react at first, though. She and Daphne were looking behind me, then at each other.

"What is it?" I said, starting to turn.

"Don't," Daphne said as she grabbed my arm, then leaned closer. "Draco looks furious."

"I don't think he liked Theo saying that," Pansy whispered. She turned to me with a smirk. "Is something going on between you and Draco?"

Catching onto what she was saying, I blurted, "No!"

Pansy and Daphne looked at each other, mischief gleaming into their eyes. "That was too fast," Daphne said.

"Something is totally going on," Pansy said, a light squeel in her voice.

"But there's not!" I said.

"Draco, Aphrodite, " The voice of Narcissa said nearby, interrupting the two groups. "Time for cake."

Draco and I separated from the groups and followed her.

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