Cursed - 149

370 9 11


I entered the Room of Requirement on Saturday morning just before I left to go to Hogsmeade. Draco and I hadn't seen each other, and it seemed he'd gotten up as early as possible to continue work on the cabinet. I understood and appreciated his diligence. The quicker his task was completed, the better. But regardless, there was a small part of my conscious that held jealousy for the chunk of magical wood and the obligation that dominated his time. It didn't help that I was constantly putting my occlumency to use, amplifying my emotions anytime I wasn't actively practicing it.

Approaching him from behind, I heard him repeating the chant that he had repeated countless times since the start of term. "Harmonia Nectere Passus." The door of the cabinet creaked open, then closed. "Harmonia Nectere Passus." Open, close. "Harmonia Nectere Passus."

"Draco?" I said softly as the door screeched, protesting to being opened once again. I was hoping not to startle him. He seemed so focused.

He stopped his routine, leaving the door open as he turned. His eyes gave away the lack of sleep that he was getting. They were dark underneath, pulling down his features and making him look like a dead man walking. It was honestly concerning to me, but there was only so much I could do to convince him to sleep and eat. 

The corners of his lips lifted subtly, bringing a touch of light to his eyes and alleviating my worry mildly. "Aphry. Are you girls about to leave?"

I nodded. Since Draco couldn't come to Hogsmeade with me due to his detention, I opted to go with Daphne and Pansy instead. "I just wanted to say goodbye first."

He smirked, putting his wand down on a nearby dresser that was missing several handles and a drawer. "You are much too far away for a proper goodbye, dear," He said before taking several long, purposeful strides toward me.

An uncontainable grin set itself on my lips but was quickly overtaken by Draco's kiss. In the blink of an eye, he had one hand securely wrapped around my waist. The other tucked under my canopy of curls, fingers tangling in the locks near the nape of my neck.

I sighed softly, surrendering to his lips and kissing back as I leaned into him. As soon as I molded into him, his tongue sought entrance into my mouth and entwined with my own in a heated dance. My arms wrapped around him, desperate to hold him close.

"Mmm, You had strawberry jam at breakfast, didn't you, love?" he said between kisses, tasting the subtle hints of it that lingered lips. I hummed in confirmation. "Delicious."

He gripped at my locks in his hands, coaxing my head back. His lips moved to place a kiss at the corner of my mouth, then my jaw, then down my neck. He hesitated where my blood pulsed, smirking against my skin like a vampire about to feast. Then, he opened his mouth against my neck, nibbling and sucking on my sensitive flesh. The pleasant sensation drew a small whimper of pleasure from me and caused my knees to give way. Draco's grip tightened to keep me from sinking to the ground.

"I should be going," I said reluctantly. "Daph and Pansy are waiting on me," I reminded him.

A deep chuckle reverberated against my throat. "What a shame," he said. He gave my waist another quick squeeze and then loosened his hold on me, ensuring I had my footing.

 I went over to the mirror, checking that I didn't look too disheveled. My makeup was light and I hadn't worn bold lipstick, so I was okay there. Draco never touched the outside curls, so outside of a smidge more volume, my hair looked fine.

My head tilted back, lifting my hands to my neck to see if he'd left one of the dark marks that Pansy and the other girls in the dorm seemed to come back with after a particularly wild night of snogging. I was surprised to find the spot only a touch pink that I was sure would return to normal quickly.

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