Dark Mark - 121

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The ball went about as well as I'd hoped. Draco and I went through the motions. I was a grateful and graceful host to my guests. I danced with the other escorts, as tradition dictated. And I even made a speech to my fellow debutantes wishing them well in their transitions into adulthood. All while Draco played the part of escort flawlessly. 

It was the most insincere I'd felt in my entire life. But once the guests went home, Bellatrix and Narcissa raved about how well the night went off, so I guess I did well enough.

To be honest, the best part was when Draco and I finally sloughed off to bed. Draco had his coat in his hand, slung over his shoulder. He stopped at my door, and I turned to him. "Thank you," I said.

His brow furrowed. "What for?"

"For being there for me tonight. You made me feel... less alone." I was being sincere. Although we were miserable for different reasons, we were miserable together.

A tired half-smile pulled at his lips. "I'm here for you. Anytime."

Now that the stress of the evening was over, those few words made my heart skip a beat. I hoped he couldn't see my blush in the dimly lit corridor. 

We said our goodnights and went into my bedroom, where I quickly got changed into a nightgown and went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up late. Which was planned for, considering the late hour we went to bed. I got dressed in a light rose sundress, finally putting on my constantly freezing necklace once again, and left my room to head down to a late breakfast.

When I got there, Father, Narcissa, and Draco were all eating, and I joined them. Thankfully, there were no surprise articles in the society section this time. The Prophet wouldn't dare to allow the ball to be featured for the same reason so many others declined the invitation. Since the original days of the ball were meant to ensure blood purity, attending such an event during such a war felt counterintuitive to those whose ideals did not align.

We ate quietly, as we'd all had a long night, and our parents were well aware of Draco's and my bitter moods lately. 

That silence, however, didn't last long once Bellatrix strode into the family dining room with her nose in the air. Standing at the head of the table opposite my father, she cleared her throat loudly. Once everyone's attention was on her, she said, "The Dark Lord's ready."

I heard Narcissa cough on the tea she was drinking, and my head turned to her. "S-so soon?" She asked. I didn't like that look of fear in her eye.

Bellatrix looked offended. "What did you expect, Cissy? You convinced him to wait until after the ball. It's now after the ball. I'm honestly surprised he didn't do it immediately after."

Narcissa slowly set down her teacup, nodding. Her skin looked paler than usual as she turned to Draco. "I suppose we better get going."

"I suggest using floo. Directly into your drawing room. He's waiting." Bellatrix said, the statement sounding more like an order.

Draco's face was unreadable as he gave his mother a curt nod. The two stood, quietly, and headed out the door.

I looked to my father, expecting some sort of explanation. Instead, he took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and then said, "I wish I had time to explain, but we need to go as well." He stood from his seat and, with no other seemingly reasonable alternative, I followed him blindly.

We entered the drawing room just as the green flames from the others dissipated. Father rushed to grab a handful of floo powder from the jar on the mantle. He grabbed my arm, gently guiding me into the fireplace with him. Throwing the powder down, he shouted "Malfoy Manor!" And the green flames enveloped us.

The severity of the situation sunk in a bit more as we came out of the fireplace. The Dark Lord was standing in the middle of the drawing room, right in front of me. Draco, who was standing with him, for a brief moment looked surprised to see us.

My stomach dropped as my heart leapt into my chest. What is going on? I wondered,

You-know-who turned around, a sneer on his pale grey face as he was being interrupted. He must have recognized my father, as the sneer dropped quickly and he returned to face Draco.

Father grabbed my shoulder and led me over to the side where Narcissa was standing. I looked at her with wide eyes, hoping to get some silent answers as my stomach tightened anxiously. She gave me what I was sure was intended to be a reassuring smile, but her eyes had an underlying stress in them that only wrenched my stomach tighter.

Narcissa wrapped an arm around me, her palm resting on the opposite shoulder. I turned to watch Draco.

The Dark Lord spoke as he circled Draco, "Draco since your father has failed me, I have given you the task of assassinating Albus Dumbledore. Do you understand?"

What?, I thought as I panicked internally.

Draco had his head bent slightly, avoiding the serpent-like man's gaze, "Yes, my Lord."

"And you understand the consequences should you fail?"

Draco nodded. "Yes, my Lord."

He stopped in front of Draco. "You're arm."

I wanted to scream and cry out in protest. But I knew it was foolish. I watched in pure terror as Draco uncuffed the black sleeve of his suit, exposing his left forearm to the wretched man.

You-know-who reached his arm up, where his wand was delicately perched between his fingers. The tip landed on Draco's forearm, and he uttered an incantation that I couldn't quite make out, but ended with the word, "Morsmordre."

As dark black flowed from the wand like spilt ink, I felt a stinging sensation in my left arm. The dark mark started taking form, and the sting turned into an angry, firey burn. I clenched my fist, desperate to keep my arms at my side. When the mark had fully appeared on Draco's arm. the pain had become unbearable. With a small, suppressed grunt, I pulled up my arm and was shocked to see the dark mark as an angry, burned welt on my arm, as if it had been branded into my skin.

Narcissa gasped, noticing along with me. I looked into her eyes and was certain the panic in them mirrored my own.

"Ah," I heard the Dark Lord say as he approached. "Aphrodite, is it?" He was mere feet from me. I took a nervous swallow, prioritized shielding my mind, and turned to face him. The moment our eyes locked, I felt a tug as he tried to enter my mind. "Someone taught you occlumency, have they? Very well, then. I was wondering if Draco had his defensor pet like his father."

He turned to Draco, whose expression was hard, but his eyes gave away his worry as he looked at the angry red mark on my arm, and then at his new master. "Count her in the list of casualties, should you fail your task."

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