Terror at the World Cup - 62

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After the match, Dimitri planned to meet some of his schoolmates at another tent. So it was just my father and me in our tent. I had changed into my nightgown and was reading while he was catching up on some work that he'd missed by taking off early today.

The roar of the crowd got louder and louder. Of course, I assumed inebriated Irish were reveling in their victory.

That was until the roars turned into screams.

My father and I locked eyes, worried reflected in both of our glances. My father put the quill in the inkwell at the small table. "Stay here, Aphrodite."

He walked to the front of the tent, disappearing behind the flaps. I watched the curtain anxiously as the screams grew in volume.

Something bad couldn't happen at the World Cup. My father said that the Ministry took every measure to ensure it was secure. Surely the defenses of the strongest Aurors in the world couldn't be breached.


My father came back, alarm apparent on his face as he approached me. I stood as he came over to me, my heart beating hard in my chest.

Grabbing my shoulders firmly, my father looked into my eyes. "Listen closely to me, Aphry. Go into the woods. I am going to check on the Malfoys. Whatever you do, do not come back. I will make sure Draco is safe, and I will find you. Do you understand?"

I nodded as my eyes widened in fear.

He kissed my forehead. "I love you, darling," he said before rushing out of the tent.

Knowing I had little time, I grabbed my coat and pulled it on. I put my wand in my coat pocket, should I need it, and secured it to keep it from slipping out.

I poked my head out of the tent, not really prepared for the chaos surrounding me. Knowing I couldn't waste time, I stepped out of the tent, heading in the direction of the woods.

But someone grabbed me from behind and foiled my plans almost immediately.

A half scream came out at the same time as I heard "Silencio!"  from my captor. My heart beat even harder as I was forced against their chest. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw they were wearing a dark hood and a mask, and before I could even try to fight back, I heard"Petrificus totalus" and my body went rigid.

I knew whoever had a hold of me was a man as soon as a sinister laugh roared right next to my ear over the chaos. "Don't worry, little witch. I'm not going to hurt you." He then wrapped his arms firmly around my middle and pulled me back towards whatever everyone else seems to be running away from.

The wizard moved quickly, and I was a dozen or so yards away from my tent within a matter of seconds. Amongst the chaos, nobody seemed to notice the situation that I was in.

He was able to make it just far enough to a section of the field the crowds had finally abandoned, and I feared wondering just what this wizard wanted with me, and what he could do now that there were no witnesses.

"Stupefy!" I heard. 

The kidnapper was flung into the air and onto his side. I also fell onto my back, still under the effects of the body-bind curse. I heard hurried footsteps from the direction the stunning spell was cast and was immediately relieved to see Dmitri standing over me.

He knelt beside me, a worried look on his face. "Don't worry. I'll get you out of here," he said, grabbing hold of my arm. I soon felt the effects of apparition and soon the dark, hedge driveway of the Malfoy Manor flooded my vision.

"Finite Incantatem" My limbs went free, and I felt my vocal cords work again as labored, shaking breaths left me.

Dmitri helped me up and guided me into the Manor. Upon seeing the foyer, and the grand staircase, I realized that I was somewhere familiar and safe...

"You won't need to worry about the ministry. Lucius and I will talk to them. Of course, you'll be excused for using magic outside of school since it was a life-threatening situation."

My eyes flutter open as I listened to my father's voice.  I realized that I was lying on the drawing room couch. My eyes shifted over, to where my father and Mr. Malfoy spoke with Dmitri, all their expressions grim. Narcissa stood just behind her husband, one arm crossed over her body, while the other hand clenched in a fist over her mouth. Draco sat, watching our fathers and Dmitri, his brow knit as he rested his head in this hand, arm propped on the rest.

Draco's eyes cast down to me and locked with mine. He raised his head and his eyes soften, as he softly said, "Aphrodite."

Everyone's eyes turned to me, and the tension left the room as everyone registered that I had regained consciousness. I sat up slowly, and my father knelt on the ground to support me. Narcissa quickly ordered a house-elf to get me some water. "Darling, are you alright?" Father asked.

I nodded gently. "I tried to leave the tent and go to the woods as you told me to. But someone grabbed me once I left the tent. He had a mask..."

"One of the Death Eaters?" Father said, looking up toward Mr. Malfoy. He turned back toward me. "What could he have wanted with you?"

I shook my head. "I don't know, but he silenced and body-binded me, then started taking me off somewhere. If Dmitri didn't find me and stunned him..." I don't think any of us wanted to think of what might have happened after that.

Dmitri came over, and my eyes locked on him as he slowly sat next to me. His hands cupped my cheeks, "Moy Milaya," he whispered. "I was so worried about you."

He then lowered his head toward mine, placing his lips on mine in a gentle yet emotional kiss, which I returned. I thought little about the fact that it was our first kiss, or that we had an audience. I was just grateful to Dmitri that I was in the Malfoy Manor, rather than wherever that Death Eater wanted me that night.

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