Scolding - 45

685 13 21


My father asked to see me in his study during dinner. I had a feeling that this conversation was not going to be pleasant. I looked over the table at Aphry to see if she had anything to do with this, but she didn't look at me and her face was indiscernible.

A little while after dinner, I headed to the study where my father was waiting for me, sitting at his desk.

"Have a seat Draco," my father said, directing me to sit in the chair across from him. I followed his directive.

As soon as I was settled, my father began. "Aphrodite brought some concerns to us."

So this is what she did to get back at me. Impulsively, I began to get defensive. "Father, I am sure whatever she told you is false, or at least highly exaggerated."

He set his jaw. "Is that so, Draco? Then why has Severus Snape confirmed that she had been eating meals practically alone for two weeks or more? And during that time you would have nothing to do with each other?"

"But she..."

"I'll hear none of your excuses, Draco!" Father cut me off, leaning over the desk with a sneer. "The Malfoy and Cytheria names are synonymous. Together, our families have influenced the Wizard World for generations. The reputation the both of you have in this school will follow you into adulthood. Who knows which of your classmates are potential Ministery workers? Or maybe even a Minister of Magic? You will treat the Cytheria name as if it was the Malfoy name, and not allow it to be disgraced, do you understand me, son?"

I clenched my jaw in anger. She seemed to have planned this carefully. "Yes, sir."

He sat back in his seat, satisfied with my answer, but the look of distaste did not leave his face. "Additionally, if you must date Miss Parkinson, please ensure that you are not making it apparent that you are using her as a tool, whether it be to make Aphrodite jealous or otherwise. We do not need to lose the Parkinson's alliance."

"And what about Aphrodite and Potter?" I asked, subtly reminding him of the reason that I got attacked by that damned hippogriff.

He became enraged that I spoke back to him. Rising from his seat, he rounded the desk. "Perhaps if you weren't antagonizing Aphrodite one minute, then going as far as to steal things from my personal library to convince her you to have an arranged marriage the next, she would be more interested in keeping your company than his."

Shit, she went that far, I thought. She had won this round. I looked to the ground, afraid to meet my father's angry gaze.

"Now where is the parchment you took?" He asked me.

"It's In the bag I brought home from school," I said, barely audible to him.

He paused, taking a deep breath. "Go get it and bring it back to me right now."

I nodded and stood from my seat, beginning to leave.

"Draco," my father said, stopping me. I turned to look at him. "If I ever get word from Aphrodite that you've been exhibiting similar behavior, the consequences will be more severe."

I responded with a short nod, turning and exiting the study.

Going to my room as quickly as I could in the mansion, I grabbed the parchment and made my way back. On my way back, I looked once more at the document. What on earth could it possibly mean other than them trying to join our two families? I came to the conclusion that they must have been trying to throw me and Aphrodite off now that we had seen it.

Returning to my father's study, I walked to his desk as he looked at some other documents. Without looking at me he lifted his hand.

I place the parchment in his hand. Before making my way to leave I asked, "So does that parchment mean that we are going to be engaged? I won't tell Aphrodite if it is." Maybe this is something my parents and Mr. Cytheria wanted to be kept from Aphrodite for a time to prevent her from going mental.

He sneered and cut his eyes as he looked back at me. "Draco, you have no idea what that parchment means, and you will not be finding out anytime soon. Now leave my office."

I nodded, disappointed that I did not get my answer, but feeling that I had crossed the lines as it is.

Before returning to my room, I turned to the room opposite the hall from mine and knocked. A moment, then another passed before Aphrodite finally opened the door wide. She smirked, crossing her arms and leaning against the door. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Draco Malfoy. Enjoy your talk with your father?"

I smirk lightly. "Let's just say I learned my lesson."

She smiled, seeming satisfied with the response. "Fantastic." She straightened and reached for the door.

"Hold on," I said as I placed my palm on the door, and held it open before she could close it. She looked at me, cutting her eyes. "I'm sorry," I said, looking in my eyes to show her my sincerity. "Are we good now, Aphrodite?"

Her eyes softened and she sighed lightly before turning around and walking into her room. She sat on her ornate white four-poster bed that subtlety contrasted against the soft teal the room had been painted. I followed her in a few steps. "I guess. Holding a grudge is exhausting."

I chuckled and looked at her. "Guess I should be happy about that. I don't think I'd get away with near as much if you did."

She laughed. It was a genuine one that I didn't realize I'd missed over the weeks. "You wouldn't." She then stood surprising me by coming over to me and wrapping me in a hug, which I returned. I could smell the warm, lightly sweet scent of her hair, which had me again wishing that her father wasn't being so strict with her.

"I'll fix everything when we get back to school," I said softly. I release her from the hug and held her at arm's length. "If anybody tries to bother you further, let me know. Especially Flint. I gave him a piece of my mind when I heard him saying those awful things to you."

Smiling a bit, she put her arms behind her back. "I was wondering what you'd said to him." She looked around in thought before she spoke again. "So... You don't think I'm a blood traitor?"

I chuckled. "Aphrodite, you are a Cytheria. If it's not complimentary to you, it's offensive to me."

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