Quarrel - 43

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I slept through the night, and when I woke up the next morning, Daphne was the only one left in the dorms besides me. She sat on her bed, wringing her hands.

I sat up, "Daphne, where is everyone else?" It was nearing breakfast time, but the other third-year girls weren't out of the dorm nearly this early on the weekends.

She took a deep breath. "Draco started his tirade after your fight."

I yawned, shaking my sleepiness. "He's tried to do this before."

Daphne sighed and stood, pacing along the small area of the floor that wasn't occupied by beds. "I don't know, Aphry. It just feels... different this time."

I had to go see what Daphne was talking about, less from being concerned and more out of curiosity. I dressed, and we both headed toward the common room.

When I stepped out of the girl's dormitories, the whole common room grew silent, every Slytherin student looking at me. Pansy was near the back with the other third-year girls, a small, satisfied smirk on her face and arms crossed as she looked at me.

Now I finally got what Daphne was saying. This was really uncomfortable. "Well... let's head on to breakfast, I guess," I said to her.

We both made our way to the common room exit, topping the stairs before hearing. "Not so fast, blood traitor." It was Marcus Flint.

I turned around, furious. "What did you just call me, Flint?"

A cold chuckle came out of him as he stood from his spot on the couch and make his way over to me. "Oh, I'm sure you heard me." He stood over me, his height intimidating me, but I ensured not to show it.

"How dare you!" I said, straightening my shoulders and lifting my chin. I was a Cytheria, there was no way he was doing this to me.

"Oh I dare," he said. "See, now that you don't have your... 'bodyguard' anymore, I'm afraid you've lost your crown. We don't have to tolerate the mudblood-loving, Gryffindor sympathizing, bossy, arrogant, sorry excuse for a Slytherin any longer."

My breath caught in my chest. Oh no, what had I gotten myself into?

"Flint?" a familiar voice said behind the quidditch captain.

Flint turned to look at Malfoy and smirked, "Hello, Malfoy, just telling dear Aphrodite how things'll be from now on."

Malfoy raised a brow, approaching Flint. He leaned toward Flint, muttering something low only he can hear. Flint widened his eyes as he spoke. 

Straightening, the blond looked at me, "Cytheria." he said flatly. He walked past, intentionally  shoving my shoulder with his as he headed toward the common room exit with Pansy trailing him.

The majority of Slytherins started avoiding me. When I'd go to sit down for a meal, they would disperse. When I go to ask someone a question, they would ignore me. I didn't hear anything as insulting as what Flint said to me again, I was merely avoided and treated like I didn't exist.

Daphne was the exception. "This is so immature," she said over dinner one evening since we had the section to ourselves. "However, there are perks to it. No one's shoving their elbow into me as I try to eat my dinner."

The silent treatment even gave me plenty of opportunities to spend time with Harry and the other Gryffindors I had happened to befriend. So besides what Flint had called me, I was unaffected.

That was until the Slytherin Hufflepuff match. 

We won. By a large margin. The Slytherins gathered once again in the common room to celebrate. 

Knowing that I was still being shunned but still not wanting to miss out on the party, I found a book and tucked it into a corner.

When the quidditch team came in, the cheers range even louder than the last time.

I watched in silence as Draco came in, causing the cheering to get even louder. Despite the major feud we were having, I was happy for my house and happy for my friend.

Draco beamed with pride, jogging down the steps into the common room. He locked eyes with me for a short moment and took several steps toward me with the same expression he had after the Ravenclaw game.

Then he made a left, grabbing Pansy by the waist and pulling her into a kiss.

In a millisecond, the entire common room went silent, and the 'curse' placed upon me seemed to lift as every head seemed to turn to me, gauging my reaction.

I only responded by smiled lightly.


Shit. Shit, shit, shit!

I knew I was in too deep when I had broken off my kiss with Pansy to see everybody in the common room looking at Aphry. She smiled, then silently returned to her book. A beat passed, and the common room grew from small murmurs to a roar yet again.

That smile though. I knew that smile. She'd learned it from my mother, a public display giving the impression that everything was fine, but the one whom it was directed toward had a fresh hell awaiting them.

Pansy was thrilled though. It was her idea in the first place. She knew I was plotting ways to piss off Aphrodite to make her pay for her show a couple of weeks ago.

My stomach turned, but I was able to push my anxiety aside for the most part as my fellow Slytherin congratulated me on my win.

After several hours, the majority of the party had dispersed. Daphne came up to me. "You're an idiot," she said where only I can hear, grabbing a piece of cheese from the leftover selection of food the other students had brought up.

I took a deep breath. "How angry is she?

She smiled saccharinely, obviously entertained that I had gotten myself in this situation. "Oh, she hasn't talked to me about it at all." That was not good news. "You're deep in it, Malfoy."

I looked around, not seeing Aphrodite. "Where is she?"

Daphne shrugged. "Left the common room about an hour ago."

"Let me guess, Potter?" I asked.

"No clue," she said, walking off without another word to me.

As if on cue, the common room entrance opened, and Aphrodite walked in. Her curls were down, cascading around her face, and they gently bounced as she walked in with the same smile on her face. She carried herself like the proper Pureblood witch she was raised to be.

I grabbed a bottle of Butterbeer and opened it before approaching her as she took the last step into the common area.

She stopped, looking at me with a bit of curiosity in her eyes.

I offered her the bottle, and she took it. A spark went up my fingertips as she grazed them. 

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy," she said, lifting the bottle to take a sip. Then headed to the girls' dormitory.

I was doomed.

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