'Meet me after class' - 107

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I knew I was being an arse. Believe me, I felt like an arse.

Aphrodite had caught me doing exactly as my father instructed by 'distracting' myself with any willing girl I could. I tried to be discreet, and I should have known Pansy wouldn't have kept her mouth shut.

Despite looking like an absolute git, I was doing it to protect her. My father warned me of the potential danger to her if our relationship got any closer. I couldn't bear the thought of her getting hurt (or worse) due to whatever silly school fling might happen between the two of us.

But there was the other side of me threatening to sabotage me at every step. Occasionally, around Aprhy, there was this light feeling I would occasionally feel, accompanied by a tightness in my chest. It would happen if I saw her in a fit of giggles with Daphne. Or when she finally started getting familiar with the steps of the waltz. Or when her doe eyes looked up at me glistening with tears begging for answers.

I needed to distance myself from her. I hated it was hurting her, but it was necessary. Or else these feelings might get acted upon and lead to both of our detriments.

The Monday after Aphry found me exiting that classroom, I felt terrible, but there wasn't a true way to smooth it out. It put me in a terrible mood.

Of course, Potter's big mouth was entertaining as always during Umbridge's class. He had managed to earn himself detention for another week. At this rate, he was going to be serving detention for the entire school year. I was enjoying that thoroughly. Especially since he was getting detention for telling 'lies' that I absolutely knew were true.

"Mr Malfoy, Ms Cytheria? A moment if you please?" Umbridge said at the end of class.

I looked to Aphry who nodded as she quickly finish packing her bag. One look at her, and I could tell she was just as curious as I was, but she didn't look at me back.

This was going to be a bit awkward.

We walked up to the front of the class together. Umbridge looked at us with that usual strained smile that she tried to pull off as pleasant.

"You two are doing extraordinarily well in my class," she said. "It is nice to have a couple of students who seem to... understand... the material. Instead of constantly contradicting it."

I gave a cordial smile. "I appreciate the compliment, professor."

"As do I. Thank you," Aphrodite added, sharing a bright smile. I could tell it was her courteous smile, rather than a genuine one. While it was charming, it didn't quite reach her eyes.

With her recent outbursts over the summer with me, it wouldn't surprise me if she spoke her mind with the Professor, and ended up in detention with Potter. But, fortunately, Aphry knew when to hold her tongue.

The new High Inquisitor looked back at us, pleased with our response. "You're quite welcome. I wish all my students were like you. We appear to have a few..." she giggled a bit, "contrarians, don't we?"

I laughed with her, while I felt Aphry tense as she held her smile. "It appears so," she responded lightly, in a diplomatic fashion.

Umbridge did not detect Aphry's hesitancy as I had. "Regardless, you two are a wonderful example to set for the school. No wonder you are prefects."

My head turned to Aphry. I knew being passed over was disappointing to her. I still don't quite understand why she wasn't selected. She did not spare a glance in my direction, but I could see the change in her expression. "I'm so sorry professor," she said, "You must be mistaken. Draco is a prefect, but I'm not."

Umbridge looked genuinely surprised. "Well, I do apologize for my mistake. I must have assumed since you have the top marks of the girls in your year and house."

Aphry had a look of disappointment in her eyes, yet she trained her smile to conceal it. "Think nothing of it, Professor."

Nodded, Umbridge changed the subject. "I know your fathers through the Ministry. Cornelius speaks very highly of them."

Her intentions in keeping us after class became clear. She had to form some alliances with the students. The two of us having a positive view of her meant keeping in our parents' good graces. And with our fathers' connection to her beloved Minister, she was accomplishing multiple things if she could acquire our alliance.

Aphry nodded. "Yes, Minister Fudge is quite appreciative of their donations to various organizations, isn't he?"

Umbridge nodded a bit too enthusiastically. "Why of course! It is the donations that keep some of the most important parts of our community running."

"My father couldn't bear to see Saint Mungos suffer," I added.

"Indeed," the professor said. Then looked between the two of us. "Well, I don't want to keep you from dinner any longer. But please do keep up the good work both of you."

We both nodded and said our goodbyes. Then headed to dinner in nearly unbearable silence.

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