The Morning After - 88

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I woke in the morning after a night full of disturbing dreams reliving the events of the previous night.

Laying in bed past the point I had woken, I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling and pondering whether I was even going to breakfast. I knew I would have to leave the dorm and common room at some point. The question was when.

My question was answered when Daphne woke up and started getting ready. She tried to be subtle, but she kept looking at me. The worried look in her eyes tore my stomach into pieces, and I wanted to seem as normal as possible to ease her mind.

So I got up and got ready. I opted away from my usual dresses and heels, instead choosing a pair of jeans and an oversized emerald and white striped sweater. I slipped on a pair of white tennis shoes and put up my hair in a high ponytail, and I didn't even bother putting on makeup.

Daphne and I left for the common room together. When we got there, I was surprised by what I saw.

It wasn't Draco, sitting at his usual spot on the couch, waiting for me. No, it was the dozen or so other boys that were waiting with him, most from the quidditch team. Draco, as usual, was the first to notice me. "Aphry," he said, rising from his seating and walking toward me.

When he approached, he looked down at me, worry etched on his face just like Daphne's. His eyes had dark circles under them, and I anticipated he hadn't slept a wink. Despite knowing better, I wondered for a brief moment if I had perhaps overreacted last night, feeling guilty that I had caused my friends this heartache.

"Well, shall we go to breakfast?" I said with a light smile that I know didn't reach my eyes.

Draco hesitated for a second. "Is that what you want to do?" His grey gaze bore into mine, trying to look for something I wasn't saying.

I looked off to the side to avoid his intense gaze and nodded. "Yes, I'm starving."

Making the mistake of looking into his eyes once again, the two of us had a stare-off for a few seconds. I knew that Draco could see right through the feigned smile. He was just deciding what to do about it. I simply wanted to pretend like everything was just the same as it was yesterday and go to breakfast. "He won't hurt you, Aphry. I won't let him." I could hear his determination. Draco waved back to the other Slytherin boys. "We won't let him."

They were all here to help me? This was a huge turn from the Slytherins that ignored me for weeks last year. My mind went back to the first night at the school when McGonagall said our house would be like our family. I was moved by their actions, and tears brimmed in my eyes. "That makes me feel a lot better," I said genuinely.

We made our way to the Great Hall. Draco was by my side, Daphne on my other. The rest of the group split up, some in front of us, some behind. The boy in front checked the Great Hall before I entered, and confirm that Dimitri was not there yet.

We sat down somewhat closer to the staff table to eat. "Where's Pansy," I asked, realizing that I hadn't seen her all morning.

"Don't worry about Pansy," Daphne said curtly as she poured herself some tea. She spoke with an essence in her tone that said that was all she wasn't going to talk about it. And I was not in a mood to argue.

As I started on my eggs and toast, the boys that had followed us into the hall all stood. The entire hall seemed to turn their heads at the commotion as they created a human barricade in front of me, blocking my view of the doors.

It was quiet. I heard several pairs of boots hit the stone floor. "What in the devil are you doing? Move over, I'd like to eat breakfast with my girlfriend." I would know the Russian accent from anywhere. Did it always sound so sinister?

My heart started beating wildly in my chest, and my breathing quickened, despite desperately trying to restrain myself. I felt Draco's arm wrap around my back, grabbing hold of the arm opposite from him protectively.

"I don't think she wants to see you," I heard the voice of Graham Montague say cooly, a warning lying in his words.

At that point, Headmaster Karkaroff, who had been sitting at the staff table, came down the hall. He made his way past Draco and me and around the Slytherin boys. "Sokolov, I'll need to see you a moment."

The boys waited a long moment until they dispersed again and sat back down. When I got a view of the hall entrance, Dimitri was out of site.

I saw Viktor, still standing in his spot past the now dispersed crowd, he must have come down to breakfast with Dimitri. He approached us, confusion in his expression. "Vat vas zat about?" he asked us. 

Draco answered. "I'm afraid Sokolov was quite unsavoury with Aphry last night. To put it mildly."

"Vat?" Viktor said. His brow furrowed angrily. He looked at me. "Did he hurt you?"

I stared at my plate in silence. That was enough answer for him. "Zat bastard." He spat furiously.

Draco chuckled low. "Couldn't have said it better myself." He then looked for me. "Aphry, Snape asked to see me this morning. Will you be alright with Daphne?"

I had an inkling of what they were meeting about, but I said nothing. I nodded to him with a soft smile, and he left.

Viktor, Daphne, and I ate the rest of our breakfast. It was actually fairly pleasant.

I asked about how their nights at the ball went. They seemed a bit hesitant, knowing my night went poorly. But I insisted. Daphne said Theo was charming. Viktor seemed smitten by Hermione.

We were just starting to discuss how we could spend the day when I noticed Daphne staring down the Great Hall. Viktor was beside me, so she was the only one with a view of the door.

My brow furrowed, and I turned. Snape was coming down the aisle between the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables. And his eyes were set on me.

He approached. "Miss Cytheria, I need to borrow you for a moment."

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