Resolution - 89

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As soon as Dimitri was out of the Great Hall, I knew I needed to make my way to the Headmaster's office myself.

I kept my expression serious, but I'd never been more pleased to see Dumbledore. Even though I had to use a ridiculous, confection-based password to gain access to his office.

When I finally get to the office, the whole lot is there. Snape, William Cytheria, Headmasters Karkaroff and Dumbledore. And Dimitri, who I believed knew very well what was about to happen.

"Welcome Mr Malfoy," Dumbledore said from behind his desk, "We were just about to get started," I responded with a curt nod and stood near Snape and Mr Cytheria, several feet from the desk. Karkaroff, standing on the other side of the room, did not look happy.

Dumbledore looked at Dimitri, a solemn expression on his face. "Mr Sokolov, Professor Snape has come forward to me and your headmaster with a disturbing account of an incident between you and our Miss Cytheria last night. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Dimitri scoffed as if offended. "Nothing happened. I was just walking with her to the ship so we could say goodnight."

"Mr Sokolov, did you know that Professor Snape is very proficient at legilimency?" Dumbledore asked Dimitri. His face slackened in shock.

I smirked. This was going splendidly.

Dumbledore nodded lightly. "I thought not. And Professor Snape, you said she was under the Imperius Curse?"

"Yes," Snape responded, arms crossed as he look down his nose at Dimitri. "Although it did seem she was able to resist it to some degree. She was cognizant of everything, thinking of what Mr Sokolov had done and threatened to do to her."

I took a glance at Aphry's father whose jaw was set. He held his arms rigidly at his sides and his knuckles were white as he tried to contain his rage.

"He's lying," Dimitri said. "He's got some sort of strange attachment to her."

Oh god, how pathetic.

Dumbledore raised a brow. "I'd hardly call it strange. The professor has been a good family friend to the Cytheria family since before Miss Aphrodite's birth.

"And I don't believe the professor is lying seeing as he extracted the memory for my penseive, allowing your headmaster and myself a firsthand account of what he was able to see using his skills. Both from Miss Cytheria's mind as well as yours.

"He also was able to use his skills to get Mr Malfoy's account of the aftermath after she was released of the curse and returned to her common room."

Dimitri was silent, but I could see from my vantage point he had paled significantly.

"Now use of a forbidden curse is grounds for expulsion at our school. I cannot make that decision as you are not my student. But as you are a guest at my school, I do have the right to remove you from school grounds."

Dumbledore turned to Karkaroff. "It would be appreciated if this were handled as quickly as possible."

"Mr Sokolov iz expelled from Durmstrang effective immediately," Karkaroff responded. "He vill take a portkey home to hiz parents az soon az hiz things are packed."

"Very well," Dumbledore said. "Headmaster, if you will escort Mr. Sokolov back to get his things."

Karkaroff nodded, and Dimitri stood. He looked furious, but also knew that he had no power.

"Oh, Sokolov! I have something for you," I said, reaching into my pocket. I pulled out the sapphire ring. I inspected it as I walked up to face him, a satisfied smirk on my face, knowing this twat was completely out of our hair. "Figured you might need to sell this... oh what a shame! I've just noticed a stone fell out." It must have happened when Aphry chucked it clear across the room. I reached out my hand for him to take the ring.

With a scowl, he snatched the ring from my hand, and then wordlessly made his way out of the office.

"Professor," Dumbledore said, "If you would please go find Miss Cytheria. I would like to tell inform her of our resolution."

Snape left, and I took a seat. It was over, and my exhaustion overtook me. I relaxed back in the chair, hoping Aphry would be relieved.


Snape led me to Dumbledore's office with no word as to why I was going there. I had a feeling that it was about the incident last night, and I hoped that I would not have to talk much about it.

Upon entering the office, I saw surprised. "Father?" His brow was furrowed and his expression clearly showed his stress. Draco sat at one of the chairs facing Dumbledore's desk, slouched back with a far-off look in his eyes.

I approached my father, quickly embracing him. He wrapped his arms completely around me, his hand resting behind my head to hold me close. "I'm so sorry, darling," he muttered into my hair. "I had no clue he would try to... I just shouldn't have started this mess." I pulled away from him and looked to see that his watery eyes matched mine.

"Miss Cytheria," Dumbledore said, pulling my attention from my father. "Thank you for joining us. Please have a seat."

I took the seat next to Draco, looking at Dumbledore quizzically.

He spoke, not delaying the anticipation any further. "Miss Cytheria, Professor Snape made me aware of the events that happened last night. As Hogwarts headmaster, I take accusations such as these very seriously. Dimitri is currently packing and leaving the school grounds as we speak. I would have normally gotten a statement from you, but I do not wish for you to dwell on that event more than necessary. Since your head of house is a skilled Legilimens, he was able to offer all the insight and evidence needed."

A silent breath of relief escaped me. I hadn't realized I had been holding it. "Thank you, Headmaster."

Dumbledore smiled lightly behind his beard. "I am just glad we were able to handle everything so efficiently. I must say that you have a very strong support system here at Hogwarts. To be honest, Professor Snape and Mr Malfoy worked diligently last night and this morning to make sure things were taken care of swiftly. All I had to do was give my official word."

A half-hour later, I said my goodbyes to my father. Then Draco and I made our way to return to the Great Hall.

"I bet you must be exhausted," I said to Draco to break the silence as we walked the halls. "How long did you even sleep?"

He chuckled softly. "It doesn't matter. I got done what I needed to. And that bloody git is out of your life."

I stopped and grabbed his hand. He had gotten a couple of steps ahead of me, so he turned his head and looked back at our joined hands. He raised a curious eyebrow.

Smiling lighting. I softly said, "I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough."

The warm sensation that I had been feeling lately grew on my necklace as he turned to me. "I'd do anything for you, Aphrodite Cytheria."

Overcome with emotion, I closed the gap between us and enveloped him in a hug. He seemed shocked of course but quickly return the hug. He took a deep breath as if he had been lacking oxygen prior. "That was the most torturous six months."

After a small, silent moment, we returned to the great hall.

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