Escape from Azkaban - 113

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After confronting Pansy in the manner that I did when she vocalized her displeasure at me leading the Inquisitorial Squad, I received no other complaints from the other students.

I found that I could communicate back to Hermione through the same back page in the journal. She told me about the Room of Requirement, and where it was located. With that information, I was able to arrange shifts in such a way that I was patrolling when what she called the 'D.A.' had meetings.

Hermione also told me that only that single page in the journal was charmed. So in order to legitimize my carrying it around at all times, I actually began to use it. Of course, I wouldn't really write any deep, dark secrets: only reminders, notes, and the occasional doodle.

November ran into December. But soon enough Christmas break was over, and we returned to school for a new semester.

"Aphrodite!" Draco said urgently as Daphne and I were telling each other about our breaks at home, a majority of which was spent planning the debutante ball with Narcissa.

My brow furrowed at the interruption, and I glared at Draco. "What is it, Draco?" I said, trying to strongly inflect my annoyance into my tone.

He stood over the chesterfield couch, staring at me intently. "I need to speak to you. Privately." The way his brows knit together, I could tell he was serious. He held a piece of parchment at his side. Stationary that I was familiar with and knew belonged to his mother.

I immediately shed my irritation, instead replacing it with worry. "Of course. Daphne, if you'll excuse me." She nodded in acknowledgment, and I stood.

Draco led me outside the common room, and down the corridor to an area where we were less likely to be interrupted.

My worry had grown in the short time span. Enough for my chest to constrict. "Draco, what is it?" I asked, almost desperately.

He looked around to ensure no one was overhearing before looking back toward me. "My aunt is escaping Azkaban. Tonight. Mother wrote me to warn us before it hit the papers in the morning."

At first, I sighed in relief. Narcissa was alright. But then, I really registered what Draco said. What his mother was indirectly warning us about. "Things are getting more serious, aren't they?" I asked. I knew it was a mild way to put it. 

When he only responded with a short nod, I asked, "Are you alright?"

I knew Draco. That part of him embraced this. Should his father's master succeed, Lucius Malfoy would have much more power than he could buy from the ministry. And Draco would have that by extension.

But at that moment, with his brow knit and jaw set, he did not seem excited by that prospect. He was a teenager who sat at the fringes of a war the world didn't know had started. And his father was in the midst of it.

"Draco?" I asked softly to get his attention.

He turned to me. "Aphry, I need you to promise me something."

My eyes widened curiously at the sudden demand. "What is it, Draco."

The look in his eyes as he looked into mine was so intense, I could swear they physically bore into me. "Be careful. Whatever you say, whatever you do. I've learned as much from my father we don't know who is around and listening. It could be detrimental."

A cold chill rushed over me. Not from the dank, drafty corridor, but the fear of his statement. Immediately, I thought of the task I had put upon myself to steer Umbridge and the inquisitorial squad away from... Whatever Harry and the others were doing. 

Without thinking much, I nodded. Draco accepted as enough of an answer before, uncharacteristically, pulling me into a hug and causing me to question everything.

Author's note: Long time, no chapter! The last part of the year has been fairly busy, so I haven't had as much time to write.

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