Crabbe and Goyle Part 2 - 19

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I followed Draco down the corridor away from the common room, my necklace tingling the whole time.

It didn't take long before we turned a corner and found the two talking with Prefect Percy Weasley. Well, more like caught by Percy Weasley.

"Crabbe. Goyle," Draco started as he headed toward them, me following after. "Where have you two been. Pigging out in the great hall all this time?"

I gave a slight smile to the Prefect, who furrowed his eyebrows at me. Apparently, he was not impressed by us Slytherins.

"Why are you wearing glasses?" Draco asked Goyle. I turned my head to see he did have a pair of glasses, which I recognized. I looked at Crabbe, who locked eyes with me.

Yeah, Crabbe has never looked me in the eye before. This is Harry and Ron.

"," 'Goyle' said. 

"Reading?" Draco said incredulously. "I didn't know you could read." I lightly snickered. Draco looked back at me, a hint of amusement in his expression, before turning to Percy. "And what are you doing down here, Weasley?"

Percy scowled at Draco, "Mind your attitude, Malfoy." They shared a short stare-off before Draco led the way to the common room.

I looked between the imitation Crabbe and Goyle, who looked concerned before I took my usual spot walking next to Draco. I wondered where Hermione was, but I certainly didn't have the means to ask that at that moment.

When we got to the common room, Draco went up to the dorm to get the article. 

I looked at the two doppelgangers. "Reading?" I whispered as I spoke to Harry. "Crabbe and Goyle copy our homework!"

"I didn't know what to say!" Harry said. "Either way he seemed distracted when you laughed."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I wasn't really concerned. "Good. Let's hope you didn't already mess this up." We heard Draco come back from the dorms, so I sat down in my usual corner of the couch.

Draco gave the article to them. "That'll give you a laugh." He then flung himself on the couch, his feet on my lap. I groaned at him putting his dirty shoes on me as he scowled, apparently not over our fight earlier.  Goyle-Harry and Crabbe-Ron had read the article, both giving small, stressed laughs then looking at Draco. A moment passed. "Well, sit down," he said, motioning to the couch behind them.

The two sat down, looking around the common room uncomfortably, though Draco didn't notice. "You'd never know the Weasleys were pureblood, the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the Wizarding World. All of them."

"Don't start, Draco," I said irritated. Ron fisted his knuckles in anger.

He scoffed. "You're not much better Aphrodite. 'Think of their poor parents.'" he mocked. He noticed Ron still trying to control his anger. "What's wrong with you, Crabbe?"

The low hum that had been constant in my pendant increased. I shot a pointed look at Harry, who elbowed Ron. "Stomachache," Ron used as an excuse. I held my breath to see if Draco would accept that answer. 

Draco considered Ron for a moment before continuing. "You know, I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up. Father always said that Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place."

"You're wrong," Harry exclaimed.

Draco's eyes furrow, unused to the challenge from either of the two. He lifted his feet off of me and stood up, his gaze never leaving Harry. "What?" I swear I saw Lucius Malfoy instead of Draco at that moment. "You think there's someone worse than Dumbledore?" Harry and Ron shuffled nervously for a moment. "Well, do you?"

My heart was in my throat as my necklace tingled. Harry took a visible, anxious gulp. "Harry Potter?"

The response made me laugh, both as a release of the anxiety that I was holding in, and the irony of the statement. Draco looked back at me, then a smug, satisfied smirk passed his lips. "Good one, Goyle. You even made Aphry laugh. You're absolutely right."

Harry and I shared a look. He'd barely got by with that. Ron released a small sigh of relief.

"Saint Potter, the Mudbloods' friend," he spat out. "And people actually think he's the Heir of Slytherin?"

Here we are, boys, I thought as Harry and Ron looked between each other, the exact topic you wanted to discuss with him. I hoped this meant it would be over soon.

Harry spoke next, "But then you must have some idea who's behind it all."

Draco walked over to the writing desk that face the fire. "You know I don't Goyle. I told you yesterday." He picked up a small, unopened gift. "How many times do I have to tell you?" Thankfully Goyle was stupid enough to ask the same question multiple time. The hum in my necklace died down significantly.

Draco shook the gift. "Is this yours?" I'm pretty sure that it was actually Goyles, but Harry shook his head. Draco started pocketing the gift.

"Didn't you get enough today, Draco?" I asked, not exactly surprised, but warning nonetheless.

He scowled. "Shove off, Aphry." He turned back to Harry and Ron without missing a beat. "But my father did say this: It's been 50 years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me, I hope it's Granger."

"Draco!" I said, rising from my seat. He had never said anything like that before!

Ron lunged at Draco, Harry rising to hold Ron back. Draco was obviously more distracted by 'Crabbe and Goyle,' since my behavior was usual for me. "What's the matter with you two? You're acting very... odd."

"It's his stomachache," Harry said as an excuse. He turned to Ron, muttering something.

I crossed my arms, trying to play along and make the stomachache seem more plausible. "Serves you right. You shouldn't have eaten so many sweets."

About that time, Ron's hair started turning red, and by Ron's expression, Harry was turning back into himself as well.

I spun my head to Draco, who was busy opening his stolen gift. I turned to Harry and Ron and walked up to them. "Go. While he's distracted." They listen to my suggestion and rushed out of the common room. As they did, my necklace ceased tingling for the first time in a while.

"Hey, where are you going," Draco yelled to them. He looked at me for an answer.

I crossed my arms. "I told them to go to Madam Pomfrey."

About half an hour passed before the real Crabbe and Goyle came back to the common room. They approached us looking groggy. 

"Feel better?" I asked. Draco looked at them with a questioning gaze, one eyebrow raised.

They both appeared confused, though that wasn't new. "I guess," Goyle said. "We... woke up in the broom cupboard."

Draco laughed. "You head to Madame Promfrey's and somehow end up taking a nap in a broom cupboard. That's new, but not surprising."

I laughed with him, thankful that that experience was finally over.

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