Garden Discussions - 135

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After dinner, Draco and I took a walk in the back gardens of the mansion and discussed how our days transpired.

"Your father told me several stories of his school days with my father," he said. "Mainly stories about their defensor connection." We both took small glances around our surroundings, making sure there weren't any lingering death eaters within hearing distance.

I gave a small laugh. "Draco Malfoy, did you bond with my father?" Draco certainly didn't hate my father, but he was never all that close to him. After all, he had his own father whom he looked up to his entire life, and Lucius Malfoy was vastly different from William Cytheria despite their close relationship.

He sported a small, amused smile. "Make fun of me all you want. This all is fairly new for me, and since my own father didn't want to let me in on the secret..." He trailed off. I knew Draco. I could tell he was hurt that the truth was kept from him all those years. In his eyes, I saw the same hurt I'd already seen several times over after being dismissed, or embarrassed and demeaned as a form of chastisement.

I wanted to be the type of person that would give Lucius Malfoy the benefit of the doubt, but I personally didn't feel like it was the truth. Did he not tell Draco because he wanted to protect his son? Or was it his own selfish desire to keep the truth from Draco and live vicariously through him because he hated knowing growing up?

Voicing those opinions out loud would not end well, and I knew it. Instead, I just squeezed his arm gently. "I'm sorry."

He looked down at me with a gentle upward quip of his lip. "Don't be. I don't blame you one bit."

We approached the hedge where we first kissed three years ago, and Draco pulled me in. We sat down on the stone bench, and the nostalgia flooded back. "Can you believe it's been three years?" I asked, reminiscing.

He chuckled, entwining his fingers with mine and rubbing slow, gentle circles on the back of my hand. "Sometimes it doesn't seem like that long ago, and sometimes it seems like it's been ages."

A moment of comfortable silence passed. Then Draco removed his hand from mine, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to his side than I already was. He looked into my eyes intently as he asked flirtatiously, "Do you know how long the taste of cream cheese frosting lingered on my lips that night?"

I laughed lightly. "Draco, that little kiss was no more than a peck! It couldn't possibly have left that much of an impression."

"And yet it did," he contradicted. He leaned down, hovering over me in a manner I found rather exciting. "And now that we don't have any nosy reporters snooping around..."  He leaned down and captured my lips with his.

My heart leapt in my chest. The term 'fireworks' in the romance novels I had read paled in comparison to what I was feeling, and I wondered if I would ever stop feeling this way when I kissed Draco. I silently hoped not.

Draco's lips curved into a satisfied smirk when we pulled away from each other.  "Mmm. Apple tarte from dessert," he joked.

I laughed. "That's impossible, Draco. Keep in mind you had seconds of dessert tonight."

"And now I've had thirds," he stated cockily.

I shook my head in amusement as I laughed and rolled my eyes.

He leaned back, bracing his arms behind him on the bench. "So, Aphry. I'm curious who you and Mother went and visited this afternoon. Aunt Bellatrix seemed quite upset when she came and asked where you'd gone."

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