Birthday Present - 165

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After Madame Pomfrey released Draco from the hospital wing a few short days later, things returned to normal. Draco focused on the cabinet, and we rarely saw each other except during class or the late nights that he made it back to the common room and I was able to keep myself awake.

Weeks passed and my birthday arrived. I honestly didn't know what to expect from Draco. His deadline was now exactly one month away, and I wasn't sure if he had any spare time to spend with me. I kept my expectations low, knowing that if he didn't keep his mind on his task on this birthday, I might not be able to see my next.

That didn't keep others from being angry on my behalf. Daphne was furious that Draco was not in the common room ready to wish me a Happy Birthday. Nor did he make an appearance at breakfast, although I did receive owls from my father and Narcissa with small gifts that cheered me up a bit. Daphne also gave me a small gift.

"If I hadn't known Draco for years, I would have accused you of having an imaginary boyfriend," Daphne said, far more furious than I. "I've hardly seen him around the castle recently."

I chuckled into my tea before taking a sip, trying to appear that I was in higher spirits than I actually was. "He's busy Daphne. Remember he's trying–"

" improve his marks, you've told me," she said impatiently, although disbelief was in her voice. "It's just your birthday. And if he doesn't pay at least some attention to you, I am sure that your vast amount of patience will dry out at some point."

As she said that, the eagle owl that I immediately recognized as Draco's came through the window and headed toward me. It landed just in front of my plate, carrying a small bit of parchment. I took the note, then took a brief moment to pet the owl and give him a bit of food as a treat before he flew off. I couldn't control the warmth I felt, knowing my name on the note was in Draco's handwriting.

Daphne crossed her arms, unimpressed, "This doesn't replace him actually being here," she said, ever the protective friend.

I simply laughed, opening the note:


Happy Birthday.

Apologies for not being able to have breakfast with you. I had to eat early and get some studying done before class.

Meet me in our spot after dinner. I have a surprise for you.

Love, D

Daphne, who had been reading over my shoulder, visibly softened. "I guess he gets a pass for that," she said, "But he is walking a thin line for me."

I chuckled as I put the note away and continued to eat my breakfast.

"Where is 'your spot' anyway," she asked.

My immediate response was a scoff. "I'm not going to tell you!"

"But we're best friends! You should tell me everything," she teased.

"Not, going to happen, Greengrass," I responded similarly.

Daphne and I ate dinner as soon as classes were out. I ate quickly and dismissed myself, heading to the Room of Requirement cautiously so as not to be seen.

The suspense of what surprise Draco had for me had slowly grown throughout the day as I pondered the possibilities. As I lapped once, twice, three times to reveal the Room of Requirement door, my heart raced with excitement, and when I opened the door, I was surprised by what I saw. I closed the door quickly to shut us away from the rest of the world, but turned back around to take in everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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