Breaking Curfew and Detention - 6

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For a while, we did have any major incidents. Draco was still having small squabbles with Harry and Ron, but that wouldn't bring up more than a slight tingle to tell me he was causing trouble. We did have that troll break-in on Halloween night, but, despite the situation being frightening, my necklace didn't get cold to indicate he was in danger.

Alternatively, our petty squabbles continued. Draco would either be bossy. Or rude. Or sometimes a combination of the two. And I wouldn't tolerate it. If we were fighting, I'd often spent time with Daphne separate from him, or sometimes even with Harry, Ron, and eventually Hermione.

It wasn't until after Christmas and into the beginning of the spring that my necklace wanted me to a point that I was concerned. I was just drifting off to sleep when my necklace started tingling. I got up from bed carefully so as not to wake up my dorm mates. I grabbed my cloak to put over my pajamas.

As soon as I enter the common room, I stood facing Draco who had just exited his dorm.

"What are you doing?" I said when we approached each other.

He looked a little confused. "How did you know I'd be out here?"

"Just a hunch. Now quit avoiding my question."

He smirked. "I overhead Potter. The gamekeeper's got a Dragon egg. Potter, Weasley, and Granger are going down there tonight to see it."

I cross my arms, with an eyebrow quirked. "I suspect they didn't invite you, Draco."

Without much of a response but an eye-roll, Draco started toward the exit to the common room. I followed behind. "Draco, we are supposed to be in bed. We're going to get in trouble."

He didn't respond, just made his way to the exit to the castle. He was faster than me, so I trailed just behind him. He exited the castle heading straight to Hagrid's hut. Once he approached the castle, he got on his toes and peered in a window. I finally caught up with him and did the same.

Hagrid had a dragon all right. The thing was freshly hatched as evidenced by the broken eggshell on the counter. Harry, Ron, and Hermione watched it as Hagrid pet it. It then suddenly blew fire, setting Hagrid's beard on fire. 

As he patted it out, and he caught view of us and said something. His three guests turned their head in our direction, and the tingling in my necklace worsened.

Malfoy took off, and I followed. This time, he was heading toward a different entrance to the school. I wondered what he was doing when he turned to a door and started pounding on it.

"Draco, what are you...." I started before the door opened and Professor McGonagall appeared  at the threshold, half asleep.

"Mr. Malfoy? Ms. Cytheria? What are you doing out of bed at this hour? I hope this is important."

"Professor there are three Gryffindor students outside on castle grounds right now," Draco said. "They're in Hargrid's hut."

Her eyes widened, "Hold on." She went inside her room briefly, then came out with a tartan bathrobe. "Follow me, both of you."

We followed as she headed toward the entrance that we came from. Draco was schooling his expression, but I could tell that he almost couldn't contain his excitement.

As we rounded the corner, McGonagell stopped. I was behind her, but knew she had found her target audience when I heard her say, "Good Evening."

Draco stopped beside the professor, no doubt wanting to see the expression of those he snitched on.

McGonagell led the five of us to her classroom. Her three Gryffindors standing right in front of her as she chastised them. Draco and I stood to the side, leaning again one of the desks. We both had our arms crossed. I looked at Draco, who had a smirk on his lips and tried to control little snickers as he witnessed his three enemies getting in trouble. I rolled my eyes, as I had a feeling we were not going to get out of this scot-free. My necklace was still noticeably tingling.

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