Back to Hogwarts - 10

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Soon enough, it was time to go back to school. Once on the train, Draco and I found a compartment, sitting with Crabbe and Goyle. The train got going, and I excused myself soon after, claiming I wanted to find Daphne.

I walked down the halls. I was actually looking for Daphne.

But I also was keeping an eye out for a few Gryffindors.

Going around compartment to compartment, I stopped when I found Hermione. She was sitting alone, reading. "Hey, Hermione," I said, grabbing her attention. "Where are Harry and Ron? I thought they'd be sitting with you."

She huffed, her frustration and worry apparent. "I have no clue." I've checked the entire train and found every other Hogwarts bound Weasley. But no Harry and no Ron."

"That's odd," I responded. "Mind if I sit for a moment?" 

She nodded, "Of course, Aphry!"

I sat. I was feeling nervous about this conversation. "So, about when we ran into all of you at Diagon Alley--"

"Don't you dare start apologizing for Malfoy and his awful father," she said, a single finger pointed to me. "Their actions are no reflection on you. Mr. Weasley explained your family's odd relationship to the Malfoys. Besides, you have been nothing by kind to me!"

I smiled at her, thankful for her forgiveness. "I'm so happy to hear you say that. I was worried you all might be angry at me."

She smiled back. "Of course not. And my offer is the same Harry and Ron have made. If Malfoy's ever bothering you, there's always a place for you to sit with us."

I thank her, then noticed she was reading her copy of Magical Me. We discussed it and I promised her I'd show her what he signed on my copy before I excused myself to actually do what I told Draco I was doing. 

It did not take long. As I walked out of the compartment, I heard someone say, "I have a feeling Malfoy doesn't know you were sitting with Granger." I turned to my right, seeing Daphne. She seem more amused than anything by catching me sneaking around. 

We embraced each other in a hug. "Daphne! How was your summer?" 

We caught up with each other, eventually heading back toward the compartment Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were occupying.

Once at the castle we headed into the great hall, taking seats at the house table. Draco, myself, and Daphne sat on one side while Crabbe and Goyle sat on the other.

The other student were just about settled, when we heard Marcus Flint ."What's that?"He pointed toward something out the window. Other students were starting to notice as well.

A blue muggle contraption--the metal, horseless carriage type thing--was flying in the sky.

I didn't think those were suppose to do that....

Just as soon as we sat down, we all stood up, curious to get a look. Some students, including Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle rushed to the windows to look out.

Just behind me, I heard Fred and George speak in hushed tones.

"Is that...." "Yeah, I think that's dad's car."

I turned around. At first they seemed apprehensive that someone had overhead them. But once they noticed it was a friendly face instead of someone who might end up tattling, they seemed relieved.

An idea popped into my head, and I couldn't stop myself from saying something. "Hermione said she couldn't find Harry and Ron anywhere on the train...."

They crossed their arms, thinking. "Do you think..." "Ron and Harry took the car?" They looked at each other, the concept of the idea settling in. Grins erupted on their faces. "Wicked!

It took several moment of chaos, but amongst all the commotion, McGonagall finally was able to get everyone's attention.

"All student return to your house tables at once," she boomed over the crowd, now doubt having to use a spell to amplify her voice. "Once everybody is ready, we will begin sorting out first years. They have been waiting long enough."

It took a while, but the students all returned to their seats. And the sorting commenced.

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