Throwing Insults - 78

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In the morning, Daphne was surprised to see that Draco and I were on speaking terms. She was happy about it, but she did mutter something under her breath about getting whiplash.

At this point, the entire Slytherin house had their badges, and they were all set to display Potter Stinks. I paid them no mind, and even anticipated other students wanting them. The distaste for Harry since his name came out of the Goblet of Fire grew daily.

Dimitri was not as pleased that our friendship was now on good footing again, but greeted Draco amicably as he sat across from us with Pansy at breakfast, which I could accept. He was actually a bit amused by Draco's badge and asked for one.  I hate to say it, but I was glad that the damned things were able to break some of the tension between the two.

As we ate, the owls came, delivering mail and multiple copies of the Prophet to students, including myself. I opened mine, Harry's face looking straight back at me from the first page. He didn't particularly look comfortable in the photo.

I read the article, as several other students were doing and a low murmur started throughout the hall surrounding the article. None of the quotes sounded at all like Harry, but I doubt others were going to see it that way.

"'Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts?'" Pansy recited out loud as she read over Draco's shoulder. "Oh, this should be rich. Let's see...'Harry is rarely seen out of the company of one Hermione Granger, a stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl?' Hmph. Looks more like a mutt to me."

Yeah, I wasn't going to have that. "I believe you have Granger confused with the reflection you saw in the mirror this morning, Pansy," I said boredly as I continued reading the article.

Pansy scoffed and looked at me with a mixture of offence and surprise, but the reactions of the other around me were absolutely priceless as a glanced over my paper at them. Draco nearly spat his pumpkin juice out. Daphne's eye widened and her mouth gaped open, but I could tell she was amused. Krum and Dimitri both had amused smirks on their face.

"Cytheria," Pansy seethed. Those in our party previously amused all looked at her threateningly, and she cowered slightly.

I looked up from my paper with a light smile, pretending I hadn't watched the entire scene unfold around me. "Yes?" I said innocently. For something reason, she had nothing to say to me.

Daphne was able to get things straightened with Krum quickly from the article regarding Hermione's relationship status. Being a celebrity, he'd had his share of run-ins with the press, although he did seem disappointed he was mentioned as a champion only briefly. And with his name spelt wrong at that!

The next week before the first task of the tournament had gone extraordinarily well. Well, for me. I witnessed as my fellow housemates gave Harry the most difficult time over the article.

Pansy tried her same rude comment directly with Hermione. Yes, she got a few laughs out of the other third years that trailed after her. Hermione, however, held her head high and ignored the comments. I admire her greatly for it.

"You have one thing that those girls seem to struggle with despite their upbringing," I said as I said with her in the library one lunch.

She looked up from her book with a single eyebrow raised to her unruly curls. "What is that?" she asked.

The side of my lip lifted gently. "Class," I said. "It takes maturity and grace. Some of them will learn it, most of them will learn how to appear it, and a few of them will never even get that far." I'd seen enough of it exhibited amongst the adult witches with whom my father and the Malfoys were acquainted.

Blushing and smiling lightly, she said, "I appreciate that, Aphry. Thank you."

About that time, Harry came to us, slamming his books down and complaining about Ron. I was honestly surprised that their feud lasted longer than Draco and mine. But then again, Ron was a much redder redhead than I, and therefore the propensity to try and hold onto grudges was stronger.

As Hermione and Harry fussed back and forth about Ron, a roar of giggling came closer. I looked up, seeing Viktor cross an aisle of books from the side opposite me. He got a glance at Hermione before continuing and a hoard of girls passed, following him.

"He's not even good-looking!" she growled after she watched them pass. Oh no. Does she not like him? "They only like him because he's famous! They wouldn't look twice at him if he couldn't do that Wonky-Faint thing —"

"Wronski Feint," Harry and I both corrected her. Though I was much less spirited about it, thinking that there was a chance our matchmaking efforts would fail.


It was our first Hogsmeade trip of the year. We were going as a group, and Aphrodite walked just ahead of us, arm resting in the crook of Dimitri's. She looked lovely in a dusty blue tweed coat dress that flared to her knees and a cute matching fur hat that contrasted sharply with her curtain of reddish brown curls. She smile brightly as she spoke with Dimitri.

"What on earth are you looked so pouty about, Draco?" Pansy said on my arm.

Oh yeah, she's here, isn't she? I remembered. "Nothing," I said. "Just thinking."

She huffed lightly. "Don't insult my intelligence Draco," she hissed. "I know you're looking at her."

I scoffed. "Well, don't insult mine by asking questions we already know the answer to."

"She has an arranged marriage and you still can't train your eye away. Shameful for all four of us,  really." God, she was being insufferable.

Chuckling lowly, I turned to her, speaking low. "Well, perhaps. I should spare you and take you out of the picture. Make things less shame for you."

Pansy let in a sharp breath. She knew that our relationship hung by a thread. She needs to be careful with her threats. If she was smart enough, she'd know I might just take her up on it someday.

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