Double-Cross - 114

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When we got to breakfast the next morning, we found that Narcissa was correct. News of one of the largest Azkaban breakouts covered the front page of The Daily Prophet.

The new semester started the same day, and some things stayed the same. Professor Umbridge and Harry remained at odds, while I silently supported Harry with my leadership of the Inquisitorial Squad.

Some things, on the other hand, changed quite drastically. First off, every teacher gave much more homework, as they were trying to squeeze in as much knowledge into our heads before our O.W.L. examinations.

Umbridge was also getting impatient. Of course, we had turned in quite a few students for minor incidents, but I knew, though she never directly said, that she really wanted to get Harry.

I easily fell into a busy schedule, with very little time to reflect on what I had promised Draco. The time passed quickly; before I knew it, we were already finishing off the second week of April.

Umbridge and I met for tea on Saturday after dinner, as had been our usual routine to discuss the weekly progress of the inquisitorial squad.

Tensions had progressively increased the more time passed and Harry wasn't caught. She was tempering herself though. I suspected my father's relationship with the Minister was at play. I  had just enough leverage as the daughter of an affluent ministry supporter as she did as Cornelius Fudge's pet employee.

As was our routine, I read off the week's log of detentions administered and house points deducted. "...three students with copies of The Quibbler, another three with Weasley joke products, and a half-dozen instances of boys and girls less than six inches from each other." That last one was a frequently violated one among students.

I finished off my cup of my tea. I hated getting my classmates in trouble over such ridiculous things. However, the minor violations were needed to reduce suspicion of the elephant in the room.

Umbridge stood and was now inspecting one of the china plates decorating the walls of her office. The kitten on it was various shades of grey, with bright blue eyes and a rose-coloured bow. I knew I had spent too much time there, as I thought to myself how if I had to pick a particular one as my favourite, it would be that one.

A small, high-pitched 'hmmph' came out of Umbridge, and I watched her profile as her shoulders bobbed subtly.

"Something the matter, Professor?" I asked, feigning interest.

She turned to me. "I just find it odd."

Confused, my brows furrowed as I looked at her. "What's odd professor?"

Tilting her head like a dog that had just heard something squeal she said, "Not a single thing on Harry Potter?"

My eyes widened in surprise at the actual mention, but I prepared to have an excuse should the occasion arise. "Professor, you are usually the first to approach any of his violations. I believed you had it handled."

Her lips pursed, and a single brow rose. She begin taking slow methodical steps towards the desk I was sitting at that was typically reserved for detention students. "Have you been assisting him, Miss Cytheria?"

"Yes, ma'am." 

The words came out without my control. My eyes nearly sprung out of my head as I panicked, trying to process what happened. Not knowing particularly was at play, my first instinct was to utilize the skills learned during occlumency. I shielded my mind although I don't know from what exactly.

Meanwhile, Umbridge was fuming with a carefully contained range. "I knew it! At first, I couldn't even conceive it,  but it didn't make sense how months passed with nothing." She stood over the desk, towering over me. "How are you helping them?"

I didn't answer, though the compulsion to tugged at me.

"Tell me now, girl!"

The silence was my only response.

She huffed. "Well, Miss Cytheria. Have it your way then." She picked up the quill, black as night, that I had overheard students in other houses talk about, and that I'd have to turn a blind eye to on more than one occasion. Several students had even been subjected to it under my leadership of the inquisitor squad. "Lines. Write, I shall not double-cross authority."

Too focused on not giving anything away to retaliate, I took the pen with my left hand and took scrap parchment out. As soon as I began writing, and the first twinges of pain had hit my hand, Umbridge left, mentioning that she was going to grab Snape.

I thought about leaving and running. But where would I go? My common room? I would run into Umbridge on the way down. It was also late, and any prefect or teacher would be sending me straight to my house. I was doomed. 

When she returned, Snape billowed in. But what was more surprising was that Draco followed after.

Umbridge pointed at me. "She said that she's been helping Harry Potter from being caught violating my decrees!"

Draco's head shot to me, anger instantly flaring behind his eyes. Snape looked directly at me, and I felt the familiar tug of legilimency. Also that he couldn't break my mental barriers. 

He turned to Umbridge slowly. "That's unlikely professor, she and Potter have not been associating." He said matter-of-factly.

"It's the truth." She argued as she looked up at Snape. "I put Veritaserum in her tea."

"Is that so?" he asked dryly.  "And how exactly is she helping Potter?"

Umbridge hesitated. "Well, she wouldn't tell me."

Snape turned once again to me, and I prepared for the familiar tug. But it didn't come. "Miss Cytheria?" 

I remained quiet.

"Clearly she is finding a way to evade questioning," Snape said. "I suppose you brought me here to help conceal this incident?"

"What do you mean, Professor? She needs to be punished!" Umbridge said with a tone of offence. Her chest puffed out proudly.

"Judging by her hand, that's already been done," Snape said. "I imagine the minister does not wish to lose an ally in her father. Nor would I believe you wish the minister to know you were outwitted by a fifteen-year-old girl. It's in everyone's interest this be dealt with quietly."

Umbridge paused for a moment, pondering Snape's statement. Finally, she asked, "Well, what do you suppose should be done?"

Snape crossed his arms, the long black drapes of his robes flowing around him. He looked at me as he spoke to Umbridge. "Miss Cytheria will simply step down from her role on the Inquisitorial Squad, citing she needs to focus more on studying for her O.W.L.s. That should be a simple enough explanation."

Umbridge nodded, then looked at Draco. "Mr Malfoy, I expect you to be discreet in this matter." His only response to Umbridge was a short nod. Then she turned to me. "Miss Cytheria, if you'll please give your Lead badge to Mr Malfoy."

I nodded quietly, then stood and reached for the badge at my chest. It was a two-handed effort, which took extra time due to my now injured writing hand. Everyone watched in silence as I struggled.

Finally, I got it off and handed it to Draco with an outreached hand. As he took it, I noticed the fury in his eyes and clenched jaw. I knew the night was not going to end until he'd given me a piece of his mind.

With that, Umbridge dismissed us with Professor Snape.

As soon as we were distanced, Snape said, "I believe we need to have a discussion in my office."

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