Borgin and Burkes - 8

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Something told me that my father was not aware that Lucius Malfoy was taking me down Knockturn Alley to run an errand with his only son. Narcissa had a social event to be at, so she couldn't join us for shopping, and my father had run to Gringotts for some money.

Nevertheless, that is the direction we were headed as we went down a set of steep steps into Diagon Alley's darker, creepier counterpart toward Borgin and Burkes.

As Draco opened the door and entered the shop, the elder Malfoy grabbed the collar of my cloak. The front caught on my neck and stopped me in my tracks. "Put that little... trinket... my wife gave you to good use and keep Draco out of trouble in here." He released me and entered the store ahead of me.

My necklace was already tingling as I crossed the threshold of the shop. I watched as Draco reached out to touch an item, and Mr. Malfoy struck down his walking stick on Draco's hand, causing a short spike of cold from my necklace. I assumed the fangs of the silver serpent at the handle must have scratched him. "Don't. touch. anything. Draco."

Draco looked up at his older doppelganger. "Yes, father," he replied. Mr. Malfoy walked past him toward the counter and rang a bell. Draco and I shared a glance before walking around the store and looking at various items. "I thought you said you were going to buy Aphrodite and me a present," Draco said to his father, with a sly wink at me. I wondered whether Draco would get his way this time.

"I'm buying you a racing broom," his father said, his fingers drumming on the counter as he impatiently waited for the shopkeeper.

"What good is that going to do if I'm not on the house team?" Draco pushed, starting on a rant about how Harry Potter got special permission to have a broom to play last year. "...Wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick--"

"You talk about Harry as often as I talk about Lockheart," I said, copying the way he had teased me the entire week. The comment was met with a dark glare from the boy.

"And," Mr. Malfoy interjected, "I would remind you that it is not -prudent -to appear less than fond of Harry Potter, not when most of our kind regard him as the hero who made the Dark Lord disappear - ah, Mr. Borgin." He turned to the shopkeeper.

I continued in my jest as I looked at a display of items next to a large black cabinet. "Yes, Draco. Why don't I tell Harry you had some rare illness that drove you mad last year? But now you're all better and he should give you another chance."

"Hush it, Aphry," Draco said, irritated.

Mr. Borgin addressed Draco then, trying to sell something to him. The three of them got in a conversation about Draco's grades that somehow led into a conversation about blood purity of all things. I had zoned out of the conversation as I continued to look at the miscellaneous items. I looked to my right, where the black cabinet was, noticing it was very slightly ajar.

With a single green eye and a lightning bolt scar looking back at me. The single eye widened at being caught.

However, instead of exposing the cabinet's occupant, I gave a him small, secretive smile, before turning and walking away from the cabinet. My necklace tingled slightly. "Draco, what did your father say about touching things?" I said still facing away from Draco.

"Bloody hell," I heard him say, then he approached me. "You have eyes in the back of your head or something, witch?" He asked from right behind me.

"If I did I wouldn't tell you, Malfoy," I said with an amused tone. He stared at me as if he could solve the mystery by glaring.

"We're done. Come on Children," Mr. Malfoy said, heading out the door.

I then proceed to follow Draco and his father out of the store and out of Knockturn Alley, grateful to leave the ominous area.

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