Purity - 119

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The train ride home was uneventful, save for searching for and unjinxing Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle, who had somehow gotten stuck in a luggage rack and resembled rather unpleasant-smelling slugs. 

We finally arrived in London, and I was thankful to find my father on the platform next to Narcissa. He looked exhausted, but that was better than imprisoned. On the other hand, I was shocked at Narcissa's appearance, as her usually solid, platinum-blonde hair now had a starkly contrasted section of black on the top sections. I made a mental note to prioritize discussions of my necklace before her drastic change.

I hugged my father as Narcissa hugged Draco. Narcissa then hugged me, and when she pulled back, I could see the silent question in her eyes as she looked at Draco and back at me worriedly. I gave her a sad smile, confirming that Draco's angry and sullen mood had been present for a while.

After we said our greeting, we hurried out of the train station, apparating to Cytheria Estate. 

Once we entered the house, Narcissa wasted no time. "I know you are probably exhausted from travelling, Aphrodite darling. But the seamstress is upstairs waiting for you to do your final fitting for your dress. We mustn't waste any time with mere days left until the ball."

Knowing my dress was waiting for me gave me a newfound energy, and we both headed straight back to my room so I could try on my dress.

It was perfect. The white ball gown with short, off-the-shoulder sleeves was covered with iridescent sparkles that reflected a rainbow of colours depending on how the light hit it. White was not necessary for modern debutante balls but was instead chosen by Narcissa and me as a nod to the first Wizarding balls when all the girls coming into society wore white.

With a hem here and an adjusted seem there, my dress soon fit me like a glove. The seamstress left, leaving me standing and staring, pleased at my reflection in the mirror.

"It's perfect," Narcissa said, her smile telling me she was just as pleased.

Now that we were alone, I knew I needed to talk to her about much more important things. I took one last look at my reflection, then turned to her. "Narcissa, I need to discuss something with you."

My change in demeanour must have alerted her because she furrowed her brown. "What is it, dear?"

I pulled my hand up, covering my collarbone where my enchanted necklace rested. "My necklace. It's been freezing. It's so severe that if Draco touches me, he can feel it. But Draco has been absolutely fine. I don't know what it means."

Her expression turned solemn, "Did it start just before the news of the Dark Lord's return?"

Nodding, my head, I said, "Yes. It woke me up before dawn the Friday before."

She gave me a confirming nod. "I believe I know what it is." She sighed. "But I cannot tell you. Not right now."

I gave a frustrated huff. "How am I supposed to protect your son when I'm not told what's going on?"

"I know, darling. I would rather tell you," she said, putting a hand on my shoulder that I assumed was to be reassuring. "Just... know that things are being managed."

"It doesn't feel like they're being managed," I said through gritted teeth.

A loud knock reverberated on my open door, and we both turned our heads in that direction. A woman who I didn't recognize stood in the door frame. She was dressed all in black with dark, unruly black ringlets of hair cascading nearly to her waist.

As I wondered what the strange woman was doing in my home, she strode into my bedroom, approaching Narcissa and me. She made a slow circle around me, looking me up and down critically. Finally, she landed next to Narcissa. "White, for purity. Not my taste, but an excellent choice for the occasion." 

Her eyes locked with mine, and I felt a familiar tug as she tried to delve into my mind. Unfortunately for her, I was already mentally shielded. She lifted a brow as if amused by my occlumency.

Narcissa cleared her throat slightly. "Aphrodite, I don't believe you've seen Draco's Aunt Bellatrix in quite a while."

I looked at the woman, who Narcissa reminisced about on multiple occasions as she fixed my hair, as the curls reminded her of her older sister. I was thankful that aside from the curls, there was no resemblance.

"How do you do?" I said politely with a small nod.

She gave a wry smile. "Narcissa has told me so much about you since my return home."  Her chin lifted proudly. "You must be so thrilled to be chosen to host the ball. Especially one as historic as this."

My brow furrowed in confusion. "Historic? How so?"

Seeming thrilled that I asked, and she wasted no time in answering. "With the Dark Lord's return being public, anyone of questionable allegiance or blood status disappointingly sent their regrets." Her expression of pity was purposely disingenuous, but her wicked smile soon returned. "Now, the ball can return to its formal glory, as it was originally intended. To match and marry off pureblood witches to pureblood wizards, and keep bloodlines pure."

Bellatrix took a few steps to stand right in front of me. "And you as hostess, my dear, symbolize the beginning of that movement. The return of a proper wizarding world. The Dark Lord is very pleased with you."

No, I thought in disbelief as I fought to keep my composure and my heart pounded in my chest. This is not what I want.

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