Occlumency - 92

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The next evening, I entered Snape's office after dinner for my first of many 'detentions.'

When I entered, Severus had his back toward me. He was standing in front of what I recognized as a pensieve, similar to the one my father had at home, and he was extracting memories into it. "I thought you were penetrating my mind, not the other way around," I said to announce my presence.

"Sometimes, in the act of protecting one's mind," he said as he extracted another memory, "the mind of the intruder is penetrated instead."

I sighed as I stared into the penseive at the milky and cloudy memories. "More secrets that need to be kept from me?"

His movements paused as he spared me a sharp glance. "Your father doesn't believe you're ready to learn some of this information."

A scoff passed my lips. "It's seemed more often lately he only tells me anything when he's put in such a situation that he's forced. I think maybe he should tell me when he has more control of the situation."

His eyes went back to the pensieve as he focused on his memory extraction. "I would have to agree with you there. However, your father has my word. This is not my information to tell. In some cases, it's not even his information to tell."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, leaning on the side of the desk. "Let me guess. It's Lucius Malfoy's?" 

The faintest hint of amusement in Snape's eyes would not have been detected by just anybody. "I would hope that you do not utter my name with as much contempt as your other godfather's."

"No. But I have called you a dunderhead," I said cheekily, then corrected accusingly, "Well, in my mind."

"And the ease in which I did that is the exact reason you need to learn Occlumency."

I didn't care to comment on that since I was still irritated the situation, so I changed the subject. "So, do I get to empty the memories I don't want you seeing?"

"Would you like to?" He asked, a single eyebrow quirked.

His offer took me off guard. I honestly wasn't expecting him to level the playing field. After thinking about it, I sighed and responded. "I don't think so. I suspect those are the memories I'd need to learn to protect the most."

He nodded. "That's very wise of you, Aphrodite. Now, we should get started. Stand at the other end of the room and get out your wand."

I did as I was told, pulling my wand out of the pocket of my dress. When I turned back around I asked, "Aren't I supposed to clear my mind as a defence? Why do I need my wand?"

"At first, I will allow you to defend yourself to use your wand, but the expectation is that you will use your mind as you become proficient. Now, shield your mind...." He raised his wand. "legilimens."

I braced myself and attempted to clear my mind. It worked for a brief moment, but the Professor was stronger and broke through. Memories flooded my mind. The day mother died... My father, Lucius, and Narcissa telling me about being a defensor... When Buckbeak attacked Draco... Draco leaning in to brush the icing off my face just before the kiss at our thirteenth birthday party...

Not that! My godfather is not witnessing that!  

Suddenly, my consciousness snapped back to Snape's study. Snape's hand was void of his wand. I had disarmed him.

"That was a decent first attempt. I'm sure with practice you'll be able to achieve full control." He picked up his wand that had landed off to the side. When he looked up, he held that same whisp of amusement he had just moments before. "I figured the privacy of your first kiss was ruined the next morning when the photo showed up in the Daily Prophet."

I shrugged, looking to the floor. "I still have the first-person memory to myself." I defended. "Also figured you wouldn't want a first-person view of my kiss with one of your other students."

Snape gave me a pointed stare as he considered it. "Touché." He changed his stance and his grip on his wand. I automatically braced myself. "Alright. Let's try once again. Legilimens."

One... two... three seconds passed with my mind defended, but Snape pushed slightly harder and was able to break through.

My mind was filled with the memory of running into Sirius Black... Fighting with Snape and Draco afterwards... Lucius interrogating me after he discovered I had gained abilities... Dimitri Sokolov rescuing me at the world cup attack--

Snape lifted the charm off me. I looked at him, anticipating an answer as to why he lifted it rather than let me defend myself. But he did not answer, instead, he gave me a sharp look and asked, "Does Lucius put his hands on you often?" 

I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself protectively. "He doesn't. But father and Narcissa are around most of the time, and they would have a fit if he tried to hurt me. Even that time, he strategically made sure father and you were ahead of us."

My godfather's grip on his wand tightened, and his knuckles turned white as he stared at the wall behind me.

After a brief tension-filled silence, I asked, "Why didn't you let me fight off the charm?"

His eyes switched back to me, and the grip on his wand loosened. I could tell he was still tense, though. "Your memories had turned to Sokolov. I didn't want to force you to relive that night."

I smiled cheekily. "Does that mean you care about me?"

"It wouldn't have been constructive for our purposes..."

"But aren't those the memories I should especially learn to protect?" I challenged.

Snape raised a brow and nodded, but otherwise, his expression was just as unreadable as usual. A second passed before he added with a tone of offence. "Yes, I care about you, Aphrodite."

"Sorry," I said sarcastically and raised my hands in defence. "You aren't exactly obvious about it."

"And that's all for your protection," he responded.

I nodded in understanding, then said, "Well, shall we try again?"

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