Blood Curse - 126

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Bellatrix Lestrange's method of training her nephew was nothing like how Severus trained me in occlumency.

You know how sometimes children learn to swim because they had lessons with a proper instructor who taught them the techniques and set them up for success?

Draco's aunt was the type to just toss the child in the water and hope their survival instincts took over. She cast the legilimency spell over and over, with little explanation as to how Draco was supposed to block the intrusion. I tried to help as best I can with the little time she allowed between each attempt. Draco was, unsurprisingly, making very little progress.

"I might say, I thought we'd have gotten farther by now," Bellatrix said, irritation laced in her voice as she released Draco from the spell and her wand arm fell to her side. Draco, across from her, ran his hands through his hair, mentally worn by the hours of work done.

Bellatrix looked at the clock on the nearby side table. "Hmm. Already lunchtime?" She looked between the two of us. "We'll stop for today. I have some...errands to run this afternoon." I wagered it wouldn't be hard to guess who those errands were for.

Without another word to us, she walked out of the drawing room.

A laboured sigh escaped me as I watched the door close behind her. I despised her. Not because of how she had treated me, although that played a part. Rather because of the disservice she was doing Draco with her poor instruction.

"That didn't go as well as I'd hoped," I heard Draco say as he walked to my side.

I turned my head to look at him. His expression was grim, and I had to imagine his confidence had taken a hit.

Taking his hand in mine, I gently smiled at him. "Don't worry just yet, darling. I've got plenty of notes from when I was studying occlumency. I'll floo to my house to fetch them from my school things after lunch and we can go over them."

You could see the relief wash over him. His spine straightened a bit, his eyes lit up, and his classic smirk returned. "That sounds bloody amazing." He sighed, releasing a touch more of his stress. "Let's go eat. I'm starved."

Hand in hand, we made our way across the main floor of the house to the dining room. The manor was sparse with death eaters, who were likely off on various 'errands.'

As we approached the entrance, we overhead the distinct voices of Bellatrix and Narcissa, and we both paused to listen through the door.

"I appreciate you helping Draco, Bella," Narcissa stated sternly. "But there is plenty of time after they've had breakfast. They haven't eaten at all today." I knew that Narcissa would notice our absence in the dining room this morning.

"Oh, Posh," Bellatrix said, mockery in her tone. "Do you know how many times I was left to starve in Azkaban, Cissy?"

"They aren't Azkaban prisoners, they're children," Narcissa stressed.

"You defend that girl too much," Bellatrix accused. "Keep in mind, she has no Black nor Malfoy blood in her. She is the daughter of Lucius Malfoy's guard dog and a blood traitor Ravenclaw... No offence."

"Offense taken," my father grumbled.

Bellatrix continued, unaffected by his irritation. "She was your replacement after Andromeda was disowned."

"Persephone was not--"

"Thank Merlin that blood curse did her in."

The gasp that came from Narcissa and myself was identical. The cause of my mother's death wasn't new to anyone in either of our families. The insult to her memory was the cause of the reaction. I watched as Draco's eyes darkened.

"I think you should leave this room, Bella," Narcissa said low, almost a threat in her voice.

A short, maniacal chuckle came from Bellatrix. "You are in no position to tell me to leave."

Nothing but silence for a moment. Then Bellatrix scoffed. "Fine. I'll be back at supper time." 

Her boots clicked along the floor, growing louder as they approached the door. We moved out of the way just before the door swung open.

Bellatrix stopped, looking at the two of us. She lifted he nose in the air proudly as she walked past us.

We looked at each other, wondering what to make of the situation before finally heading into the dining room.

Narcissa stood, leaning against the buffet. One arm was crossed in from of her, while the other was lifted toward her face. Her thumb and index finger applied pressure to her temples.

Father, sitting at his usual spot at the right of the table's head, noticed the two of us first. "Aphrodite, Draco." He said hesitantly.

Draco's mother dropped her arms to the side and pushed herself off the furniture. She looked down at our entangled hands, and a hint of a smile brushed her lips before seeming to remember everything we'd just heard. "How much of that did you overhear?"

"Enough," Draco said softly and coldly, contempt for his aunt evident in his demeanour.

Narcissa looked at me. "Aphrodite, your mother was never a substitute for anyone." I could tell that while Narcissa couldn't control the awful things that Bellatrix said, she at least wanted to refute the false claims.

I nodded understandingly. "I know."

She nodded solemnly, then smiled lightly. "Well, you two must be famished. Let's get you something to eat."

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