Black - 48

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Harry and Hermione finally caught up to us, topping the steps. They ran into the room, approaching us and asking about the dog.

"Harry, it's a trap!" Ron said, pointing at Sirius. "He's the dog! He's an Animagus!"

They both turned around just as Black closed the door, trapping us.

Hermione jumped in front of Harry. "If you want to kill Harry, You'll have to kill us, too!"

Whoa! I thought. I don't want Harry to die, but I did not sign up for that.

"No," Sirius Black said, stalking slowly toward us. "Only one will die tonight."

"THEN IT'LL BE YOU!" Harry said, pushing past Hermione to rush Black. Harry grabbed Black by the throat, throwing him to the floor. They struggled briefly before Harry sat up with his wand pointed at Black's brow.

Black chuckled manically. "Are you going to kill me, Harry?"

Harry hesitated, providing enough time for Professor Lupin to burst through the door and disarm Harry.

For a moment, I thought he was going to save us. That's why I felt a sense of betrayal and dread when the teacher and runaway prisoner embraced like long-lost brothers. The two spoke low and hurried to each other. I could barely make out anything they said until Black said, "Let's kill him."

"NO!" Hermione shouted at the two. "I trusted you! And all this time you've been his friend." She turned to us, pointing to Lupin. "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes." 

Suddenly it had all made sense. The missed classes, tattered clothes...

Lupin asked how long she knew, to which she responded that she'd known since professor Snape assigned the essay.

"Enough talk, Remus," Black said, growing impatient. "Let's kill him!" 

Oh, we're revisiting that part, I thought. I was hoping that was over.

"Wait!" Lupin responded.


Lupin gave a small huff and looked at Harry. "Very well, Kill him." He handed Black his wand. "But wait on one more minute. Harry has the right to know why."

"I know why," Harry said, his voice shaking. "You betrayed my parents! You're the reason they're dead!"

"No Harry, it wasn't him," Lupin interjected. "Somebody did betray your parents, but it was somebody who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead!"

"Who was it, then?" Harry asked.

It was Black who answered, "Peter Pettigrew! And he's in this room! Right now!" I was certain that the time in Azkaban had driven him insane, as I could clearly name all six individuals in the room. My thoughts were confirmed as he began calling out for Pettigrew to "Come out and play."

"Expelliarmus!"  Professor Snape had come from the stairwell, sparing a glance at me before going for Sirius.

If I came out of this situation alive, I was certainly screwed.

"Ah! Vengeance is sweet," Snape said, his wand directed at Sirius. "How I'd hoped to be the one to catch you."

They spend some time trading cleaver, barbed insults at each other before Snape dug his wand harder into Severus's neck. "I could do it, you know. But why deny the dementors? They're so longing to see you." Black's eyes widened and his mouth gaped open. "Do I detect a  of fear? Oh, yes. A dementor's kiss. One can only imagine what it must be like to endure. It's said to be unbearable to the witness, but I'll do my best."

"Severus, please," Lupin begged.

"After you," Severus said. He looked at us, motioning us to leave.

Harry took a step forward, lifting the wand that I hadn't yet realized he had retrieved from Hermione. He pointed it at Sirius slowly, then quickly redirected it to Snape, shouting, "Expelliarmus!"

Snape was flung black, into the old, dusty canopy bed in the corner. The wood gave out, and the top fell. I screamed at the scene. Ron, Hermione, and I all exclaimed at Harry for attacking a teacher.

Harry demanded that Lupin and Black tell him about Pettigrew. They explained he used to be their friend, and Black didn't kill him, because he showed up on some map. Harry insisted the map in question was lying. 

"The map never lies!" Black said, "Pettigrew's alive! And he's right there!" He pointed at Ron.

"Me!" Ron exclaimed, "He's mental!"

"Not you! Your rat!" Black responded. Supposedly Pettigrew has cut his finger off, transfigured into a rat, and found his way to the Weasleys' residence.

Harry demanded proof, so they wrestled him from Ron. The rat tried to scurry away from them as they aimed spells at it, missing. The rat ran for a hole, but a spell finally hit it, and it transformed into a person, trapped halfway in the hole. 

We watched in shock as they pulled the man from the hole. Lupin and Sirius went back and forth with Pettigrew, fishing a confession out of him while he made many pitiful attempts to escape. Harry blocked the exit. Pettigrew begged Harry to be spared, going as far as using Harry's dead parents to beg.

Lupin and Black were on the verge of killing Pettigrew when Harry interjected. "We'll take you to the castle," He said. "After that, the dementors can have you."

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