Flourish and Blotts - 9

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My excitement was hard to contain as my father, Draco, and I approached Flourish and Blotts for the book signing. Especially since Father had surprised me by arranging for me to be the first in line. As we entered Draco, having no interest in the most handsome man alive, headed toward the far less crowded second story of the shop as my father guided me up to the table set up for the signing.

"Ah, Aphrodite, dear," Gilderoy said warmly as I approached, flashing me his Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile and causing me to nearly melt on the spot, "I certainly hope you're doing well this afternoon."

"Oh, I'm lovely," I gushed, my cheeks flushing bright red. "And I hope you're doing well yourself." I handed him my brand new copy of Magical Me.

He opened to the title page. "I certainly am, Madamoiselle. No better day for a book signing I'd say." He looked pensive for just a moment, thinking of what to sign in my book, then looked down at me and gave me a wink before starting to write with a flourish.

I. almost. died.

Once he was done, he closed the book before handing it back to me. "Thank you so much, Mr. Lockhart," I said enthusiastically, holding the book close to my chest.

"No, Thank you, dear Aphrodite," he said, his smile never leaving his face. "And thank you, Mr. Cytheria." He looked behind me to my father, who gave a short nod and a pleased smile. "Now if you'll excuse me miss. I do, unfortunately, have to attend to my other adoring fans."

I nodded understandably, saying a finally love-stricken "Goodbye, Mr. Lockhart!" as my father and I moved out of the way.

My father went to visit another section of the shop. I, however,  headed up the stairs to meet Draco.

The blond boy looked quite amused as he leaned on the rail. "Oh, he certainly laid it on thick for you didn't he? I wonder how many galleons that cost your father."

My denial was apparent as I huffed, "Excuse you, but I believe he genuinely found me interesting," I said, holding my book close to my chest, lifting my chin, and looking down my nose at him.

He chuckled, choosing not to even argue with me. "Well, what did that bloke write in that book of yours anyway?"

I hadn't even looked at that point. I excitedly took my book, leaning it on the railing as I opened to the page he signed.

To Miss Aphrodite, 

Already one of my favorite new pupils. 

From your soon to be Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher,

Gilderoy Lockhart

I could have fainted. He notice I was wearing my Slytherin cloak!

"Really did lay it on thick," Draco said under his breath.

Then we overheard Lockhart say from the lower story, "It can't be. Harry Potter?"

I looked over and, indeed, Harry was there. I noticed a sea of Weasleys, too. He looked quite alarmed as the Daily Prophet photographer grabbed him from the crowd to take a picture with Lockhart.

I sighed as Lockhart spoke to the crowd, providing Harry with his entire collection of books.

My necklace tingled, causing my giddy joy to extinguish like I had been dowsed with cold water. I looked to my side as Draco stood looking over the railing, pure jealousy apparent in his expression and overall demeanor. 

He straightened, walking around me to the steps leading downstairs. "Draco..." I warned. He look after me with a disgusted expression as he went halfway down the steps, waiting to spot Harry again.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter," Draco said and rushed down to the foot of the steps before I could spot The Boy Who Lived. "Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."

"Draco...." I said, a bit more warning this time. Who knows what would happen if Draco's father came in on this scene.

A small girl stepped up to Draco and I felt a faint hint of a chill. "Leave him alone," said a girl who I assumed was another Weasley. She's a bit feisty.

Draco looked amused. "Look, Potter. Got yourself a girlfriend!"

As if summoned by Draco's behavior, Lucius Malfoy entered the shop and stood over Draco, resting his cane on Draco's shoulder. "Now, now, Draco. Play nicely." He gave me the slightest warning glance before walking up to Harry.

Now I had a feeling I was in trouble.

As Lucius was talking to Harry (if you could call it that), Hermione came up. She saw me blocked behind Draco, and we shared a small smile as I caught the tail end of the conversation."Voldemort killed my parents," Harry said, "He was nothing more than a murderer."

"You must be very brave to mention his name," Lucius said, looking down at Harry. "Or very foolish."

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself," Hermione said, no doubt quoting something she read. I considered the choice quite Gryffindor of her.

Lucius turned his attention to Hermione. "And you must be Miss Granger." He looked to Draco, who gave a slight nod. "Yes, Draco-- and Aphrodite-- have told me all about you and your parents."

Hermione turned her head. Her parents were close to the back of the shop talking to who I assumed was the Weasleys' father. "Muggles, aren't they?"

As if this conversation wasn't awkward enough already, the eldest Malfoy proceeded to pick on the Weasleys until their father showed up and attempted to escort his children outside. Instead, Lucius started to rope him in, criticizing Mr. Weasley's role in the ministry.

Just then I saw my father coming from the other corner of the store. I visibly saw him sigh and roll his eyes as he caught the scene and rush over to Mr. Malfoy's side. "Associating with muggles," he said, "And I thought your family could sink no lower."

"Come on, Lucius," my father muttered, clearly annoyed.

The elder Malfoy hesitated for a moment. "See you at work," he finished, turning out of the shop.

Draco walked down the stairs and stopped in front of Harry, "See you at school," he said before following his father out.

My father stopped in front of the Weasleys after the two exited. "Sorry, 'bout that Arthur," he said, embarrassed.

Mr. Weasley huffed, speaking low. "I don't understand why you associate him, William."

A weak smile passed on my father's lips. "That is a very long story, Arthur." He took my hand. "Come along, Aphrodite."

I nodded. "Bye, you all. See you at school," I said to everyone.

Harry smiled slightly, "Bye, Aphry."

We exited the shop to see an annoyed-looking Lucius Malfoy and his younger counterpart. As we walked away from the store, I heard Mr. Malfoy say to his son. "Curious, Draco. I thought you were the only one who called her Aphry."

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