Third Year, Day One - 31

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Draco and his group of friends could not stop mocking Harry for fainting on the train the next morning at breakfast, talking about it until Harry came in, then dramatically 'fainting.' It didn't help his ego that the majority of the other Slytherins were eating it up.

"Hey, Potter!" Pansy yelled as the dark-haired boy passed by us. "Potter! The dementors are coming, Potter! Wooo!"

It was enough that this happened last night, and this morning was annoying. Of course, behavior like this was expected of my housemates.

I could have wondered where the charming boy that I kissed over the summer went, but I knew. At home, he was among his equals and superiors, hobnobbing with the high society and powerful of the Wizarding World. At Hogwarts, he felt he was superior.

Poor Harry didn't even get a moment to sit and get his schedule before Malfoy mocked a fainting spell once again.

A huff escaped me, "That's it. I've had it," I swung my legs over the table bench and stood from my spot next to Draco.

"Aphry?" He said, watching as I stood. I ignored him. "Aphrodite! What are you doing?"

I ignore him as I my anger compelled me to make a petty move. I made my way to the Gryffindor table, sitting right next to Harry Potter himself.

"That little git," George Weasley said, "He wasn't so cocky last night when the dementors were down at our end of the train...."

After breakfast, the morning went pretty well. Draco was furious at my move at breakfast, but it didn't stop him sitting with me at all our classes. I did manage to get by giving him the silent treatment in our shared classes.

Next was Care of Magical Creatures. With the Gryffindors.

Hagrid led us to a clearing at the edge of the forest.

"...Form a group over there. And open up your books to page 49," Hagrid instructed.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco said snidely from behind me as I walked ahead of him with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Hagrid looked back at Draco as if he were ridiculous. "You just stroke the spine, of course! Goodness me."

I took my own book and did as Hagrid instructed. The book purred in my hands, and I was able to open it. This was a much better outcome than I had the day we bought the books from Diagon Alley. I had tried to open it when we got home, and it knicked me in the hand. Draco managed to step on it and close it again after I dropped it and it went rogue across his dining room floor. Narcissa had to give me a salve to keep the cut from possible infection and scarring.

Looking up with a small smile at my minor success, I just happened to look up and in the direction Draco was with the other Slytherins. We locked eyes, but just for a second, before he looked down and opened his booked himself.

Hermione put her book down on the boulder next to us. "I think they're funny," she told us.

"Oh, yeah," Draco interrupted with the same mocking tone he'd had all day in his voice. "Terribly funny! Really witty!" His mock was lace with a bit of irritation as he said, "God, this place had gone to the dogs! Wait until my father hear's Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes!" Other Slytherins chuckled around him.

I sighed, not surprised that my necklace started to tingle.

Harry stepped toward Draco. "Shut up, Malfoy."

"Ooh!" Draco said, and a chorus of similar taunting sound effects came from the Slytherins. Draco handed his bookbag to Crabbe, and walked up to stand toe to toe with Harry.

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