Like Father, Like Son - 26

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As we walked back to the party, the realization of what happened sank in.

I just had my first kiss. With my best friend. The son of my father's best friend... Oh no...

My father is going to freak out.

Anxious butterflies erupted in my stomach. "Draco...," I said hesitantly but softly as we walked past others walking through the garden.

He looked toward me, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Yes?"

"Do you plan on telling your parents?" I asked, then lowered my voice so no one would hear. "About the kiss?"

He chuckled, "Oh absolutely not. My mother would smother me. Not to mention, your father is pretty protective of you. He might kill me."

Relief washed over me, and I smiled. "Maybe not kill you. But no, he wouldn't be happy."

We approached the steps back up to the house and re-entered the ballroom.

"What were you two doing?" we heard a young, female voice say as we crossed the threshold. We turned our heads to the left to see a group of Slytherin, soon-to-be third years looking at us. Daphne was at the center with a raised eyebrow.

Draco and I looked at each other, small smiles and blushes on both of our faces.

When we turned back to the group Daphne had a wild look in her eye. "Excuse me, Draco. Pansy and I are borrowing Aphrodite for a moment." She then linked her arm into my free one and pulled me to an abandoned empty table.

I told them everything that happened, and their eyes lit up.

"How romantic," Pansy said wistfully.

"Oh, this year is going to be so good," Daphne said. "We get to start going to Hogsmeade, so you two will get a chance to go on dates! Maybe Pansy and I will find somebody each and go on  group dates with you."

"That would be so fun," Pansy said, clasping her hands together and jumping a little.

I laughed, "We just kissed, you two. We haven't even decided if we're dating or not. You two are so far ahead of us that you're practically planning our wedding."

The two looked at each other and their eye widened. "Emerald," Pansy said.

"In the Malfoy Manor? Definitely Emerald." Daphne agreed.

"With a nice pink!" Pansy said.

"No, blue!" Daphne said.

"No, I think pink," Pansy argued, starting a small argument between the two.

As the last of the guests were dwindling out, Narcissa directed Draco to take me upstairs to their private drawing-room and wait for her so she could help me out of my dress.

In the drawing-room, Draco and I sat together on either side of the couch facing the doorway so we could see Narcissa come in. The portraits asked a few questions about how the night went, but as Draco and I were tired the room fell into a comfortable silence. Draco grabbed the copy of The Daily Prophet sitting on the coffee table while I grabbed the Witch Weekly. 

A few moments later, Draco's parents finally arrived from downstairs. It was one of the few times that I had seen Lucius Malfoy in a seemingly good mood, as the night had gone off well and likely improved his relationships among the wizarding community. His dress robes were draped over his arms, and his black bow tie was undone around his neck along with the topmost button at the collar of his dress shirt.

I watched as Lucius Malfoy looked at Narcissa with a satisfied, lopsided smile. She was lovely in her dark olive dress as finger by finger she started to work off one of the black opera-length gloves she wore. He lifted his hand, placing his crooked index finger under her chin. She stopped her attempts to free herself from her gloves as he guided her to look at him.

Their eyes met, and Mr. Malfoy said to his wife, "You put on a lovely party this evening, Mrs. Malfoy." Narcissa looked like a schoolgirl as she blushed and smiled.

A sigh escaped my lips, breaking their trance as they both glanced at me. I swore Narcissa's blush deepened and her smile turned playful as she look back at her husband. "We have an audience, Mr. Malfoy," She said in a mock scolding tone as she finally pulled her glove off and gently hit him with it. 

She looked at me. "Come on, dear. I had some of your pajamas brought up in my dressing room. Draco, you have some in your father's room. Leave your suit in his dressing room."

I followed her into her dressing room, where I changed out of my dress and took my make-up off. She helped me undo the crystal pins from my hair and into a ponytail to sleep in as we talked about how lovely the night had gone.

Walking out of the drawing-room, Draco had changed into his pajamas and was back on the couch, slightly dosing off.

"You didn't have to wait for me," I said, startling him awake.

He stood from his spot slowly with a half-smile. "I didn't mind."

We made our way out of the Malfoy's master suite and into the main hallway, crossing the entire house. We were primarily silent, considering it was late and we were both exhausted.

Draco stopped at the door to my room, right across the hall from his. "Goodnight, Draco," I said softly, grabbing for my door handle.

A single finger rested under my chin. Before thinking, I turned my head up and over the way the finger softly guided me to look Draco in the eyes.

The heart thundered in my chest, and I felt my face flush as my lips parted in surprise.

His infamous smirk sat lazily on his face. "Hmm that works, doesn't it?" He looked at me for a brief moment in silence before faintly saying. "Goodnight, Aphrodite." He lowed his hand from my chin and crossed the hall toward his door.

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