Clever - 69

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I was never more excited to leave class than when Professor Moody dismissed us from that first class. Talking about and witnessing those curses left me completely unsettled.

"I can't believe he wants us to practice resisting those curses," I said to Draco after the class as we walked with the other second-year Slytherins. We were heading toward the great hall for dinner.

"What, Cytheria? Are you scared?" Pansy said with a sneer.

Scoffing, I looked at her on the other side of Draco. "Yes, Pansy. There is a reason they are unforgivable."

Draco, who'd been suspiciously quiet, directed the rest of the crowd. "You all go on ahead of us, I need to talk to Aphry."

Pansy crossed her arms. "Certainly what you have to say to her can't be private!"

"Well, it is Pansy. Leave us alone." He glared at her, which she returned before following her friends into the hallway.

Draco watched her as she left. "She gets more insufferable every day," he said with gritted teeth.

I looked at him. "Why do you even stay with her?"

He didn't answer, just looked back at me. He then nodded his head to the stone wall away from the crowds heading to dinner. "Let's go over there."

We moved over to the wall, which he leaned against. I just stood straight, waiting to see what he wanted to talk about. He looked at me. "What was that with the spider?"

"The screaming?" I asked, confused then immediately filled with regret as I realized. "Oh, did I hurt your ears? I am so sorry, Draco. You know how scared I am of them!" The tingle of my necklace at the threat was no help either.

A chuckled left him. "No Aphry. You tried to get it off of me. Despite being frightened. Despite Moody saying they were lethal just moments earlier."

I smiled lightly. "I didn't want you to get hurt, Draco. Even though I was scared of the spider, I feared you getting hurt more."

He looked serious as his grey eyes stared into mine. "I don't want you doing that, ok? I don't want you risking your life for me." Oh, no. "You're a lady. Even if you are committed to another, as a gentleman, I should be the one protecting you if he's not around."

How do you tell the person you are supposed to be protecting that you are supposed to be protecting them without actually telling them?  I really had to think about this one. I had to find the right way to convince him to let me do my job without him making it harder. However, it would raise a lot of suspicion if I told him not to protect me. 

I crossed my arms. "Draco, have you gone mad?" I asked him. He recoiled a bit with wide eyes, surprised by my change in tone. "Because you have to be if you think I am ever just going to just sit back and watch my best friend get seriously injured without lifting a finger to help him. I don't care if I am a girl or a lady. Proper doesn't have a place in life-threatening situations."

His brow furrowed a bit as I protested. "Aphry, I don't want to see you hurt."

I lifted my hand to squeeze his arm and looked into his eyes. "And I don't want to see you hurt, darling. Let's put it this way, Draco. We are a team. We take care of each other. Now, why don't we agree this very moment that we will both attempt to stay out of harm's way? But if we do get in a precarious situation, we won't be upset with each other for helping."

Sighing, he looked at me. "You are so stubborn, witch."

Grinning, I nodded. "I have to be to tolerate you." 

He chuckled. "Well, we have an agreement, I guess. Let's go get some dinner."

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