Heir of Slytherin - 15

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Once transfiguration was over, all the Slytherins left the classroom to head to lunch together. Professor McGonagall had told the entire class the legend of the Chamber of Secrets, and we were all a bit curious, considering our house was the main subject of the story.

Draco walked briskly, leading the group as he bobbed and weaved around groups of students. He had gained a few inches on me in the past several months, so it was pretty difficult to keep up with his pace. The challenge was increased with Goyle walking right behind me close enough to step on my heels a time or two.

As we passed yet another group, my necklace started to tingle. "Who do we know that thinks all muggle-borns are scum?" I heard Ron Weasley say as I passed.

I turned my head to see him with Harry and Hermione. What could they be up to?

I was stopped in my thoughts as a body slammed into my back, causing me to lose my balance and get thrown forward. I yelped as I fell, my hand and knees hitting the hard stone ground.

Draco, hearing me, quickly turned around and cast his gaze down at me. He turned his gaze back up to the offender. "Watch where you're going Goyle!" he said. He offer his hand to me, which I took so he could help me up.

When we were finally seated in the great hall, Draco, sitting directly across from me, was the first to speak. "Did you see Professor McGonagall's face? She was worried." He smirked. "The heir of Slytherin is in these very halls. Right as we speak."

"Who do you think it is, Draco?" Pansy asked next to me.

Draco thought for a moment, taking a bite of the sandwich he was eating. "I don't know," he said with his mouth half full, a behavior I knew would have Narcissa in a fit should she have witnessed it. "But I want to find out." My necklace chilled slightly.

I froze, my forkful of food halfway between my plate and mouth. "Should you really be trying to locate the person who is opening a creepy secret chamber in the school, nearly killed a cat, and threatened to do worse?" I asked.

He glared at me. "Who are you? My mother taking that Polyjuice that we discussed in Potions class?" The other Slytherins surrounding us laughed.

I rolled my eyes with a slightly amused smile. "Funny, but I still think you should be careful."

He laughed. "I'm pureblood, I don't think I have anything to worry about." He smirked and puffed up his chest a bit. "I'd even say I'm Salazar Slytherin's ideal student."

"Perhaps, but those up to no good don't usually appreciate witnesses, Draco." I countered. "Regardless of blood status."

"Aphry's got a point," Daphne said to my left. A hint of hesitation in her voice. "It could be dangerous. Remember last year? Potter, Weasley, and Granger nearly got killed sticking their nose where they shouldn't..."

Draco eyed us as he slowly chewed the bite in his mouth. "Girls are boring." He dropped the rest of his sandwich on his plate. "Come on Crabbe and Goyle. We're discussing this elsewhere."

Crabbe and Goyle followed his directions, as the three of us watched them leave. I sighed. "I have no clue what I'm going to do with him."

"Boys are weird," Daphne said, causing us all three to laugh.

As we talked, I notice Harry, Ron, and Hermione come into the great hall. They all saw me and smile lightly before heading to the Gryffindor table, but I notice the faint tingle in my necklace again. I certainly had the feeling something was going on. I couldn't begin to comprehend what, though.


Author's note: Thanks for reading! Please vote if you enjoyed it and comment to let me know what you think!

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