Taking a Break - 128

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As the days passed, Draco made steady progress, able to block the majority of his aunt's attempts to delve into his mind.

It wasn't the smoothest process though. Bellatrix eventually saw enough of Draco's memories to see that I'd at one point had a friendship with Harry Potter. We were lucky Draco was able to protect the memories of finding that I aided Dumbledore's Army. And she was convinced of my loyalty after seeing I'd essentially sworn to Draco the friendship was over after his father was sent to Azkaban.

Bellatrix used the knowledge in her way. Taunting Draco by recounting the memories that made him most jealous, or suggesting I might 'go back to Potter' whenever she got impatient with his progression. Each quip made me despise her more. She was his bloody aunt, for christ's sake!

Every morning was training with Bellatrix, and every evening Draco and I spent in the Malfoy Manor library researching. It felt like ages, but it was only mid-July. We tried to make the most out of every day. Any second wasted could mean failing this task.

Draco and I trudged to breakfast one morning, prepared for another awkward encounter with both of our parents. Things were still strained since we received our marks.

We entered the dining room, hand in hand as we had since we first got together. The head of the table still sat empty, as if Lucius Malfoy would come into the room at any moment and take his usual seat. Draco pulled out my chair next to my father and then went to sit next to his mother.

A tense silence fell as we ate. Father reading the latest from the Prophet, likely more murders and various attacks brought on by the various others roaming about the manor.

Narcissa broke the silence. "Bellatrix is busy all this morning, so you get a day off from training." She made it sound like a good thing.

I nodded, "Thank you, Narcissa," I said. Things may be fraught between our two generations, but I was not going to disrespect either adult with poor manners. I turned to Draco. "Shall we use the time to do some additional research?" 

Draco nodded in agreement. "We could use the extra time."

Narcissa took a deep breath, sharing a concerned look with my father before returning to shift her gaze between either of us. "Maybe you should take a day off. The both of you need the rest."

"I'll rest when I'm dead mother," Draco snarked, irritated by the suggestion.

I watched as Narcissa subtly shifted in her seat, unsure how to respond to her son's words. "Draco, she's just trying to help," I said gently.

The ghost of an appreciative smile tugged at her lips. "You both look exhausted. I know Bella has been training with you daily... Besides, I scheduled an appointment with Chloe. I thought you might like to get some new outfits, Aphrodite. And Chloe would love to see you."

Shopping for new clothes seemed silly to me in the midst of a war, but I could see Narcissa was desperately trying to bridge the rift that had been created. I look down at my uncovered scar. I did need some additional outfits for school, as the majority of my outfits did not have long enough sleeves to conceal it.

Ultimately though, I thought, Draco needs my support. I looked at him, trying to get a read on how he felt about this.

Draco's storming grey eyes locked with mine, his expression locked in a glare. His chest lifted as he took a deep breath, then released it. "You're right, mother. Aphrodite has been working hard. She deserves a break. I'll manage on my own today."

A sense of guilt settled in the pit of my stomach. "And what about you?"

My father then spoke up, "Draco might want to peruse through the books in my study today. May find something to help."

Draco gave a curt nod. "I think that settles that," he said shortly before returning to his breakfast.


After changing into an outfit with long sleeves, I crossed the hall and knocked on Draco's door. I heard a faint "Come in," and opened the door to see Draco sitting sideways on an antique black settee, looking out onto the hedges and gardens that spanned the facade of Malfoy Manor. The overcast sky cast a diffused grey light on the already moody room, which had floor-to-ceiling wainscotting in a dark, muted forest green.

It hurt a bit to see the toll the stress was taking on him. Regardless, he was still incredibly handsome, especially with that smart black suit on, and I chose to take a small moment to admire him.

I must have taken a bit too long because he turned his head and a cocky smirk replaced his sullen expression. "Like what you see, Miss Cytheria?" He stood from his seat walking towards me.

A heated blush flushed my cheeks, as I met him in the middle of the room. I attempted to play coy, letting my expression match his. "Perhaps, Mr Malfoy."

He chuckled lightly. "You, uh, headed out with mother soon?" he asked.

I nodded and finally realized why I'd had a low humming uneasiness since breakfast. This would be the first time since Draco took on his task that we would be so far apart. "Are you going to be okay?" I asked.

"I'll be fine," he said stoically. He reached down to take my hand in his. "I want you to enjoy yourself today, alright?" he said, looking into my eyes. "Don't be fretting about me like you always do."

"It's my duty to fret about you," I gently reminded him. "It's pretty much in my blood."

"Well, I'll be with your father in his study most of the day," he said, "I don't think there'll be anything to worry about."

He had a point. "Be nice," I said firmly. "You may be mad at him along with your parents, but he's also now your girlfriend's father."

He swallowed nervously. "Of course. You don't need to remind me."

I looked into his eyes, suddenly serious. "Let me know tonight if you find anything?"

"Of course," he said, reaching up to gently cup my cheek. He guided me closer as his head bent down. When our lips connected, the feeling of warmth in my necklace neutralized a bit of the now-constant cool.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head, allowing the kiss to be deeper. We weren't snogging (I'd certainly been witness to that at enough common room parties to know), yet my heartbeat started to race all the same.

We pulled apart and our eyes connected, still soaked up in the momentary bliss. Then Draco's eye glanced behind me. His eyes widened and his posture quickly straightened as he dropped his hands to his side. "Mother, what are you doing?" A light flush covered his cheeks, and I immediately became amused. Draco Malfoy doesn't blush.

Turning a bit, I saw Narcissa standing at the door frame I left open. A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Oh, don't mind me!" she said. "I was just coming to see if Aphrodite was ready to go. Do you two need another moment to say goodbye?"

"No," I said, "I think I'm ready." I turned to Draco. "See you tonight?"

He nodded curtly to me, still trying to hide his embarrassment.

I walked to Narcissa, and we both made our way out of the house and apparated to France.

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