Hospital - 50

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Snape turned to Ron, Hermione, and myself. "I am going to check on Potter. You three stay here." He made a point to look me in the eye as if I was the one most likely to run off. 

He turned and left us, following the path Harry went. He re-emerged a while later carrying an unconscious Harry. Hermione helped Ron and we all made our way up to the hospital slowly, considering the many damaged limbs.

Once Madame Pomfrey began tending to Harry, Snape left for a while, coming back with Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge in tow. The three men all hovered over Harry, speaking in hushed tones. Now and then we'd hear mention of Harry, Black, or Professor Lupin, but we couldn't make out any details.

"What do you think they're saying?" Hermione asked me nervously, but quietly while we sat together on the edge of the hospital bed next to Ron's. At this point, Madame Pomfrey had done all she could for Harry while unconscious and had moved to him, wrapping his leg. We watched the nurse under the dim moonlight, as it was very early morning, but still several hours before dawn.

I shook my head, "I can't be sure. And I wonder what happened to Sirius Black." Tonight's events were enough to convince me that he was innocent. But, conveniently, Snape had not witnessed that Pettigrew was very much alive. And, considering Snape's apparent dislike for Black even before he was labeled a murderer,  I did not feel that things would end well. 

"Me, too," She said. "Awful he had to live like that for 12 years while he was innocent..."

We sat quietly for a moment. Madame Pomfrey finished with Ron and came over to check on me. She diagnosed me with an ankle sprain and gave me a potion to heal it. The liquid was a pale lavender and tasted awful, as most potions do, but I managed to choke it down. Within seconds, my ankle ached as the tissue repaired itself.

Just as I handed the potion bottle back to Madame Pomfrey, the Minister turned around, making his way over to me, a subtle smile made him appear cordial but serious considering the situation. "Good evening, Ms. Cytheria."

I nodded politely to him. "Minister Fudge, nice to see you again, despite the circumstance."

His smile fell, and he nodded grimly. "Indeed, Ms. Cytheria. So, so sorry to see that you got caught up in this. I, uh, hope that your father will not be putting the ministry or school at fault for your injury." It made sense. He was not truly concerned for me. This was damage control, or else he would be talking to Ron, who was injured worse than me. My father was the most influential.

It annoyed me, but I did not let that show. "Of course, it isn't the ministry's fault. I was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time."

His shoulders relaxed, a fraction of his stress being relieved. "Indeed, Ms. Cytheria. But not to worry, dear! Sirius Black will pay for his crimes this very night with the dementor's kiss."

Panicked by the news, I stood. "Excuse me for intruding in Ministry business, Sir. But I can assure you Black is innocent!" I said. I was desperate not to see an innocent man experience such a horrible fate. "Peter Pettigrew is alive. He's been in hiding this entire time. I saw him with my own eyes. We all did!" I looked to Hermione and Ron, who nodded in agreement. I looked into the minister's eyes" There must be some way you can stop this!"

My outburst seemed to have no effect. Shaking his head sadly, the minister patted my shoulder a couple of times and looked over at Professor Snape, his expression even grimmer. "Must have been a powerful Confundus charm, indeed, Severus."

My brow furrowed in confusion, but before I could ask what he was talking about, he began heading out of the hospital wing with Dumbledore.

I looked toward Professor Snape, who locked eyes with me. I had never seen him so angry. His brow furrowed deeply, and his mouth was a thin line. His eyes, however, intensified his expression as his pointed glare seemed to penetrate my mind. "Madame Pomfrey, will you be needing to keep Ms. Cytheria any longer? I would like to have a conversation with her before sending her back to her house."

Madam Pomfrey didn't even look up from adjusting Ron's pillow under his leg. "Yes, professor. Aphrodite dear, you come to me if that ankle's still bothering you in the next couple of days." I gave her a short 'yes ma'am,' before rising to my feet and looking at Professor Snape, ready to follow him.

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