Educational Degree Twenty-Four - 109

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Smoothing my dress down, I looked at myself in the mirror. The pink tweed fit and flare dress was nothing out of the ordinary for me to wear. I mean, I even packed it for me to wear.

I just hadn't worn it since Professor Umbridge had given me a distaste for anything in the colour palette.

But it really was a gorgeous dress. And another masterpiece of Chloe Rosier's didn't deserve to lie hiding in a trunk the entire school year. Not to mention I was hoping this would help me with my plan to help Harry without being directly involved.

I put on the matching jacket and a pearl necklace that matched the accent pearls sewn on the cuffs, then headed down. My now signature heels, the nude pair, clicked against the castle's stone floors as I made my way to the common room.

As I crossed the threshold and approached Daphne, she looked me up and down. "I know it might remind you of Umbridge, but I love it on you," she said, relieving my fears. She hooked her arms through mine, and we headed down to breakfast together.

We sat at the table across from Draco, who looked at me over the top of his paper and quirked an eyebrow up. "Is that a new dress?"

Why was he concerned my clothing? Or was I just anxious of getting caught? I merely shrugged. "It was packed in my trunk with my other clothes. I just haven't had an opportunity to wear it."

If anyone could find me out, it would be Draco. He knew me too well. 

But, thankfully, he returned to his paper, and conversations turned away from my attire. 

"Good Morning, students," an uncomfortable high-pitched voice said behind me.

Daphne and I turned to see Umbridge smiling down at all of us. "Good Morning, Professor," we all said discordantly.

She looked at alll of us with that tight smile. "I hope you have a wonderfully Sunday off. And I'll see you all in class tomorrow." Her eyes rested on mine, lingering, before she walked off. I hoped that was a good sign.

Monday came with educational Decree Twenty-Four, and all students organizations were banned, except for those approved by Umbridge. I was right in assuming that she had people watching. I just hoped I was descreet enough that no one saw me, or my plan to help them would be entirely ruined.

Of course, Draco was able to get the Slytherin quidditch team's approval. And, of course, he bragged about it right outside of the potions classroom and nearly caused another fight with the Gryffindor boys.

Although that wasn't the biggest surprise during our potions class. Umbridge, the High Inquisitor herself, was inspecting Snape. The first half hour, she simply made notes, but then she went to interview Snape. It took everything in me to focus on my potion as she ask more about his interest in the Dark Arts position than the cirriculum he actually taught. 

And, though he did not show it. I could tell in the cadence of his voice he didn't like the direction of the questioning. I'd spent long enough with him to know.

As the questioning ended, she then turned around, heading directly to me.

I maintained a neutral but pleasant expression. It made sense that she would pick me, since she was able to get on Draco's good side earlier. But most importantly, I took it as a sign that she wasn't onto me.

She probed me with questions, and I gave the best answers that I could to flatter the professor and make him look good in the eyes of the ministry.

By the time she had let me go and left herself, the last students had just filed out.

I began vialing up my potion and packing up my things, Snape stared from the front of the classroom. When I took my potion to the front he said, "I've already given you full marks. It can be reasoned that any errors arose from the fact you were distracted.""

My brow rose. "And what if I made you look bad."

His brow rose to match mine. "Did you?"

I smiles brightly at the professor. "No." I said with a slight chuckle. "I know how nepotism works." He narrowed his eyes at me, but I gave it no time. "Good day, Professor."

Making my way out of the potions classroom, I headed down the path out of the dungeons.

Just before I ascended the stairs, someone stepped out of the shadows. I could make them out easily from the red hair shining in the corridor firelight. "Ron?"

He a few quick steps toward me, brow knit together in furious anger. "You told her about the group, didn't you?"

My eyes widened. He was being a bit frightening. "No! I didn't!"

"You're the only one who didn't sign the paper." he said, taking another step. "It had to have been you."

I took a step back. "It most definitely was not me. There were other people in that pub, Ron."

Ron didn't answer, merely glaring at me as someone's steps echoed as they descended. 

"Ah, Weaselbee. Get lost?" Draco mocked. He landed at the bottom of the steps before he saw me. "Aphrodite?" He approached me quickly. "Is he bothering you?" Draco's glare matched Ron's as they looked at each others.

I took a deep breath and lifted my chin, hoping that he did. "Not at all." I said, lifting my chin up. "I was just heading to lunch." I walked past both of them, heading up the stairs.

Draco followed after me. As soon as we head top the stairs, he tried to question me. "Are you sure..."

"I'm not discussing this further Draco," I said, rushing to the great hall before he could prod further.

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