Expectant -155

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"Could you have managed to stay out of trouble for five seconds during the apparition lesson, Draco?" I fussed as we walked to our now far too familiar spot in the Room of Requirement. Throwing my book bag on the chaise, I started rifling through it. "My necklace was tingling the entire time!"

Draco huffed, just as irritated as I was. "It was Crabbe's fault. He kept pestering me about how long he and Goyle have been keeping lookout. Can't seem to understand I don't know how much longer it's going to be."

I rolled my eyes. It wasn't just Crabbe and Goyle getting impatient; we all were. It wasn't like Draco wasn't trying or not being diligent enough. The damn cabinet just wasn't cooperating.

Finally finding the small mint tin for which I was looking, I knelt on the ground where my cauldron of newly ready polyjuice potion sat on top of an old luggage trunk. Each batch seemed to be coming out better than the last. I started giving it a careful stir to full incorporate all the ingredients. "Potter was eavesdropping the entired time," I told him. "He was so preoccupied with trying to figure out what you and Crabbe were arguing about that he didn't even register me standing a few feet away staring at him."

A scoff left Draco. "He wasn't subtle about it whatsoever." He then added in a high pitched, mocking tone. "'I tell my friends what I'm up to, if I want them to keep a lookout for me.' He should be thankful the teachers were there."

I ignored the veiled threat as I vialed my polyjuice potion into small glass tubes. I topped each vial with a single strand of hair from my tin. It might have looked similar to if I were garnishing a cocktail rather than a putrid smelling potion, but the grimace on my face gave the truth away.

"They aren't fans of turning into little girls," Draco said behind me, referring to the transformation Crabbe and Goyle experienced when they did lookout for us. His abrasive tone rubbed me the wrong way in my already irritated stated.

Turning to him briefly I shot him a glare. "Well I'm sorry. But the first and second year boys weren't very agreeable when I offered to braid their hair," I said sarcastically. The younger girls were also easier to underestimate. I had already thought about this in depth.

The visualization of me trying to braid a boys short hair must have amused Draco. His lip quirked up, then he began to chuckle. His amusement was contagious, and my irritation at the situation faded away as I began to chuckle along with him.

Once our fit of laughter was over, he looked at me with a soft smile. "You're good with the younger students." He leaned against the black vanishing cabinet, his work being completely ignored at the moment. "You should have been prefect over Pansy. The younger girls are terrified of her."

I shrugged, trying to pretend like I still wasn't bitter about my godfather's decision. "I'm not sure how I would have kept up with it this year anyway. Would have looked odd if we'd quit together." I capped the last of my vials, giving the corks one last solid press each before collecting them carefully in my bag to give to Crabbe and Goyle later.

He frowned, considered what I had said before nodding. "I suppose your right." The soft smile returned though. "Either way, it's darling how those little girls look up to you." A small moment of silence passed before he said softly, "You'll make a good mother someday."

Not expecting him to say that, I took a deep breath in as I rose from my position on the ground and sat on the chaise. A heavy silence fell, and I looked away from him as I confessed. "I don't know that I want to have children, Draco." It's something I had been thinking about every so often. And my decision became clearer the more I did think on it.

Having clearly not responded in a way he anticipated, his eyes widened slightly. "Really?" He looked around, clearly perplexed by the statement I hadn't mutter out loud until that very moment. "I'm surprised. When we were little, you always seemed to be carrying a doll with you. I hardly remember a time you didn't tote one around."

He wasn't wrong. "I know. It's not necessarily that I don't want to be a mother. I just..." I gave another burdened sigh. "I don't want to have children just to subject them to the same things that have been forced upon us." I waved my hand between us, as if that might clarify my point. "If the Dark Lord gets his way, any son will be a dispensible soldier for him, and any daughter will be another vessel for the next generation of purebloods. Not to mention what might happen in the off chance they don't have magic." I felt my heart beat faster, steering my imagination away from the possibilities. I wrapped my arms around myself. "Even if he doesnt win, there will be others putting on similar pressure. It seems more merciful at this point to just not conceive them at all."

Draco didn't respond immediately. "Knowing the circumstances, it's likely we'll get married. Being soulmates and all."

I frowned. He was right, and it was also something I considered. This was a decision for his future as much as mine. I looked at him, bracing ahead for the answer to my next question. "Do you hate that I'm even considering it?"

He shook his head softly. "I would never hate you. Honestly I haven't thought all that much about having children, beyond knowing at some point it might be expected of me to father some."

My right brow raised skeptically. "You had 'Scorpius' picked out for a boy third year when you thought we had an arranged marraige."

His classic smirk flashed at me. "Please, Aphry. I just said that to get a rise out of you. I remembered Mother told me she had considered it for me, and thought it was a fitting Malfoy name." His expression softened. He chuckled softly for a brief moment, before quieting. "I'm not saying this to try to dissuade you or anything, but you know mother would be heartbroken if she knew we were thinking this way."

My brow furrowed at his choice of words. "We?"

His smirked grew. "Of course 'we,' Aphry. I'm not going to fight you on this. If we handled things the natural way..." I could feel my cheeks heat, knowing well enough what he meant. "you would be the one carrying any children for months. And once they were born, I can't imagine you'd be passive in their raising, passing them off to nannies and governesses." 

"You know me too well, Draco," I said softly, smiling lightly. This conversation was going much better than I'd hoped.

Draco sighed, his expression turning solemn. He walked over to the chaise, sitting so close by my side that our hips connected. He took my hand.  "And I refuse to possibly watch your heart break watching your fears for them come to fruition." She shook his head, looking around the room aimlessly, mind obvious miles away from the piles of junk. "There are ways to prevent having children. And, if you don't feel like breaking the news to Mother, we can always pretend we're just not having luck." He lifted a hand up pushing back a curl covering my cheek. "Either way, don't worry about it now. We're years away from that being an issue."

I laid my head on his shoulder, feeling a bit relieved. He was right, we didn't have to worry about any of that for a long time.

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