Yule Ball, Part 1 - 83

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I crossed the gangway to the ship, knocking on the entrance. I waited a moment, tugging my coat closer to me before someone finally answered.

It was Viktor, who smiled warmly at me. "Aphry!" He said as he stepped aside for me to enter. "Allow me to take your coat." I shrugged it off, and he took it to hang it. Viktor led me to the ship's main common area, which was thankfully large enough to not be crowded even though nearly twice the usual people were occupying it. Couples in their dress robes were all chattering excitedly.

Dimitri noticed me as soon as I walked into the room, and I put on a polite smile as he approached. He admired my robes as he approached. "Aphrodite, You look delightful." He gave me a light kiss on the cheek. "A century ago, you would have fit right in with the Tsar's court."

I appreciated that all the planning Narcissa and I had done on the dress had not gone unnoticed. "Thank you, Dimitri," I said, graciously.

"Miss Cytheria." I turned my head to see Headmaster Karkaroff. "It's a pleasure to have you aboard our ship and to have one of our students escort you to the ball. Your father and I are good friends."

"The pleasure is all mine, headmaster," I said with a light curtsy. "My father and Lucius Malfoy have spoken of you fondly. Mr. Malfoy's son and I nearly went to Durmstrang for that very reason, but I'm afraid the distance proved to be too much an impediment."

Karkaroff nodded. "Much to our dismay. You would have been a welcome addition to the school. Your potions master tells me that you'll be at N.E.W.T. level in no time."

Why on earth would Severus Snape say such a thing? I gave a small laugh. "I am doing well, but I've still got a ways to go." After a few more moments of polite conversation, he excused himself.

Out of the periphery of my vision, a beautiful periwinkle gown caught my attention at the entrance of the room, contrasting against the candlelit walls with darkly stained moulding. I turned my head to the new guest that had entered just as our own Viktor Krum took her hand to kiss it. "Hermione!" I said, approaching after giving her date a proper amount of time to greet her. "You look absolutely stunning!"

The pink that tinged her cheek complemented the periwinkle beautifully. "Thank you! You as well!"

"I daresay, Viktor," Dimitri said, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder and looking at me with a satisfied smile. "I think we caught ourselves the belles of the ball."

I laughed. "I'll take the compliment, but many boys would beg to differ," I said. "Harry Potter did confirm that Fleur Delacour is part veela." That earned a laugh from Hermione.

After several more minutes of visiting and chatting, Viktor looked at his watch. "I suppose it's about time to go." He offered Hermione his arm and with a handsome smirk asked her, "Shall we?"

Hermione looked at me with a grin that showed she was positively tickled by Viktor's chivalry, and I was very happy that the meddling Daphne and I did worked out. She took his arm gratefully, and I follow suit taking Dimitri's arm.

We made our way into the entrance hall through the front doors with the other Durmstrang students and their dates, and entered at the same time as a group of Slytherins came up, led by Draco and Pansy. I kept the feeling that she looked like the worst person to be on his arm to myself. It was none of my business.

The great hall doors had not yet been opened, and the entrance hall was full to the brim with Hogwarts students wandering about trying to find their dates. McGonagall called for the champions, prompting us to separate from Viktor and Hermione.

When the great hall was opened, and Dimitri ushered me in, I was in complete awe. The entire Great Hall had been transformed into a wonderland of white and silver, ice and crystal. I had not been this enchanted with the hall since the very first moment I walked in. At that moment, I swore I'd never regret having to go to Hogwarts over Durmstrang.

I insisted that Dimitri and I find Daphne, and he obliged. We worked our way around the crowd and found her and her date, Theodore Nott. They, of course, were with the other Slytherins, including Draco and Pansy.

"Sokolov," Draco greeted in a stoic, yet civil manner.

Dimitri returned his tone, "Malfoy."

Daphne scooted close to me and ask under her breath. "Have you seen Hermione?"

I nodded. "Yes, she looks lovely," I said. "She thanked me for copying those hair spells for her. Said I was like her 'fairy godmother.'"

A brow arched down in confusion she said, "What's that?"

"It from some muggle stories and 'movies.'" I tried to explain. "They're witches that transfigure unfortunate main characters into ball gowns and fix their hair before they have to go to a ball."

Daphne nodded. "Well, that sounds like an accurate description then! But what are movies?"

"'Moving pictures,' Hermione said."

"But don't all pictures move?" She questioned further.

"I know. It confused me, too."

At that moment, the champions were announced and the doors were opened, allowing them to come in with their dates.

I heard Pansy scoff. "Is that Hermione Granger with Viktor Krum?"

Daphne and I shared a sly smile. We knew our project was likely to be the talk of the ball. Pansy's jealousy was just the cherry on top.

The champions took their spots on the dance floor, as they were to share the first dance of the ball. A waltz started, and so did the dancers. As Viktor and Hermione, then Cedric and Cho twirled by, I smiled thinking my theory that seekers were fantastic dancers was right.

But then Harry Potter passed by and I knew, without a doubt, the skills that it took to find and locate a golden snitch didn't always translate well to the dance floor.

The headmasters and headmistress then joined the dance floor, and other students started filling the floor.

"Aphrodite?" I turned my head to Dimitri. He offered his hand out to me. "Would you like to dance?"

I accepted, but notice that I didn't get the same thrill as when Draco asked.

Author's Note: As a disclaimer, I have added the 'mature' tag to my story. As the years go on in the story and the Second Wizarding War starts, there will be some darker events that might not be friendly to younger audiences. Since one of those events happens in the next few chapters, I wanted to go ahead and add the tag.

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