Place Cachée - 55

700 17 6

The next morning, Narcissa arrived as I was eating breakfast, insisting that we go shopping. I wasn't even out of my flowy chiffon nightgown and matching floor-length robe, which was rare since I was usually dressed before breakfast. However, I was too upset to care that morning. I'd felt the only thing I could control was sulking in my own home, and that was only until my 'betrothed' arrived.

"Darling, please," she begged, following me out of the dining room and stopping at the foot of the stairs as I made my way up. "I know it will lift your spirits. It always does."

"I'm sorry, Narcissa. I'm just not up for it," I said dourly, feeling her gaze on me even as I looked ahead ascending the grand staircase.

"Are you sure?" She asked with a lilt in her voice. "I've booked a private appointment for you in Paris with your favorite french designer."

I paused on the steps, turning only my head to look down at Narcissa. "Chloé Rosier?"

One side of her ruby red lips turned up, knowing that she had convinced me. "The very one."

I took a deep breath in, then let it out in a dramatic huff while lifting my head to the ceiling and rolling my eyes. "Alright, fine. I'll be down in a few minutes."

Once I got ready, Narcissa apparated us to Chloé's studio, an extremely exclusive boutique on the second story of a building in the middle of Place Cachée. Tall windows flooded the boutique in bright summer light.

Narcissa could still tell I wasn't in the best of moods. "I didn't want to say in front of your father or Lucius, but I'm displeased about this arrangement with the Sokolovs as well," she said as we browsed through fabric swatches and dress designs prior to our appointment. She looked over a display of jewel-toned fabrics. "I actively discouraged it, but you know Lucius and your father. Once they make up their mind, especially if they agree..."

I nodded and sighed. "I know," I said while examining a dusty rose chiffon.

She smiled lightly, a dash of mischief twinkling behind her eye despite her otherwise poised composure. "Honestly, this little shopping excursion is as much for me as it is for you. Petty as this might be,  I think if they're going make you go through with this, they might as well pay to get you some new wardrobe staples and accessories. Maybe freshen up your hair..."

My expression matched hers as she proposed the idea. Revenge shopping. We both knew it would have no effect on the two men or their pocketbooks, but it would be therapeutic to us nonetheless. "Well, now that you've put it that way, I should enjoy myself quite a bit on this trip."

During my appointment, we selected several dresses, each classic and sophisticated with small, unique touches. As I tried on each dress, Chloé custom fit each garment to me: raising and lowering hems, taking in or out seems as needed, and casting charms to ensure that each pleat would sit in the most flattering way possible, no matter what.

As we finished up and assistants boxed up the garments to send home, Narcissa looked at me as I stood on the fitting platform as Chloé perfected the cuff on the dress I was wearing. "Aphrodite, before we go, I have one more thing. Chloé?"

 Chloé's smile matched Narcissa's as she asked an assistant to get some packages from her office. The assistant came back with two shoe boxes. Narcissa took one box from the assistant, opened the package, pulled back some tissue, and examined it briefly. She then turned the package around and showed me a pair of classic black suede pumps.

I gasped. "Narcissa, are these...?"

"Yes, dear they are." These were not just any shoes. These shoes had a comfort charm on them that the designer kept secret. Many had tried to replicate it, but none were as effective. You could be on your feet from sunrise one morning to sunrise the next and they still wouldn't hurt. I had coveted Narcissa's for ages. "I got you a nude pair as well," she added, pleased with herself.

Taking the box from her, I looked at them. "But... I thought father said I couldn't have them at least until the summer of my debutante ball."

She crossed her arms, "And I told him that if he's going to make arrangements like you're a grown woman, he shouldn't restrict what shoes you wear. Now, put those on, and let's go to lunch. I have another surprise afterward."

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