Fair Warning - 35

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That night, as the third-year Slytherin girls got ready for bed, Pansy excitedly chattered about Draco.

"His new hairstyle is so attractive." 

"Daphne, did you hear us during study hall today? I think he fancies me." 

"I had him help me open that monster textbook..."

It was draining, but I was trying to keep my expression neutral. Daphne was the one who spoke up, looking at Pansy from her bed. "Pansy, aren't you being a little inconsiderate?"

I looked at Pansy from the corner of my eye as I threw my hair up in a high bun. She looked at Daphne with the slightest hint of guilt. A look which was quickly replaced by one of feigned innocence. "Why? Because of Aphry? She isn't allowed to date Draco."

"Yes," Daphne defended, a hint of concern on her face. "But that doesn't mean it won't upset her seeing him with someone else."

Pansy gave a soft, light laugh. "It would be selfish of her to expect him not to date anyone." She turned to me. "Wouldn't it Aphry?" I looked directly toward her as she challenged me with her eyes, a small fake smile on her face.

It surprised me that Pansy was doing this, but why should it? She was a Slytherin, and twisting the facts of the situation to fit her needs was second nature to her.

Schooling my expression to the same indifference, I responded, "Oh, absolutely," not wanting her to get the satisfaction of getting a rise out of me.

"Draco and I can't help that we're attracted to each other," Pansy continued, frowning a little. "It's a pity Aphrodite and I are such close friends, but I think we're both mature enough that it won't effect our friendship."

I crossed the room to reach my nightstand, grabbing the book that I had started the night previous. "Since you two are having a discussion, I am going downstairs to read." Thank goodness I had used the excuse years previous so it didn't appear I was running from the conversation.

Stepping into the dimly lit common room, I immediately was drawn to a familiar face. He sat on the far corner of the couch closest to the fire, his  arms crossed and a hand under his chin as he stared into the flames pensively.

I walked to the second couch, sitting parallel to him. Staring into the fire, I spoke to him. "So... you and Pansy, huh?"

He furrowed his brow, looking at me for a second. "huh?" The realization came to him before I could elaborate. "Oh, yeah...." He was plainly distracted.

This concerned me. "Draco," I said softly. He turned his head to me yet again. "Is something the matter?"

He thought for a moment. "No," he said unconvincingly. I crossed my arms and raised a brow. Did he really think he could get by that easily with me? "Well, yes, but it won't do any good to say anything. Might as well save the fight."

"Draco Malfoy, not instigating a fight?" I chuckled. "Is it really you, or are you someone else who's taken a polyjuice potion?"

He look genuinely annoyed as he rolled his eyes. Whatever was on his mind truly upset him.

I stood, walking to the other couch and sitting next to him. "Draco. Tell me what's wrong."

Turning slightly away from the fire to face me, he looked into my eyes. "Aphry, please be careful around Potter."

Anger flooded me as I tried to keep my composure. "This is all about you being jealous? Again?"

"That's besides the point Aphrodite." he said. He stood up, running a hand through his hair, pacing slightly and looking down at me. He kept his voice low, knowing that there were others in the common room. "Look Aphry. Please listen to me. With Sirius Black out there..."

"What does Sirius Black have to do with Harry Potter?" I hissed, also trying to keep my voice low.

He looked me in the eye, as if searching for a joke in what I said. "Your father never told you how Sirius Black got into Azkaban?" I shook my head. "Sirius Black was there the night the Potters were killed. Ratted out their hiding place to You-Know-Who."

"No," I said factually, shaking my head. "He went to Azkaban for killing several muggles..."

"That was after the fact," Draco said. "A mutual friend of theirs confronted him, and he used an explosive curse. The muggles were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

I stood, squaring up to him despite his height advantage. "This still doesn't explain why you feel you need to warn me to be careful around Harry..."

He looked into my eyes, desperation in them. His good hand came up to my shoulder, gripping gently. "I don't know how much Potter knows about Black. But if it were me and I knew the man had been directly responsible for the murder of my parents, I'd want revenge. I'd want to find him before the dementors did.

"And why do you think the dementors are surrounding Hogwarts?" he asked rhetorically. "Because Harry Potter is here, and Sirius Black is likely to come seeking him out. They are on a crash course toward each other. I don't want to see you caught in the cross fire." He paused. "Please, Aphrodite. Don't make that boggart a reality."

I chuckled, trying to diffuse the seriousness of the situation. "Draco Malfoy, when have I ever gotten myself into their trouble? Did I sacrifice myself as a pawn on a life size chess set? Or go looking for the chamber of secrets with them?" I lifted my brow, challenging him.

He rolled his eyes, annoyed at my dismissal of him, "Just please, promise me."

A deep sigh escaped me. "I promise. Alright, Draco? Are you happy?"

His shoulders dropped a bit in relief. "A little bit, yeah." he said, a small smirk on his lips.

I shook my head at the situation, relieved at his changed in demeanor. "Well, now I'm exhausted after that discussion. I'm going to bed. I hoped Pansy is done talking about you."

Draco's smirk deepened. "Jealous, Cytheria?"

My smirk matched his, "Absolutely not, Malfoy. There is just only so much I can take of her right now. 'Draco, will you open my book for me. Does it hurt terribly, Draco?' And you just eat it up. I think I could vomit."

He chuckled. "Well, I suppose I should sow my wild oats now. I might not get to later on, depending on when we're expected to get married."

I slapped him lightly in his good arm. "Draco Malfoy, I swear. We are not betrothed."

"Saying that doesn't convince me we're not, Aphrodite," He said, raising a brow.

"Goodnight, Draco." I said, grabbing my book I never got to open and heading back toward the dormitory.

"Goodnight, Aphrodite."

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