Quidditch Weekend - 37

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The week had gone rather slowly in anticipation of the year's first quidditch game. And Friday seemed to go even slower.

Draco and I sat next to each other in defense against the dark arts, waiting for Professor Lupin to make his arrival. Draco was drawing on a piece of parchment as I was getting a head start on our reading assignment.

The door slammed. "Is Professor Lupin doing an impression of Snape?" Draco, who was now folding the paper, gave a low chuckle at my comment, but we were quickly confounded as Professor Snape rushed his way to the front. We looked at each other, eyes widened at the unusual occurrence.

"Turned to page 394," he said in his usual, slow drawl. Harry asked where Professor Lupin was, to which Snape gave a nonanswer.

He took a moment to prepare a projector as we opened our books. Then finally he grew impatient and wave his wand which violently sent everybody's book to the proper place.

"Werewolves?"  Ron Weasley said with a crack in his voice. Hermione began to protest the change of curriculum for the day.

Draco and I looked at each other curiously, feeling that something was going on, but not sure exactly what.

"Now... which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" I saw out of the corner of my eye as Hermione raised her hand. "No one? How disappointing."

I didn't think that his behavior toward Hermione was exactly fair, but I silently hoped he didn't call on me because I was a Slytherin and put me in the middle of this. Hermione spoke up, insisting on answering. "An animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend if he crossed his path. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of his own kind."

Draco erupted with a howl in response, and a faint tingle came from my necklace. I smacked Draco gently on his bandaged arm, and he turned to me, a playful smirk on his face. I couldn't help smiling back. He leaned toward me, shoving me lightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy," Snape said before starting to scold Hermione.

As Snape finished his tirade by taking points from Gryffindor, My necklace tingled ever so faintly again. Draco blew on the paper he had been fooling with, which I realized was folded into a bird. I watch as it flew up and landed in front of Harry.

My ears redirected as I heard professor Snape assign homework. Two whole rolls of parchment. Harry protested, of course, because of the next day's quidditch match. "Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of limb will not excuse you."

I chuckled. "Guess you better take extra, Draco." I noticed he was not paying attention, as he stared in Harry's direction. Harry opened the piece of parchment sent to him. Harry looked at Draco, then back to the parchment, concerned.

"What did you just give him Draco?" I asked, concerned. 

He turned to me with a devious smirk. "You needn't worry yourself with that, love." I rolled my eyes, turning my attention to the lecture.


"Draco!" I heard as I walked out of Defense Against the Dark Arts. I rolled my eyes before Pansy caught up to me. I raised an eyebrow in response as we both continued walking.

She grabbed my good arm, looking around to make sure people saw, before looking straight ahead as she walked. She had to rush a bit to keep up with my pace. "You need to try to convince Professor Lupin to reassign your seat."

I scoffed. "Absolutely not."

Huffing, she lowered her voice. "Draco, people are talking. It looks bad."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have started dating someone who was photographed kissing her in the Prophet  over the summer." We turned down the hall into another corridor.

There was silence, for just a moment. "She can't date you, Draco," she said persistently.

"And you so bravely stepped in." I gave a low chuckle. "Everyone know you want to date me because of my name."

"It's what's expected of us." She defended.

I stopped, turning to face Pansy. Her expression held a mix of anger and determination. "Pansy, Aphrodite's name is just as affluent as mine. I suggest you not make an enemy out of her."

She looked down, not able to argue with me. I walked off, heading to my next class without her.

The weather was awful as we made our way out to the quidditch pitch. Daphne, Pansy, and Aphrodite huddle themselves under one umbrella on the benches in front of Blaize, Theo, and me.

"I'm kind of excited Hufflepuff is playing first," Daphne said.

Aphrodite chuckled. "Yes. Cause you've got easy eyes for their seeker!" All three of the girls laughed and Daphne blushed. "I mean he is attractive. I've heard in better weather, his skin practically glows in the sun."

"Bit old for you isn't he, Aphrodite," I said, trying to hide the bite in my voice. 

Aphry certainly noticed though. She cut her eyes at me and did respond. Daphne was the one to speak up. "Me, Aphry! I think you are the one with the eyes for the seekers!"

"Very funny, Daphne. But not true."

Just then, a dark haired player on a Nimbus 2000 flew by, and I watch as Aphrodite's head followed him as he zoomed past. I clenched my jaw.

This was going to be a long game...

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