The Romance Novel - 156

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Warning: 🍋🌶 (whatever emoji you use, things are about to get spicy)

I longed on the chaise in the Room of Requirement, eyes stuck on the passage that I could not unread. It was then I knew I'd made a mistake. Not one that was drastic or life-threatening, but certainly life-changing.

It was one of Narcissa's books. I'd asked her to borrow some when I was packing up to return from Winter holiday. Of course, she quickly allowed it. I went to the Malfoy library, to the familiar shelf where her novels were kept. All the covers in the library were enchanted to be harmonious shades of leather-bound green, black, and silver, so I'd picked the book solely based on the title and a single-paragraph excerpt in the back.

Narcissa must have kept these books somewhere else in her library if she had more. I wasn't even aware she read them... the romance novels that depicted more than just passionate kisses from the main character and her love interest.

Much, MUCH more.

"Did you get to a good part?" Draco asked as the broken cabinet creaked closed for the millionth time that evening.

I whipped my head up to look at him. "What?" I asked, hoping the dimly lit room concealed my blush.

A light smirk from him put a sense of paranoia into me. Could he have possibly known what I just read? "You always get particularly quiet when you get to an exciting part of a book. It's adorable."

It was kind of cute he noticed, but did he have to mention it now? After reading that?"

"So what happened?" He asked, teasing me lightly. "Did the love interest kill a villain after they threatened the heroine? Or maybe he finally professed his love after being standoff-ish the entire book?" Merlin, he had no idea.

"Something like that," I said, refusing to look him in the eye.

He chuckled, returning his attention back to his cabinet. "Knew it," he said lightly, before reciting the repairing incantation once again.

Did I stop reading after that point? No. Beyond the explicit scenes, the plot was too good. I had to finish.

Did I read around those passages? Also no. 

I was intrigued. Narcissa had only mentioned that it wasn't proper for a lady to discuss in tasteful company, and Hogwarts has zero education on the topic. So my only real discussion of sex to that point was late at night listening to what Pansy and her friends got up to, and lewd comments from some of the boys that I really didn't have the experience to wrap my mind around. And after my incident Dimitri, I didn't mind being behind my peers in the topic.

Now the story was different. I went for a week finishing the book and thinking often about those specific parts of the story. I even reread those chapters, eventually finding myself imagining me and Draco in those... precarious situations.

I assumed Draco was more experienced than me. It made sense. The elite crowd did not put nearly as much pressure on wizards to stay chaste. And after last year, with the rumors of him with those girls and me catching him red-handed... I was sure of it.

My thoughts consumed me. Did he think of me in that way? Would he want to kiss, hold, and touch me like they described in the book? If so, what was preventing him from trying to move forward like other boys did with their girlfriends? Maybe he didn't see me that way? Or was he just being a gentleman?

If only took a few of our snogging sessions to get my hypothesis on the truth. There was a build-up as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing along my lips, down my neck, and along my collarbone. He ran his hands all along my back, never moving to my front or past the curve of my waist. When his hands did wander that way, I felt them tense as he stopped himself. He would then pull away, reminding us he needed to work on the cabinet.

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