The Malfoy Library - 141

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I couldn't sleep.

The Hogwarts Express would be rolling out the next morning. I remembered doing this just before first year. Then it was excitement. Now, it was nerves.

But no one was going to know about that. The night is what usually got to me, by morning I'd have my confidence back.

I got up, not being able to lie in bed wide awake any more. I figured I'd head to the manor's library and try to research potential backup plans should the cabinet or a simple killing curse not be sufficient.

When I got there, however, I got a much nicer distraction from my insomnia.

Aphrodite was curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace, reading. Her curls were piled high on her head, and she wore her standard flowy nightgown with the matching dressing gown draped on the chair next to her. She tilted her book toward the firelight, and half her face was illuminated by the warm flames.

"You'd get better light if you'd just use lumos," I said to announce myself.

She jumped, clutching the book to her chest as she looked at me with wide, surprised eyes. As soon as she recognized it was me, her eyes relaxed and she exhaled deeply. "Draco. You frightened me!"

I smirked, finding the reaction cute. "I'm sorry darling," I said, walking to the couch and sitting next to her. "Couldn't sleep either?"

Aphry turned her head, looking into the fire. "No, I couldn't." I could see the conflict in her eyes as the reflection of the fire danced in them.

My arm wrapped around her, and my thumb rubbed back and forth along the soft skin of her upper arm in an attempt to soothe her. She leaned into me, moulding herself into my side and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Tell me this school year won't be horrid," she said quietly as she stared into our source of light.

"It won't," I said, staring at her. I smirked, turning my head to look at her. "After all, with us finally together, I'm going to spend at least a small portion of my time flaunting my girlfriend through the corridors."

She smiled then, with a short, light laugh that inexplicably managed to release a bit of the anxious tension in my chest. When her laugh faded, she turned to look at me, still with a smile on her face. "Your hair is a mess," she said softly.

Her hands reached up, and her fingers ran through my hair. The tension was even further released, and I closed my eyes, letting out an involuntary sigh. "That feels good," I said.

Another small chuckle left her. "Perhaps I should do it more often, then," she said, amused. Her tone then took a more direct turn. "You look exhausted. Lay down."

I didn't feel the need to argue with her. Reclining on the couch, I put my head in her lap, looking out to the fire. She continued running her fingers through my hair, and I closed my eyes.

"You'd be livid if I did this to you," I commented lightly as I felt myself relax.

She chuckled. "Oh, absolutely!"

"Remember when we were little, and I would try to muss up your hair?" I said, amused. I lifted my voice, mocking when she was younger, "' Draco Malfoy, don't you frizz up my curls!'"

Another light laugh came from her. "And you never listened."

I grinned at the memory. "I loved making you mad."

"Until your mother got cross with you," she said.

"Yeah," I said with a small smile. We slipped into a comfortable silence then. Her fingers still combing through my hair, applying just enough pressure to my head. Relieving all the stress I had pent up in me...

"Draco," Aphry said softly. She sounded far away. "Draco." This time it was clearer.

I opened my eyes, looking at her. "You fell asleep," she said softly, a gentle smile on her lips. Her fingers ran lightly along my cheek. "We should head to bed. That train ride will have us cramped up enough by tomorrow night as it is."

"You're probably right," I said with a groan, forcing myself to my feet. Aphry stood as well. We both slowly made our way to our rooms. 

I stopped with her at her door, giving her a gentle kiss. "Goodnight, Aphrodite," I said before trudging into my room and falling asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.


Author's Note: Short fluff chapter since I didn't have much time this week. We're head back to Hogwarts next chapter. Time for year 6.

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