Break-in at Gryffindor Tower - 36

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It was our first ever Hogsmeade weekend, and we were making our way over to the village, following professor McGonagall. I walked next to Daphne.

"Aphry," George said behind. "When did Malfoy get his new pet?"

I looked ahead of us in the crowd. Pansy hung close to Draco. "They've been together since the beginning of the semester."

"He couldn't manage to keep your interest longer than the summer?" Fred said. "Although I really wouldn't blame you for breaking it off."

"He is quite a nose-wipe, isn't he." George laughed with his brother.

Daphne and I both laughed lightly. "Honestly, we were never really together," I said.

They laughed a little harder. "You must be smarter than we thought, then." They said together before rounding us to mess with some Gryffindors in their year.

"You okay?" Daphne asked. I turned my head and looked at her with a raised brow. She nodded and looked to Draco and Pansy, then back at me, indicating what she was talking about.

"Why is everyone asking me that? Of course, I'm fine!" Every time they were seen together, whoever was with me would ask. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Daphne. It was getting rather annoying.

Pansy's squeaky laugh that she seemed to reserve only for Draco rang through the crowd and pierced my ears. I couldn't help my eye roll at the sound.

"That's why, Aphry," she said.

I groaned. "It doesn't matter. I shouldn't have a say in their relationship. I wouldn't want Draco to have a say in mine if the roles were reversed."

And, in a way, the roles had been reversed with my friendship with Harry. 

Since our conversation, I hadn't really changed the amount of time I spent with Harry. I could tell when Harry was getting into trouble and would excuse myself. It didn't always take a charmed necklace to know.

The Hogsmeade trip went by in a flash. Daphne and I enjoyed butterbeer at the three broomsticks, candy at Honeydukes, and more. That combined with a huge Halloween feast and we were exhausted by the time we made it back to the Slytherin Common Room.

I plopped myself on the couch and flopped my head back onto the arm rest in a manner that Narcissa would call 'most improper,' but at that moment I was too tired to care as I closed my eyes.

My moment of reprieve was not long lived, as a laugh very familiar to me filled my ears from the entrance to the common room, along with a false high-pitched one.

Unable to control my actions, I lifted my head up. Draco and Pansy were arm-in-arm as they walked the steps from the entrance into the common room.

I turned my head to Daphne, who seem to know I needed a distraction, and began asking me questions about the potions homework, but still couldn't help glancing over at them occasionally.

Draco leaned his shoulder against the wall with his back turned to me. Pansy followed his lead, softly grinning and oblivious to us.

My head whipped back to Daphne. Why was this so difficult? Just a few months ago I had no romantic feelings for anyone. Now I had a crush on my best friend who I couldn't even date and had to watch him date someone else on top of processing all these feelings.

A few more moments passed, and I subconsciously turned my head once again. In just enough time to watch Draco lift a single, crooked finger under Pansy's chin. Pansy gushed, blushing madly.

A heated coursed through my boy with what I would later identify as jealousy. "I think I ought to go to bed," I said curtly to Daphne before getting up and heading toward the girls' dormitories.

I had just gotten to the threshold and the reprieve of the girls' common room when I heard the common room door slam open. I spun around, to see Professor Snape come in. The common room fell into a hush as all eyes fell on him.

"Everyone follow me. We are all returning to the Great Hall. No exceptions." He said, he turned around heading toward the exit as we all stared at his back in silence. 

Realizing no one was following him, he turned back around. "Now!" he enunciated. 

All the students in the common room started moving toward the entrance in a crowd, a light roar of students murmuring starting to erupt.

When we got to the great hall, Dumbledore told the entire student body that the teachers needed to search the school and left the great hall with hundreds of sleeping backs on the floor.

"I still don't understand why we are sleeping on the floor," I heard Draco says with a sneer as I approached him and several Slytherins sat around each other. Pansy was glued to his side. "This is ridiculous."

Daphne and I sat down amongst us, having just gotten back from making the rounds. "Well, I have your answers."

Draco raised a brow impatiently. "Well? Go on then."

"Good information takes time, Draco," she said with a sly smile. He rolled his eyes. "Okay, so we spoke with a few Ravenclaws, who spoke with a few Gryffindors..."

"Spit it out, Daphne!" Draco pushed impatiently.

"She's getting to it, Draco!" I snipped. He whipped his head in my direction, and cut his eyes at me.

The group hushed awkwardly as they watched Draco and me.

"So..." Daphne said, breaking the silence. All the heads in the group turned toward her. "Your answer... The Gryffindor common room entrance. The fat lady portrait? The Gryffindors came back from the Halloween feast to find the portrait torn to shreds. The fat lady said that Sirius Black tried to get into the Gryffindor tower. That's why the teachers are searching the castle."

A commotion broke out amongst the group, however, I didn't hear much as my eyes darted to Draco, whose eyes met mine. His expression was serious, I knew he was thinking of the same conversation that we'd had a few weeks ago.

If those rumors were true, which seemed highly likely seeing as we were sleeping in sleeping bags in the great hall, I mentally noted this as a sign to be more vigilant around Harry Potter.

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