Malfoy Manor, Summer '95 - 99

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When I returned home with Mother, I was frankly a bit disappointed not to see the house flooded with Death Eaters. It seemed as big and empty as it was most frequently.

"Do not disturb your father under any circumstance, Draco." Mother said sternly as soon as we set foot in the house and closed the door. "He's very busy."

"Is that because what Harry Potter said is true?" I asked. I felt it safer to ask now that we were at home. "Is he back?"

Mother turned to me and nodded, then spoke very seriously. "But things are being kept very quiet right now, do you understand? Do not speak a word of it to anybody."

I nodded. "Yes."

She looked around. "I suspect your father is meeting with someone. Why don't we go to the private drawing room upstairs?" She said with a light smile. "I suspect you're hungry, and there's quite a bit to catch up on."

We went upstairs to the family drawing room, located in the same wing as my bedroom, but closer to the stairs. When we got there, fresh tea, finger sandwiches, and biscuits were set out and waiting for us.

Mother and I settled down on the couch while I sat on the chair next to it. She then poured the tea quietly as I grabbed a sandwich. "When are Aphrodite and her father anticipated to be over next," I asked before taking a bite.

She froze as she stirred her tea. "They won't be, dear."

I furrowed my brow, as I swallowed. "What?"

She took a deep breath as she finished stirring her tea and picked up her cup and saucer. "William knows the Dark Lord is back. He approached your father about it, and they had one of their frequent disputes. I am sure that he will be back soon. He is, however, adamant that Aphrodite stays at Cytheria Estate for the remainder of the Summer. I don't think he wants her-- exposed-- to all this."

"Is Mr Cytheria working with the Dark Lord as well?" I queried. "He doesn't seem the type." Of course, I knew our defensor connection had something to do with it. I was just curious how much.

A small smile graced her lips. "He doesn't, does he?" Her smile faltered as she thought. "But I cannot be certain if he is or not. I am not permitted to know everything. It's for our protection, of course."

I nodded. "And when might I join?"

She coughed a bit, setting the teacup she'd just had to her lips into its saucer. "Draco, you're still quite young. You shouldn't be thinking of that, especially with the threat of war if knowledge of the Dark Lord's return becomes public."

"I am ready to fight," I said, seriously leaning toward her.

Mother turned to me, her expression cold. "You think you are ready to fight. There is a difference." She set down her tea with a slight clank. "And you must think of how others would be impacted by your involvement. I worry enough about your father's fate and Aphrodite..."

Picking up a biscuit, I said dismissively. "What Aphry doesn't know won't hurt her."

She gave a long sigh, staring at the tea setup. Then looked up at me with a seemingly nonchalant smile. "It doesn't matter anyway, your father and I have already discussed this. You will have no part in these matters while you're still in school."

I grunted, shoving the last of my biscuit in my mouth and slouching back in my seat to cross my arms.

Mother seemed amused by my childish actions, then promptly changed the subject. "On another note, Aphrodite was chosen with hosting the debutante ball next year. We'll be visiting her home over the Summer so I can help with arrangements."

Sitting up again, I took a sip of tea to wash down the biscuit. "Bet she's thrilled by that. She always did love the idea of planning balls and whatnot."

Nodding in agreement as she picked her teacup back up, she said, "She will make a lovely wife someday." She took a sip of the tea. "Thank Merlin things are over with Sokolov. I still have no clue how they came around to him of all people." She sneered at the thought.

I looked at her wondering how much she knew about the arrangement. I couldn't imagine that she was oblivious to the knowledge that his parents had sold out her sister, but I didn't know if she could confirm Snape's accusations that Father was using the arrangement to somehow get vengeance.

But I was not going to ask her. If she didn't know, I didn't want to appear as if I doubted my father's intentions in helping with the arrangement. And if she did know, I might have to come to terms with the fact that Father had knowingly put Aphrodite in a dangerous situation... I felt much more comfortable giving my father the benefit of the doubt at the time.

 A house elf came just before dinner, telling me that my father had summoned me into his office. I entered his study as he was focusing on some papers on his desk.

"Draco," he said in greeting as I approached the desk on the opposite side of him, though he didn't look up from his writing. "Thank you for coming down. I'm sure your mother has brought you up to speed a bit regarding current matters."

I nodded, "As much as she could, yes."

Silently, I was hoping he would tell me more, so I hid my disappointment when he said, "Good. I anticipate that's all you'll need to know." He then finally looked at me. "Now, to the matter, I wish to speak to you about. I wanted to reiterate Mr Cytheria's wishes not to pursue Aphrodite."

My brow creased. "I don't understand. Why he is so adamant about this?" 

"Well to put it frankly, I don't want you pursuing her either." He stood from his desk, moving to look out the tall window that overlooked the tall driveway. "Despite our close ties to the Cytheria family, I assume you deduced that our two families have quite varying ideals." He looked back at me and I nodded. That was easily explained by the defensor connection, but I was not about to let my father know that I had caught onto that.

He walked slowly to me, staring at me intently as if to secure his words into my brain. "Indeed, they have always strayed too close to the wrong side of things. If we affiliate too closely -- for example, romancing them -- our loyalty might come into question." He stopped directly in front of me, and I had to look up slightly at him. "And I will not be losing my place amongst the Dark Lord's rank over a silly schoolboy crush. Do you understand?"

I took a deep breath in and out, looking away from him to the bookshelves lining the wall opposite me before saying, "Yes, sir."

When I looked back at him, his brows were both raised, but he seemed pleased by my response. "Very good. Besides, I am certain there are plenty of other girls at school that can serve as a distraction of sorts. But, should you be tempted to forget, remember that should one of my... colleagues... get wind of a budding romance, Aphrodite might quite possibly be in grave danger. Especially if they suspect you might have slipped something she ought not to know that might compromise us all."

I was certain that he wasn't aware I knew I was a defensor, but I wondered if he was trying to influence some innate instinct. Regardless, that was enough motivation. I nodded again. "Understood, sir."

He nodded. "Very good. You are dismissed," he said with a wave of his hand toward the door." I will see you in a few moments at dinner." Father returned to his desk, and I left, feeling disappointed, but at the same time determined.

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