Fragrant - 56

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After lunch, Narcissa took me to another area of Place Cachée and walked with me to a shop in a clean but secluded back alley.

The bell made a pleasant, twinkling chime as we walked into the small shop. Looking around, I saw a single counter at the back of the shop. Shelves took up every bit of wall space, filled with bottles of every imaginable shape, size, and color.

From the back room, an older wizard appeared, with a white beard and wearing teal robes so deep that they could be mistaken for black in dim lighting. "Narcissa?" He said smiling, but with an element of surprise in his voice. "Back so soon, dear? I thought you just came back last month for a fresh bottle."

Narcissa wrapped her arm behind me and placed her hand gently on the opposite shoulder. She guided me to the counter. "Good Afternoon, Antoine. I am actually not here for me." She looked at me. "Aphrodite, this is Antoine Lavigne. Antoine, this is Aphrodite Cytheria. Persephone's daughter."

The wizard's eyes lit with recognition at the name. "Aphrodite! Oh, I've waited for the day you would come in! Have I lost track of the years, Narcissa, or is this a bit soon?"

"I brought her in a year early. She's just turned fourteen, but I just couldn't wait any longer." Narcissa turned to me. "Aphrodite, Antoine is the wizard who created custom fragrances for Persephone and me. I thought it might be time you got your own."

I gasped slightly as I looked around again, finally realizing where we were. Mother and Narcissa both spoke fondly of the tradition, passed down from their mothers. The summer they were both fifteen, their mothers each took them individually to this exact spot, where they each created a signature fragrance that uniquely defined them. On special occasions (like my birthday party last year), I'd been allowed a dab or two of either Narcissa's perfume or my mother's. It was a tradition I'd always look forward to one day experience.

Narcissa looked at me with a small smile, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "Darling, I know you were supposed to do this with your mother, but I'd hoped that you'd accept me in her stead."

My eyes welled up at the sentiment, and I stepped toward her to place my hands gently on her arms. "Of course, Narcissa. I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else." Narcissa and I embraced for a brief moment, the memory of my mother fresh on our minds.

We then turned back to Antoine, whose eyes had also become glassy. "Lovely woman, your mother. Her illness took her too soon. I'm sure she would be proud of the young woman you've become, Miss Cytheria. Now..." His eye twinkled with the prospect of a new project. "Shall we start? Any scents you like in particular, dear?"

I thought for a second. "Well, I've always loved Narcissa's and mother's fragrances."

He grinned. "You're a fan of my work, I see. We'll start there then." He rounded the counter, buzzing around the room and collecting bottles. Finally, he returned to the counter with several bottles.

Antoine opened three of the bottles. "Your mother's fragrance: patchouli, bergamot, and praline. Now, I'd like you to smell each bottle, separately, and keep in mind what you like best."

I took each bottle, smelling the aromas coming from them. Somehow, each reminded me of my mother in a different way. Rich notes came from the earthy patchouli, enhanced by the spicy bergamot and the sweetness of the praline.

"Now Narcissa's: amber, orange blossom, and vanilla."

Narcissa's combination was highlighted by the amber, which smelled deep, warm, and smooth. The fresh orange blossom and sweet vanilla grounded her fragrance.

Antoine smiled once I finished smelling each. "So, any idea where to start?"

I looked for a second but felt confident in my answer. "My favorites are the amber and patchouli. I certainly want both in mine."

That caused Antoine to grin as he grabbed the two bottles, and placed a drop of each in several small dishes. "Very interesting! Both are bold and complex, in varying ways. Warm, spicy, and sweet. The witches that are captived by more than one of my stronger scent components seem to be quite dynamic. However, I have seen some become quite conflicted... Though I hope you shouldn't have any problem with that."

Antoine used his wand to summon a few more bottles with scents that he felt would enhance the other two. He opened each bottle, putting one drop into one dish, another drop into the second, and so on. When he was done, he pulled out his wand, flourishing it as he caused each dish to enlarge, fill the entire shop for a moment so I could get a good feel for it, then bring it back to the previous size so he could move on to the next.

I was most attracted to the scent profile labeled 'tonka bean' that added a nutty element to the perfume. "A lovely combination." Antoine complimented. "I'll go fill your bottle and package this up."

He turned around to go to the back, but before he disappeared, Narcissa called his name. Antoine turned around to look at her again. "Can you please put a bit of Amortentia in her bottle?" she asked.

He looked quite surprised. "Amortentia? Ms. Narcissa, are you quite sure?"

Her smile dropped a slight bit. "Yes, Antoine. I'm afraid we'll need it."

Antoine's expression turned solemn. He nodded, turning back to the back.

Once he was out of sight, I turned to her worriedly. "Why do I need the most powerful love potion known to wizardkind in my perfume?"

Narcissa leaned into me and spoke softly. "Antoine's customers have had it added to their scents in cases like ours. Given the time we want this arrangement to remain... effective, this will help Dimitri Sokolov feel more attracted to you. At least for the time, we need it."

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