Carriage - 143

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My anxiety soared as the train approached Hogwarts, knowing Harry Potter was still up in the luggage rack. It didn't help when a noticeable grunt of pain was heard as Goyle got his luggage down from the rack. My necklace started tingling just as the train stopped at Hogsmeade Station.

The students poured out of their compartments, and our compartment followed suit. I held out my hand to Draco, silently encouraging him to come with me. "You go on," he said darkly. My heart stopped. I looked at him to see his brow furrowed and a scowl on his face. I pleaded with him silently to come with me. "I just want to check something," he said. Draco nodded his head sharply toward the corridor. This was not up for debate.

With no other option. I left Draco in the compartment, placing myself alone amongst the throng of students. I was determined not to leave, however, so I stopped just one compartment down. I needed to be there if Draco needed help. Damn the students who gave me dirty looks as they passed me in the already tight corridor.

I heard the compartment door shut. Then leaned over a bit and saw the blinds to the compartment close, blocking out any sight into the corridor. The tingles in my necklace increased, as did my nervousness. After a moment, I heard and felt something crash in the compartment. The finally straggling students passing by laughed, assuming it was a couple of students fooling around that hadn't realized we'd arrived yet.

A couple agonizing minutes that felt much longer passed, and the last of the students in the corridor got off. It was only the three of us now.

Draco opened the door, carrying his trunk. He halted as he saw me, and his brow furrowed even further and jaw set. He walked past me wordlessly, and I followed him. He offered his hand as he stepped of the train which I took. 

As we began our walk to the carraiges, he grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him. "You should have already gone," he said angrily under his breath where only I could hear him.

"And leave you while you do Merlin knows what?" I whispered back as we walked toward the carriages. "Absolutely not. And I'm sure whatever you did was foolish. You're going to be expelled before our first class."

"That's the second time you've used that word, and I don't very much like it." he said, rushing us by several Hufflepuffs walking far too slow for his liking. "And frankly I think you need to keep out of my current 'extra-curriculars' while we're at school. Don't want anyone to think you might be an accessory. I believe you're too pretty to be thrown into Azkaban, should the worst happen."

My faced flushed at the comment, but it didn't distract me from the argument. "I appreciate the complement, but I'm afraid it's around sixteen years too late to be kept out of said extra-curriculars."

He chuckled humourlessly. "Real witty, darling," he said sarcastically as we approached the carraiges.

"Aphry, Draco!" Looking a few carraiges down, Daphne had her head popped out of one as she waved us down. "We have space in our carraige!" I loved how good friends made finding carraiges so easy.

When we approached the carraige, Draco held the door open for me. "Ladies first, darling," he said, his previously threatening voice now ridiculously charming. I took the step into the carraige, and he mumbled under his breath in his dangerously low voice. "Don't think this conversation is over, dear."

I paused, but only for a fraction of a section. Pansy, Daphne, and the other sixth year girls didn't even notice. I sat next to Daphne.

"Ah, hello ladies," Draco said as he entered the carraige, once again putting on his charms. He sat next to me and placed an arm around my shoulder. "Did you all have enjoyable summers?" Several of the girls giggled, and without thinking, I wedged myself closer to Draco. A faint chuckle came out of him.

The carraige, then jolted, taking us on to the castle.

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