Before the Ball - 120

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Shortly after the revelation was made to me, Narcissa found an excuse for Bellatrix to leave the room and tried to speak to me privately. I refused, angered and hurt that what was supposed to be an exciting event had turned into a nightmare.

Over the next few days, preparations were finalized, and Cytheria Estate transformed into a beautiful party space, with decorations inspired by the multitude of colours in my mother's garden. I thought of being rebellious to try and sabotage the evening, but I knew that would not be the wisest. If my duty and allegiance was to Draco, I couldn't make an enemy of myself to this crowd. 

Before I knew it, I was standing over my balcony, dressed for the evening. My curls were carefully corralled behind my head, with a diamond tiara and matching jewelry from a complete parure of my mother's. I watched, leaning over the shadowed balcony as people entered the garden and mingled. The debutantes opted for lighter colours, but the other guests all seemed to wear dark evening attire. The sea of darkness contrasted harshly and clashed with my mother's never fading blooms. I couldn't help but feel I was tarnishing her memory.

A door opening behind me broke the silence on the balcony, and I turned to see Draco emerging from his bedroom. He walked out to me quietly, his hands in the pockets of his black tuxedo and his expression just as dour as the day we found his father was imprisoned. From what I could tell in the moonlight, he looked incredibly handsome. But my mind was not on the girlish infatuation I had for my childhood friend.

He leaned against the rails of the balcony, taking a glance over the gardens at the guests. After a moment of silence, he asked, "What's wrong? I thought you'd have been chattering with uncontained excitement right about now."

I gave a heavy sigh, "Well, where do I start? The lowest attendance in at least a decade? The fact that everyone is either a Death Eater or in support of them for some reason? Not to mention that by hosting the ball I've unintentionally committed to lead my generation of witches to marry pure and bear pureblood children? Your aunt never fails to mentions it every time i see her."

His expression darkened a touch further, which I was surprised was possible. "I'm sorry," he said. He took a glance back to the crowd and back to me. "If it's any consolation, I'm glad you're here... with me. I don't think I could bear it if we got separated, not knowing if you were okay if things got worse."

I responded to the sentiment with a small, sad smile and found myself wishing I could tell him I was doing all this for him. Telling him everything. But I had been firmly told our parents that it was not my place to tell him. I had been trapped in their ever present web of secrets.

He sighed, looking at his watch. "We should probably head on downstairs." He gave me his right arm, which I took, then looked down at me. "You need a moment alone at any point tonight, let me know?" I nodded, and he let us out of the balcony and through his bedroom.

His bedroom was decorated much like how it was at his own home, a range of dark grays, Black, and emerald greens. We passed by the foot of his canopy bed, a deep mahogany antique piece draped with emerald velvet, and were walking straight toward a matching full length mirror.

We both stalled, looking at our reflections. They were picture perfect, save for the matching sullen looks. I sighed, "Narcissa is not going to be happy if we go out there with these sour looks."

His sigh echoed mine. Then he put on a charismatic smirk. I followed suit by forcing a lovely smile that looked quite similar. They looked more like masks plastered onto our faces, but it would have to do. Draco then led me out of the bedroom and to the party.

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