Holiday Plans - 152

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"I've really got to get back to the cabinet..." Draco said, his warm breath dancing on my lips as he pulled away from me. Our labored breaths were in sync as we recovered from the intense snogging session he'd just ended on the chaise.

Uncontrollably, a whine left me as I gave a self-pitying pout, despite knowing full well he indeed needed to return to his task. Draco chuckled, "Can't get enough of me, can you, love?" He teased. I cut my eyes at him as he stood, knowing exactly how petty I was behaving. He sighed, the essence of an amused smirk still lingering on his face, and he leaned down, giving me a sweet kiss on the forehead. "I know, darling," he whispered against my forehead. "Hopefully, once this is all over, I'll have loads more time just for you."

"I know," I said, huffing and slumping over in a way that I knew Narcissa would discourage. The abrupt separation from Draco's kisses and the reminder that he was soon to be a murderer left me feeling particularly dejected.

Draco was doing worse than me, though he tried to hide it behind shows of Malfoy bravado. But I could see beyond that. His eyes held a certain dullness to them and were dark underneath, evidence of exhaustion.  He wasn't getting much sleep, and I suspected he might have been finding ways to sneak out of the common room to work on the cabinet. He would frequently be missed at meals, and even sometimes classes.

While Draco got to work, I got to my studies. Draco was not allowing me to help with the cabinet whatsoever, encouraging me to keep up with my studies. Another attempt to keep my fingerprints off the crime. We'd fought off and on for months on what type of role I was playing in this.

It was now feeding into December, and there were only a few more weeks until winter break started. While others were excitedly making their holiday plans, it was only a reminder that we were nearly halfway through the year. And the cabinet wasn't anywhere near fixed. It was on the mend, as he was able to get things to disappear from the cabinet. It was the inconsistent, incomplete reappearance that was the issue.

That was what occupied my mind rather than my textbook as the reparing incantation was repeated over and over. The thoughts had me wondering what we were going to do during break. Would we stay at school so Draco had more time to work on the cabinet? Would that look suspicious from the two students that usually left for holiday?

I determined that I would follow Draco in whatever he was doing, so I broke the silence and asked him what our holiday plans were.

Draco stilled, making me nervous as he remained silence and faced the cabinet far longer than I preferred. Finally he took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly. "We're returning home. Mother asked us to visit."

I smiled lightly. Yes, Malfoy Manor was now the epicenter of all Death Eater business, and that was not something to which I looked forward. But I missed father and Narcissa. Perhaps seeing them would give us both a bit of morale.

Turning, Draco looked at me. He looked worried. "I had to sort of read between the lines with what she was saying, but I think he wants an audience with me. I don't know where he wants and update or..."

The air between us turned solemn. "Or if he's lost his patience?" I finished for him quietly. Draco continued to away from me, face contorted and emphasizing his stress. He gave a small, sharp nod.

My stomach twisted in knots, fear of the unknown making it hard to breath.

Draco quietly returned to his cabinet, while my own mind swirled around the incredibly vague, ominous feeling news.

After a moment, my stomach constricted to a point of discomfort, and my mind reached for anything that would be a good distraction. I finally thought of something that made me chuckle just a touch. "Slughorn is having a Christmas party," I said. I'd been going to his odd dinner parties. At first, I tried to politely bow out, considering Draco's obvious disappointment not being invited at the beginning of the year. However, he insisted, again citing that attending the dinners would continue to give the appearance that I was just another pupil and not an accessory to the assassination of the headmaster.

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