Second Scolding - 52

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The door opened, and Draco entered. "A prefect, Pucey, said that you asked for me, Professor?" He said looking at Professor Snape. He then turned, his eyes landing on me. I was still a mess from the night's events. My hair and skin were dirty,  and my clothes were mostly caked in mud with small rips in a few places. His eyes widened, and he quickly rushed to me. His hands went to my arms, worry apparent in his eyes as he took in my poor appearance. "Aphrodite, what on earth happened? Where have you been?"

"Thank you for visiting my office at this early hour, Mr. Malfoy," Snape said. Draco turned his head to professor Snape. "Miss Cytheria decided to go on a little adventure with Harry Potter, running into Sirius Black in the process." I glared at Snape as he decided it was his place to tell Draco my business.

"WHAT?" Draco turned to me again, the worry in his eyes replaced with fury. "So that's what happened after we ran into Potter's crowd, you went off with them? You could have died, Aphrodite!"

Snape had rounded his desk as he approached us. "You might want want to save your breath, Mr. Malfoy. I have already scolded Miss Cytheria on the severity of her choices. She should be thankful that she only ended up with a quickly mended sprained ankle." Snape looked at me, matching the glare I gave him.

"Mr. Malfoy, if you would do me a favor. Please escort Miss Cytheria back into the common room and do not let her out of your sight unless she is in the common room or girls' dorms. I don't want to see either of you separated until you return to your families at King Cross Station."

"What?" I exclaimed. "That's nearly a month! This is ridiculous! I don't need a babysitter!"

Snape leaned over me, ensuring that I would look him in the eye. "Perhaps, Miss Cytheria, if you had taken better care of your own safety, I wouldn't have to assign someone else to do so." He straightened again. "You're both dismissed."

I stood for a second, glaring at him for such an unreasonable punishment. Have I not gone through enough tonight? I wondered to myself.

Realizing that there was nothing more I could do, I walked to the door and left, Draco close behind me.

"I can't believe you, Aphrodite," Draco said, once we were several yards from the office. "What were you thinking?"

My arms were still crossed defiantly as I rolled my eyes. "I didn't have time to think, Draco."

"Then what happened?" he asked, disbelief apparent in his tone.

I huffed. "I'm not going to explain this to someone else who refuses to listen to me."

He grabbed my upper arm, forcing me to stop in the middle of the dungeon corridor and look at him.

My anger and bitterness dissipated as I looked at him. His eyes were flooded with tears that threatened to spill. The last time I'd recalled him crying was when he was probably five or six. Draco Malfoy didn't cry. "I can't bear the thought of something happening to you. Aphrodite, you're my best friend. I... I..." He paused, considering his next words. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

I took a step closer, placing my palm on his cheek. He closed his eyes, a single tear falling and hitting my thumb on the way down. I wiped it away as tears brimmed in my own eyes, moved by this expression of care for me. "I'm sorry, Draco," I said softly, "Just... please trust me when I tell you if I had any chance of getting out of that situation before it was too late, I would have."

He sniffled once, nodding. Then he took a step forward, wrapping his arms around me in a hug, which I returned. "I guess I should just be glad that you're safe now." He whispered next to my ear.

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