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I knew I had to get up despite the debilitating headache. I had to get to Draco.

My heart racing in sync with the pulse coming from my head, I brought up one foot and slowly stood. As I got to my feet, I became dizzy,  and my vision swirled. I took a couple of steps over to the wall of the corridor, reaching out to brace myself against it as the pain threatened to pull me unconscious. But I knew I had to fight. I was no good to Draco passed out.

When the worst of the dizziness passed, I gently pushed myself off the wall and headed toward the boy's bathroom that I saw Snape disappear into.

I should have been better prepared for the scene that I was heading into as I entered the bathroom. But with my brain trying to burst out of my skull, my only focus was actually getting there. My heart wrenched as I saw Draco. Small, pained cries left him, crashing with Moaning Myrtle's wails from a nearby stall as he lay on the bathroom floor with gashes all over his body. A pool of his own blood collected around him, mixing with the water that shallowly flooded the room. The iron smell of it hit me like a rogue bludger.

Nausea overwhelmed me at the scent, and I rushed to a toilet before I could process anything further. I held my own hair behind my head and wretched the contents of my stomach into the bowl. I didn't even kneel. If I ended up on my knees again, I worried I might not get back up.

With nothing left in my stomach to evacuate, I left the toilet stall to return to the gruesome scene. That's when I realized that Harry Potter was in the room as well. He was kneeling on the ground near Draco, eyes widened like a petrified animal.

My mind quickly put the pieces together, and anger surged through me. I imagined Draco being cornered alone in there, Potter accusing him like he'd been doing all year. "Did you do this to him?" I spat accusingly at Harry as I glared at him. He looked toward me, eyes widening further and laced with guilt. I looked back at Draco as Snape worked on a countercurse. Of all the spells I was aware of, I had no idea what type of spell might cause this harm.  "What did you even do?" I cried.

I pulled my wand from my pocket and gripped it in my hand as an uncontrollable fury consumed me. I was just telling Snape how easy killing Dumbledore would be. Six syllables, I'd said so nonchalantly about the killing curse. I realized at that moment that I could easily cast the curse with meaning for anyone who meant to seriously harm Draco...

"Aphrodite," Snape said after finishing the countercurse for the second time. At least he knew enough of what had happened to Draco to help. He held a warning in his tone. "Do not do anything you might regret."

I turned my gaze sharply to look at him as he began to start the countercurse again without hesitation. The warning was enough to de-escalate me. Looking at Draco, a significant amount of the gashes on his body were healed, and he was on his way to looking like nothing ever happened to him. My migraine persisted, but he was going to survive this. My focus completely went to him.

After finishing the countercurse for the third time, Draco's wounds were sealed shut. But the scars of evidence there remained. Snape helped Draco to a sitting position, and I rushed to Draco's side to help. "You need the hospital wing," Snape said. "There may be a certain amount of scarring, but if you take dittany immediately, we might avoid even that... come..."

Draco seemed so out of it, I didn't even know if he had registered what the professor had said. Nevertheless, he let us guide him out. Snape told Potter to wait for him as we left the bathroom.

The walk to the hospital wing was quiet, guaranteed we got some odd looks from the handful of students we passed, but many were taking late dinners or elsewhere in the castle.

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