Yule Ball, Part 2 - 84

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"Aren't we going to dance, Draco?" Pansy whined while we sat at an otherwise vacant table.

I held back a groan. Not moving from my relaxed spot in my chair, arms across my chest. "We've danced plenty, Pansy. I'm still not done taking a break." Truth be told, something else had caught my eye completely.

She huffed, crossing her arms. "Fine, I'll find somebody else to dance with."

The threat fell flat as I looked at her with a bored expression. "Fine by me."

Scoffing in offended shock, she walked off.

Thank god, now I might not have any more interruptions. I turned my attention back to the opposite edge of the dancefloor.

Aphrodite was standing in front of Potter and Weasley. They sat slouched back against their chairs, arms crossed like petulant children. Her brow was knit in fury as she spoke to them. She had somehow gotten hold of a fan at some point through the night, and right now she had it closed and was waving it frantically. Occasionally, she'd point it in one of their directions.

She'd had plenty of examples of how to properly scold that was for sure. I could think of several times either my mother or hers had scolded me in their formal gowns for whatever funny business I had thought up. And a few more times I had pulled Aphry into my shenanigans. 

And she'd had plenty of practice herself. The thought passed through my mind that If she could scold a boy her own age as boldly as she currently was, she was going to be a formidable mother when the time came. Loving, no doubt, but formidable nonetheless.

"I think I've finally figured it out."

Turning my head to see who had disturbed my entertainment, I saw Dimitri standing behind me. He was watching the scene with the same amused expression I likely had on my face. Uninvited, he sat down next to me.

"Figured what out?" I scowled. Was it just me, or was something off about his tone?

"Why William Cytheria and Lucius Malfoy would want to arrange for William's only child to be married to a Sokolov." His smirk looked devious.

I chuckled. Odd, it was something I had been wondering, too. "And why do you think that is?" I figured I'd entertain his thoughts for a moment.

"It's obvious, isn't it? She's in love with the mudbloods. Did you not wonder how that Hermione Granger ended up on the arm of a world-famous quidditch player tonight?"

That was something I had been curious about. "Makes sense. But seeing as that started after your arrangement, I fail to see the point."

He gave a low, dangerous chuckle. "Don't you see? It would only be a matter of time before the blood traitor landed in the arms of some mudblood originally slated for... oh what is that muggle school...Eat-on?... before being surprised by his letter at Hogwarts." There was mockery evident in his voice.

My jaw clenched at the insult. I continued staring at Aphrodite, enjoying the scolding Potter and Weasley were getting much less.

"And any respectable family not needing the boost my family does wouldn't want her. Who wants their son's wife destroying the minds of their grandchildren with such blasphemous ideas?"

My teeth ground in my skull, and my hands clenched into my fist. My nails dug into my palms painfully.

"If I didn't agree to marry her, I suspect you would've been the only other one to take her. Honestly, I'm doing you and your father a favour, Malfoy."

It took everything I had not to break his face right there. But I suspected causing a scene at such a function would anger my father. "I would advise shutting your mouth right about now," I said, "Before I shut it for you."

The amusement left his face, leaving only a sinister glare. "You're in love with her, aren't you?" He accused.

I scoffed. "Please. I don't have to be in love with her to defend her honour. She's been my friend since birth, and she deserves a hell of a lot more respect than you are currently giving her."

He gave a threatening growl. "The agreements have been made, and contracts have been signed, Malfoy. And for all intents and purposes, I own her. And it would do you well to remember that." 

With that, he turned, stalking away around the perimeter of the ballroom, and he approached her with a pleasant smile.


"You two should be ashamed of yourselves," I said, as I approached Ron and Harry, both of whom looked particularly ill-tempered with their arms crossed and slumped back as they stared into the crowds. "Watching other girls without even an attempt at discretion while your dates have to find other boys to dance with."

Hermione had come to me after their argument about Viktor, and word enough had gotten around about the Patil twins. I excused myself from Dimitri to give them a piece of my mind.

Ron looked up from me with a glare. "Oh, Not you, too," he groaned, rolling his eyes.

I gasped, pointing the fan at him that I had procured from an incredibly sweet and clever Beauxbatons girl, who offered one from her extension charmed clutch when I'd gotten warm from dancing earlier. "Ronald Weasley, none of those girls deserved the horrible way they've been treated tonight. It's entirely ungentlemanly!"

Sarcasm etched his expression. "Oh, I'm sorry your majesty. Guess my family couldn't afford the galleons for gentleman lessons."

I can't tell if he's mocking my wealth or trying to guilt me. "It doesn't cost a single knut to be considerate of another's feelings, and I believe you know that. You know, for being two brave, courageous, Gryffindors, you sure are lacking in the chivalry department right now."

"Don't pretend you did have something to do with this, Aphry," he glared up at me. "We know you're a traitorous fan of Krum, too."

"How dare you!" I said. A beat passed, maybe two as I got my bearings. "I made sure that Hermione was available before trying to set her up with Viktor. I gave you that respect!"

I was seething. "It's not my fault that in a mere six months, you went from," I clasped my hands together against my chest dramatically. "'I'm afraid Madam Pomfrey's going to have to cut off my leg'" I returned to my original composure, again pointing my fan furiously at Ron. "for her attention, to completely forgetting she a girl?"

Ron was speechless. I don't think he believed I would call out his behaviour like that.

Turning to Harry, I pointed my fan at him. His eyes widened in fear. "And don't you have anything to say for your behaviour tonight?"

He looked wide-eyed between Ron and me. "Honestly, Ron wasn't having any luck so I didn't think I could say anything to improve the situation."

I groaned in frustration. "You could have asked Cho out earlier, but you waited, too! I've seen the way you look at each other when you think the other isn't looking."

"She has?" he said, hope in his eyes.

Looking up at the enchanted ceilings, I gave an exasperated sigh. "Yeah, Harry." I pointed my fan at him, "But if she decides she's going to keep seeing Cedric after this ball, you need to stay back out of respect for both of them. That's the honourable thing to do."

"Aphrodite..." a voice behind me said, interrupting me.

I spun around to see Dimitri, who was smiling pleasantly.

"Would you like to return to the dance floor?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded taking his arm. This conversation was futile anyway.


Author's note: The Yule Ball isn't over yet! The next chapter is intense, but it was a very interesting scene to write. I hope I did a good job writing it. Keep an eye out!

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