The Plan - 54

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"You did what?" I shouted, standing from my seat. I could imagine my expression at that moment: eyes wide like a doe, caught off guard by another presence near her in the woods. My chest became heavy, filled with anxiety, and I began panicking.

"Aphrodite, it's alright," my father said, imploring me to calm down as he watched me walk behind the couch and begin pacing. "We have a plan."

I looked at him harshly, a sense of betrayal and anger rising in me. "A plan? What kind of plan do you think this is? This is a permanent agreement, father!" I said. "And more so, you said you'd never do this to me. Mother and you both promised me!" Tears sprang to my eyes as I spiraled. I pointed accusingly at him. "Mother would have never let you do this. Is this just one more thing about my life that changed with her death? I watch after Draco the best I can because of this vow... this curse... that was made for me! And I follow the rules and restrictions of the high wizard society so we don't lose the family's respect and good standing, mainly amongst your peers! But I thought despite that I had some autonomy over my life! And you..." The tears began falling, hot and bitter. "You spring this on me!" I stopped in the middle of my pacing and placed my head in my hands, sobbing.

The room was quiet for a long moment before father spoke. "Aphrodite..." He said softly, pleading. "I know this doesn't make sense... but trust me. Lucius will be here soon, and he will explain..."

A realization hit me. Lifting my head from my hands, I looked at him with piercing eyes. "This is why you didn't get mad at me when Snape wrote to you about my run-in with Sirius Black, isn't it?"

I was met with more silence.

"Oh dear, I'm afraid I've arrived at a bad time."

My head whipped over to the entrance of the drawing room, meeting the gray eyes of Lucius Malfoy. The corner of his mouth is quirked as if amused by my distress.

"I've... just finished telling her about the arrangement." my father responded solemnly.

Malfoy turned to my father, "Good, William. You've broken the news to her, now we can discuss some of the details. Hopefully without hysterics." He walked over to the chair next to my father's and sat. Resting his hands on his walking stick, he looked at me, staring at him behind the couch. I sniffed once, trying desperately to control my crying. "Ugh, tears. Makes me grateful I had a boy. None of that mess."

My father ignored him, "Aphrodite, please sit."

I made way my back to the couch silently, returning to my seat on the couch. Staring at my hands in my lap.

"First off, Aphrodite," my father said, "We have strategized this so it will not be permanent."

Lifting my head and looking at him with my brow furrowed, I asked incredulously, "How?"

Malfoy then spoke up. "This family, the Sokolovs, need this arrangement. Their status within our society has been waning, which gives us the upper hand. Since the two of you are underage, they will understand things being... delayed until you are out of shool. I figured we give this two... three years at the most, then end it over some irreconcilable difference. Considering the Cytheria family is more reputable, we will have all the control in the situation."

My head was swimming. "Is this really the best way to deter Draco? It seems quite drastic."

"I know it does darling," my father said. "But believe me when I say there are reasons for us doing this."

I looked down again at my hands in my lap, internally resigning myself to become accustomed to unanswered questions at this point. I sighed, looking at the paintings behind my father and Malfoy to avoiding their eyes. "So when will I be meeting... what's his name?"

"Dimitri," Malfoy said. "And he will be arriving here with his parents in three days. They have been eager to meet you."

So we were moving quickly with this. I did not feel ready for this, but I nodded.

"And Aphrodite," I looked at Malfoy, whose eyes narrowed at me. "Whatever you do, it is important that you do not give them a reason to end this arrangement. You must be proper and respectable in everything you do. And do not give them any impression that this is a ruse. Attempts to sabotage this could disgrace us all."

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