First Kiss - 25

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Aphrodite turned back to Daphne and Pansy.

I turned to Nott, my eyebrows furrowed. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Theo's eyebrows furrow, matching mine. "What? She looks nice. Gotta strike while the iron's hot you know."

"First, it's completely inappropriate to shout at a lady in this setting. Second, I suggest you lay off."

I received an eyebrow raise and a faint smirk formed. "I see. Sorry, mate. Didn't realize you were a thing."

I looked to her, huddled with Daphne and Pansy. She didn't seem to have caught on to our conversation. "We're not. Yet."

About then my mother grabbed us to present the cakes. Mine had deep emerald trim along the edges of the white buttercream cake, and a detailed replication of the Malfoy family crest was piped on the center tier. Candles sat at the top.

Aphrodite's cake was white as well, although I had the suspicion that it was a cream cheese frosting concealing a red velvet cake. The trim on hers was a light blue the color of her dress, and white and blue roses were added to give the cake a feminine touch. The Cytheria family crest also adorned the middle layer.

We walked behind the covered table, filled with the cake and all sorts of other desserts. Since the cakes were already tall and were sitting on cake stands, two stools had been sat behind the table so that we could reach the top to blow out the candles.

I stopped at Aphry's stool and offered her my hand, as was the gentlemanly thing. She took it with a smile and took her step on the stool. I stood on my stool after.

The candles were magically lit and the lights dimmed subtly. The band then started playing "Happy Birthday to You," and those wishing to join in sang along. At the end of the song, we both blew out our candles. We stepped down from the stools toward the front of the table, as servers began cutting the cake and giving us each the first slices.

I walked with her as we headed away from the table. "Would you like to head outside to get some fresh air?" I asked, knowing our friends had likely gotten in line for some dessert. She smiled, nodding.

We stepped outside, taking the staircase down into the garden. I led us to one of our favorite spots, a secluded nook of hedges with a single stone bench.

We sat next to each other, turned slightly on the bench toward each other, and we each took bites of our cakes. I widened my eyes at my first bite, as the flavors of spice, apples, and caramel filled my senses. "This is delicious!"

She grinned, swallowing her bite. "I'm glad you like it. I suggested it to Narcissa. Spice cake with a caramel apple filling."

"Clever," I said. She certainly knew me. I'd rather have an apple pie over cake any day, but it seemed in bad taste not to have a slice of my own birthday cake. This dessert was a strong competitor though.

She smiled brightly. "Thank you, Draco." She dug a fork into her cake, which was red velvet as I assumed. "I may have to see if I can snag a piece to taste."

It would be considered improper at a formal party, but I offered my plate to her, seeing as nobody else seemed to be around. "I'll trade a bite of mine for a bite of yours."

Taking a cautionary look to the entrance of the niche and seeing nobody was there, she grinned and put her plate in front of me. She lifted her fork, getting a good bite with a little bit of cake, frosting, and the apple filling. 

As I took a bite of hers, I chuckled seeing an entire frosting flower she likely asked the server to put on her plate. Putting the bite in my mouth, I confirmed that the frosting was cream cheese.

We finished up our cake, continuing to sit and talk for a while.

"I'm excited to take divination this year," She said as we talked about our elective classes. "Well, I'm interested in the subject, but I've heard a lot of rumors about Professor Trewlawney's teaching methods. I hoped it's not a difficult class just because of that..." Her voice trailed off as she watched me. "What are you staring at, Draco?"

I smiled lightly as I leaned in and lifted a hand to her cheek. "There's a bit of frosting, just here...." I swiped my thumb along the corner of her mouth, wiping the icing away.

The energy between us changed at that moment. As if on instinct, she leaned toward me, and I leaned towards her. I tilted my head, and our lips touched for a brief, chaste kiss.

She giggled when we pulled apart, smoothing her hair behind her ear. "That was sudden..."

"I don't regret it," I said, quickly and intentionally. "Do you?"

She thought for a moment. "No. I don't think so." 

"Brilliant," I said with a smile. I then lifted my jacket sleeve and looked at my watch. "We should probably be heading back now."

She nodded in agreement, and I stood offering my hand to her. She took it and stood. We then walked back to the party, her hand resting in the crook of my elbow.

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