Shrieking Shack - 39

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Weeks passed, and my anger toward Draco had subsided. Not to mention my father and Narcissa had written me with some words of wisdom about forgiveness and my duty. It was my assumption that Snape had informed the two of our feud.

The next Hogsmeade weekend approached, and Daphne and I decided to stay together while Pansy again went with Draco.

We went to several stores before heading to the three broomsticks for a drink. However, we knew something was amiss as soon as we entered.

Pansy was sitting in a corner, noticeably alone. And she appeared to be crying.

We immediately went to her. "Pansy, are you alright?" Daphne was able to ask first as we sat in the booth.

Pansy was unresponsive as she cried. I looked around, trying to find her date. "Pansy where is Draco?"

She was able to utter through a sob. "He's not here!"

Daphne and I looked at each other. Classic Draco Malfoy. "Where is he?" I asked.

"He... left with...Crabbe and Goyle," she said between cries.

"So he abandoned you?" I asked. She only responded with a nod. I shook my head and crossed my arms. He was going to hear it from me. "Did he happen to say where he was going?"

She sniffled a bit, beginning to calm down. "They said something about the Shrieking Shack."

I stood and looked toward Daphne, "I'm going to go find them. and make Malfoy apologize."

Daphne looked at Pansy, then back at me. "I don't think that is a good idea. But seeing as you called him 'Malfoy,' I am not going to even try and stop you."

I smiled a bit and gave a pat on her shoulder. "Good idea."

Since Daphne and I had visited the Shrieking Shack the previous Hogsmead weekend, I knew the way. And If there was a record of the time it took to get from the Three Broomsticks to the Shrieking Shack in the snow, I had probably beat a record time that day.

My necklace began tingling just as I spotted Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle as they headed down the hill to the barbed fence.

I ran to catch up with them, only to top the hill and see Hermione and Ron. I groaned in frustration at Draco's propensity to get in trouble.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy," Ron said, as I got within earshot. Staking a spot at the top of the hill.

"Ooh, not very friendly," Draco responded. I could only see the back of his head from this angle. "Boys, I think it's time we teach Weasel-bee how to respect his superiors." I rolled my eyes at his arrogance.

Hermione let out a small laugh, stepping in front of Ron. "Hope you don't mean yourself."

"How dare you talk to me? You filthy little mudblood." I would have intervened at that point, but it seemed a snowball came from out of nowhere to do that just after he said it.

All five of them seemed stunned as they looked to the clearing of trees to my left. "Who's there?" Draco called out, eyes widened.

No answer came, but another series of three or four snowballs hit him squarely. Ron and Hermione began laughing, as did I. Goyles's hat was pulled over his eyes and Crabbe lost his pants, revealing his underwear. As he struggled to pull the trousers up, a force from seemingly nowhere shoved him from behind, causing him to faceplant into the snowy ground.

Goyle's scarf levitated into the air as he began to get swung around by it. Draco, looking for the invisible being responsible, tripped over Crabbe. I couldn't keep myself from laughing at this point.

Draco's feet were picked up as he was dragged toward the opening of the shrieking shack. Draco flailed, attempting to get away from whatever had his grip.

Finally, he succeeded, and the three rushed up with hill toward me. Draco caught my eye as he topped the hill. I followed them, laughing along the way.

Once we got what they felt was a safe distance, the three boys stopped, placing their hands on their knees and taking a breath. Draco was the first to straighten. He stalked toward me with fury, as I still was giggling remembering the incident. I backed up but had to stop as I hit the trunk of a tree. I lean against it, still laughing.

"That didn't happen to be your doing, was it?" he said, the irritation prominent in his voice.

I shook my head, stifling my laughter. "No, I wish it was, though! You certainly deserved it! Especially after calling Hermione a mudblood!"

His face distorted in a scowl. "You happened to be the worst girlfriend," he spat.

My temporary mirth sobered as Crabbe and Goyle murmured to each other at the slip. "Malfoy, I am still not your girlfriend. Nor do I believe I'd want to be, seeing as you abandoned yours in the middle of Hogsmeade!" I slapped a hand against his chest. Not with enough force to hurt him, but enough to push him back a bit and make a point. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Narcissa would be furious you treated a lady like that, especially if since it was a Parkinson!"

He chuckled a bit, and his signature smirk suddenly returned to his face. "Well, I'm going to have to break it off with Pansy soon. And I don't think mother would care about Parkinson much if she knew who my new girlfriend would be."

I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't even have entertained him, but I had to ask. "And who will this new girlfriend be?"

 "You, of course," he said. "You'll have permission to date me by the time we get on the train back to school after Christmas break."

I groaned. "How many times do I have to get it through your thick skull, Draco Malfoy? My. Father. Won't. Allow. It." With every word I pushed him on his chest, causing him to back up a step each time.

He chuckled again, grabbing my hands in his. "Oh, but darling. I've been thinking, and I've figured it out," he said. He takes my hand, putting it in the crook of his arm, and giving me flashbacks to our birthday party. He begins walking the trail back to Hogsmeade leisurely as if we hadn't previously been fighting. Crabbe and Goyle followed behind us. "All your father wants is for me to ask permission. I figured I have a talk to him, man to man, and then suddenly.... permission granted."

"I highly doubt that will work," I said as I pulled my arm away from his. His eyes darken slightly at the rejection. "Plus you are missing one very important thing, Malfoy."

"And what's, Cytheria." He said, the irritation lacing his voice once again.

"Even if my father gives you permission, I would have to agree to be your girlfriend." He sets his jaw, looking ahead but not responding as we enter the village again. We walk in silence. Once we near the entrance to the Three Broomsticks, I say sternly, "Apologize to Pansy," before walking ahead of him and into the pub.

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